Insomnia during menopause: what to do, how to overcome

Upon the occurrence of menopause, women may face such a nuisance as insomnia. Lack of sleep can have a negative impact on health and lead to violations of mental status. Therefore insomnia during menopause, especially long, it requires mandatory treatment. Currently, there are many ways to help women cope with both sleep loss, and other problems accompanying menopause.

woman can not sleep


  • Causes of insomnia during menopause
  • The consequences of insomnia and methods of struggle
  • Independent ways to improve sleep
  • Folk remedies for better sleep
  • insomnia medication treatment

Causes of insomnia during menopause

Disturbed sleep during menopause may be caused by different reasons. They should be divided into 2 categories:

  • psychological reasons;
  • hormonal causes.

Hormonal associated with reduced production of female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. estrogen production has a direct impact on the production of melatonin, which is also called the "sleep hormone". It is this substance helps the body to dive into a deep sleep until the morning. Accordingly, the lack of estrogen leads to such symptoms as menopausal disorders of sleep, namely the inability to quickly fall asleep and frequent night awakenings.

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Menopausal women are more irritable, whiny, hypochondriac. They are able to think in great detail the last day before going to bed. This, of course, affects both the speed of falling asleep and the quality of sleep. Moreover, it can lead to sustained stress, which in turn cause climatic depression. Thus, not only the hormonal changes, but also an increase of nervousness during menopause leads to sleep disturbance.

appearance hot flashes in menopause also badly affects the quality of rest and life in general. Tides are manifested increases the upper body and the onset temperature in this zone sweating. They can appear up to 20 times a day, and last from 30 seconds to 10 minutes. Most often there is at night. It is especially important to wear light clothes made of natural fabrics, as this will facilitate the state at such moments.

Also during menopause appears excessive dryness of mucous membranes of the genitals. It causes itching and burning, and increased frequency of urination urgency. At night, the women have to get up to the toilet, even though earlier they never did. Most often this disease occurs as cystitis, which only adds to the overall picture.

No less common symptom during menopause - the emergence of "wandering pains." Manifest as sudden aching pain in the lower back and legs. They may be aggravated by a sedentary job, and removed in the first place, an increase in physical activity.

You may also receive a symptom of "restless legs": heaviness, itching, pain in the lower extremities, most often occurring at night.

The consequences of insomnia and methods of struggle

Insomnia during menopause can lead to several negative consequences, that is better to prevent than to cure:

  1. Increased blood pressure and jumps;
  2. Migraine;
  3. Heartache;
  4. Dizziness;
  5. Decreased concentration;
  6. memory impairment;
  7. Narcolepsy (insomnia at night and daytime sleepiness);
  8. Depression;
  9. Decreased immunity;
  10. The risk of cancer.

The consequences of poor sleep during menopause are impressive, so you need compulsory treatment. First you have to identify the main causes of insomnia. If its manifestation is caused by hormonal changes, you should contact your gynecologist. After putting all the necessary tests, the doctor will prescribe medication, consisting in the hormone levels correct oral contraceptives or phytoestrogens (Remens, Chi-Klim, Klimaksan, Klimadinon).

If the sleep disturbance caused by problems with the nervous system, it can help a psychologist or psychotherapist. In addition to consultation, the doctor will prescribe sedatives during menopause and opiates. The most common causes of both, respectively, and the approach to treatment requires a comprehensive, including also rest. Many women in menopause still work, but it is necessary to use every opportunity to get out of town, take a walk in the woods or go to the sea.

woman works at a laptop at night

Independent ways to improve sleep

Improve sleep during menopause can be and without the help of professionals. For this purpose, there are many techniques that will lead not only to a strong undisturbed sleep, but also improve the quality of life in general.

  1. Good nutrition. Breakfast should consist of complex carbohydrates (whole grains, whole wheat bread, bread) and fruit. If it is very difficult to give up coffee, sweets and other foods containing simple carbohydrates (pastries, white bread), it is in the morning can be a little pampered. For lunch, we should also give preference to complex carbohydrates (whole grains, legumes, pasta, durum, cooked until half) and proteins (meat, poultry, fish, tofu). Should eat for dinner fiber (vegetables) and proteins. Snacks in the morning can contain fruits, the second - bread, dairy products. Dining is worth up to 7 pm, and after 8 to reduce the intake of fluids. It is advisable to drink the required amount of water up to 20 hours, which will help to avoid unnecessary trips to the toilet at night.
  2. Avoid stress. During a strong emotional stress hormone cortisol is released, which reduces the already small amount of estrogen in the body. Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises to help relieve tension. Also, each woman has their own ways to set the mood. For some, it may be shopping, dancing, walking outdoors, for others - a trip to the cinema, restaurant or theater.
  3. Comfortable sleeping conditions. Orthopedic mattresses and pillows will not only help prevent back pain and neck, but also speed up the time to fall asleep. Bed linen and pajamas must be made of natural materials. Before going to sleep you need to ventilate the room for at least 30 minutes. The temperature should be about 19 degrees. Even better, if the hardening allows sleep with half-open window leaf - a constant flow of fresh air is very helpful. Curtains blekaut not let the first rays of the sun to interrupt sleep.
  4. Physical activity. To choose the type and amount of the load should be based on their level of physical development. If you exercise regularly insomnia problem persists, you must move the workout at an earlier time that the nervous system had time to settle down for the night. If a woman is not engaged before exercise, you should start with a simple charging or light jogging in the morning. Then you can add yoga or dance, the main thing - to increase the intensity gradually and under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

These simple and affordable to every woman remedies for insomnia during menopause can work wonders, especially if you use them in conjunction with traditional medical methods of treatment.

Folk remedies for better sleep

Fight insomnia you can use the herbs - individual and complex fees. Treat sleep disturbance can decoctions and infusions of mint, lemon balm, chamomile, thyme, wild rose. Good help the infusion of hop cones (2 tablespoons per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 4 hours), which should be consumed for 2 hours before bedtime.

Help improve the state of sedative herbs such as valerian or motherwort. They can be used as an infusion or added to the bath before bedtime. This bath should be not higher than 38 degrees and not last more than 20 minutes. After it is good to drink a glass of warm milk with the addition of honey. This sweet drink helps to cope with nervous tension and tune in to sleep.

insomnia medication treatment

If insomnia during menopause does not deviate more than 7 days, it is necessary to switch to a more serious treatment.

Most importantly, the drugs were prescribed by a doctor.

In the case of treatment gormonozamescheniem gynecologist prescribed oral contraceptives, or phytoestrogens. When treating neurologist or therapist sedatives or hypnotics can be assigned (tincture motherwort, Percy, New Pass Afobozol, Atarax, Grandaxinum). In special cases, prescribe medicines containing melatonin (melaxen, Melapur, Yukalin) that can be taken before going to bed is not more than a month, strictly observing the prescribe dosage.

To get rid of insomnia during menopause, you need a comprehensive approach that includes a healthy lifestyle, leisure and respect doctor's instructions.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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