Cystitis during menstruation: what is the cause and what to do

Cystitis - an inflammation of the bladder mucosa, accompanied by sharp pain and pain during urination. Often exacerbation of cystitis occurs during menstruation, which is closely linked with the state of reproductive organs and is an occasion to address to the gynecologist as soon as possible.

woman in jeans


  • Why cystitis often worried beautiful half of humanity
    • Brief anatomy of the female urogenital system
    • Factors of cystitis
  • Why it occurs and intensifies during menstruation
  • symptoms
  • Prevention of acute cystitis during menstruation
  • We are treated without medication
  • drug therapy

Why cystitis often worried beautiful half of humanity

Indeed, this disease is much more common in women than men. Besides, the fairer sex a disease often becomes chronic. This is due to the structure of the urogenital organs.

Brief anatomy of the female urogenital system

In women, the urethra is much shorter than that of men. So, pathogenic bacteria, fungi and other pathogenic microflora get through the urethra into the bladder easier and faster.

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Moreover, during menstruation when podmyvanii or rare change pads pathogenic microflora also easy to get into the bladder, which often is the cause of exacerbations it is between menses.

The close proximity of the urethra to the anus also plays a role in that disease often troubled women.

Factors of cystitis

Activators of inflammation of the bladder are usually bacteria, fungi is less (for example, candida), allergens or toxins. Another disease may provoke coli flowing into the anus to the urethra and microflora that causes inflammation of reproductive organs (adnexitis, endometritis, colpitis).

The disease quickly becomes chronic, so you can not put it off therapy, because in the future to cure the disease will be more difficult.


Key factors for cystitis:

  1. The presence of chronic genital infections.
  2. The inflammatory process in the pelvis, which is often caused by cystitis symptoms before menstruation.
  3. Allergic to tampons, incorrect use, or a rare change.
  4. Tight underwear made of synthetic materials, creating a sauna effect that stimulates proliferation of pathogenic organisms.
  5. A rare change of pads during menstrual bleeding.
  6. Improper washing away when the bacteria entered with the anus to the urethra.
  7. Allergy to a means for intimate hygiene.
  8. Low immunity, sub-cooling, frequent colds.
  9. Maintaining sexual intercourse during menstruation, especially without the use of barrier contraceptives.

If a woman has a chronic cystitis, then only one or two of these factors - and the disease arises again and again. In the presence of inflammation in the reproductive system, these diseases need to be treated together, otherwise re-infection is possible. To conduct a survey and assign treatment can gynecologist.

Monthly cystitis can occur with a delay and be accompanied by pain, especially in the presence of chronic endometritis or acute vaginitis or adnexitis.

Why it occurs and intensifies during menstruation

Having a chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder, the woman often notice that it appears at the same time each month with menstruation. This may cause the presence of chronic infections of sex organs, in that case, cystitis menstruation occurs every cycle.

Before menstruation occurs in womb the process of endometrial proliferation. With the onset of menses and the body begins to bleed reject overgrown functional layer. Accordingly, the presence of such diseases, such as endometriosis and pathogenic microflora would be present in secretions. The same occurs with inflammation of the appendages.

woman holding her stomach

Modified microflora of the vagina during menstruation is a breeding ground for the development of pathogenic bacteria, causing them to grow colonies. Reducing the overall immunity during menstruation leads to the fact that the urethra and the shell of the bladder become more sensitive, and in contact with the bacteria there occurs aggravation of cystitis.

The reasons for getting pathogenic microorganisms in the urethra and the development of the disease can be a:

  • a rare change of sanitary napkins (less often than every 4 hours);
  • frequent use of tampons, promotes the growth of bacteria;
  • improper washing away, after which the intestinal microflora gets into the urethra.

If within a few cycles during menstruation acute cystitis, it is an occasion to reflect on what is happening in the reproductive system inflammation, even if it no longer does not manifest itself. In this case it is better as soon as possible address to the gynecologist, so he appointed a complex treatment, as therapy directed only at the inflammation of the bladder, it will be ineffective.


Recognize the presence of mucosal inflammation of the bladder can be by the presence of the following symptoms:

  1. Stinging and burning sensation when urinating.
  2. The presence of itching with urinary excretion.
  3. Dark-colored urine, which may be present in white flakes.
  4. Frequent urge to the bathroom, especially in the evening and at night, the volume of urine is very small.
  5. Pain in the abdomen or in the lumbar region, similar to menstrual.
  6. Weakness, drowsiness.
  7. Temperature rise.
girl with a thermometer

During an exacerbation can not detect all the signs of cystitis simultaneously. But even the presence of one of the symptoms - is an occasion to draw attention to their health.

Cystitis and monthly arising at the same time, talk about inflammation in the reproductive organs. However, there is an inverse law: the pathogenic microflora of the bladder can get into the vagina and cause infection.

If cystitis begins in the middle of a cycle or the week before menstruation, it may be caused by thrush, namely the yeast Candida. Also on the worsening impact venereal diseases. To identify the cause, must be examined by a gynecologist.

Prevention of acute cystitis during menstruation

Know about prevention of cystitis should each woman, particularly in chronic inflammation of the bladder mucosa. Compliance with these guidelines will help to avoid exacerbation of the disease during the month, or in front of them:

  1. Proper washing away, and not just during menstruation. This should be done from front to back, so as not to introduce bacteria from the anus to the urethra and vagina.
  2. Change sanitary pads during menses every 4 hours or more.
  3. Restricting the use of tampons.
  4. Strengthening the immune system.

Another important is to regularly visit a gynecologist to timely detect all diseases and prevent their transition into the chronic stage.

woman at the doctor

Treat cystitis, simultaneously with diseases of the pelvic organs, or illness will occur again and again.

We are treated without medication

Folk remedies for the treatment of cystitis in month will be effective only in combination with drug therapy. they are also good for the prevention and strengthen the body as a whole. Often prescribed during pregnancy.

To combat cystitis using herbs with diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be lingonberry leaves, chamomile, bearberry, St. John's wort, dill. It has proven its herbal Brusniver.

Effective and delicious assistant will be cranberry juice or cranberries. This beverage has antiinflammatory, diuretic and tonic effects simultaneously. Recommended regular use in chronic cystitis.

drug therapy

cystitis therapy usually carried antibacterials. Doctor prescribes antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin or Monural. Last allowed during pregnancy. Together with these pills are assigned Kanefron herbal preparations, Fitozilin possessing antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. If there is severe pain prescribed Nospanum, spazgan or other antispasmodics.

It is not necessary to self-medicate, only a doctor will be able to draw up a plan of therapy. Especially if the anesthetic is combined with other inflammatory processes in the body.

Cystitis brings a lot of discomfort and pain, so it is better not to allow the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Compliance with preventive measures and regular visits to the gynecologist can help prevent this disease.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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