Why not a stomach ache during menstruation and before them

Often women stomach ache before menses. Also, pain occurs during menstruation itself, and many of these feelings are normal considering. But when the discomfort does not occur, it is often a concern. It is to understand what the cause of such changes and whether to worry.

does not hurt


  • Why pain occurs
  • Rules on the appearance of pain
  • The reasons for the lack of abdominal pain during menstruation
  • When you need medical attention

Why pain occurs

During monthly exfoliate and discharged to the outside lining of the uterus. Together with the endometrium goes unfertilized egg. Often, this process is accompanied by pain. Their appearance is due to the following reasons:

  • Smooth uterine muscles contract. In this manner, output from the genitals delaminated endometrium. If a woman has high sensitivity, it clearly feels this process.
  • At the genitals has a bend. The pain arises due to the fact that touches the nerve endings. In addition, marked aching muscles and heaviness in the lumbar region.
  • Hormonal changes. In addition to pain, nausea, intense separation of sweat, chills and frequent palpitations.
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Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the pain before the critical days and during menstruation - this is normal.

However, the body of every woman is different. In some discomfort is very weak, while others are experiencing so much pain that they can not carry out daily activities.

Rules on the appearance of pain

Normally painful manifestations must be of such a character:

  • observed before the arrival of the month and during the first days;
  • not observed throughout the menstrual period;
  • weak intensity of discomfort;
  • they manage to remove with the help of painkillers.

In all other cases, we are talking about pathological changes. Particularly noteworthy situation where excessive pain is observed on the background of increased emissions. Here you need to immediately seek help from a medical facility.


The reasons for the lack of abdominal pain during menstruation

If the girl was sick before the lower abdomen before the critical days, and in anticipation of the next pain there, nothing to worry about. Regular and painless menstruation - is quite normal. However, it is extremely rare.

In a situation where the cycle of violations not observed during menstruation is not a stomach ache, no treatment is required. If there are any doubts about the health, you need to consult a doctor, but in any case not to resort to self-medication.

Explaining that before menstruation has ceased to hurt the stomach, it is often taking oral contraceptives. With the help of them manage to stabilize hormones, not observed as a result of pain.

A positive effect on hormone levels and menstrual cycle have a birth. The woman said that before menstruation stopped hurting abdomen, menstruation itself becomes less painful.

Furthermore, in the process of giving birth defect is corrected such as uterine bending. When the pelvis is increasing, there straightening the body, so the discomfort during the critical days are no longer there.

When you need medical attention

Painless menstruation is not considered to be a cause for concern. This is quite normal and does not need treatment. Still, you should not blithely about their health. If the background of absence of pain you experience the following symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor:

  • allocating scarce steel;
  • a sharp decrease or increase in body weight;
  • severe weakness;
  • nausea;
  • Blood pressure drops;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle (the delay or the arrival ahead of schedule);
  • temperature rise.
medical help

Dangerous is pronounced pain syndrome. Medical care at the same time necessary in such cases:

  • copious: their amount is not reduced for two days;
  • pain persists for three days;
  • painkillers do not have the desired effect;
  • there are accompanying symptoms - diarrhea, headache, nausea and vomiting;
  • isolation acquire an uncharacteristic tone and smell.

The disappearance of the pains that accompany menstruation is normal. Worry is not worth it. On the contrary, these changes suggest that the female reproductive system works fully and no violations observed.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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