Dizzy during menstruation and before them: why there is dizziness, and what to do

Healthy woman rarely manifested premenstrual symptoms, however, as the practice shows, these days can not do without discomfort. Vertigo during menstruation - one of the most common problems encountered on a regular basis during this period. The emergence of this symptom is due to different factors.

woman holding his head


  • classification of vertigo
  • Causes of vertigo associated with menstruation
    • Nausea
    • Increasing pressure
    • PMS
    • Low hemoglobin - anemia
  • We eliminate the cause and thereby get rid of vertigo
    • Folk remedies
    • Medications

classification of vertigo

Vertigo called frequent dizziness, the occurrence of which is related to various factors, such as brain injury, a head injury or dysfunction of the cardiac muscle.

If dizziness during the month there was a sudden need to classify it, before taking curative measures. This symptom provoking disorder of the nervous system, which is:

  1. Central. It occurs as a result of insufficient blood supply to the brain. The organ may not function properly because it feels insufficient for oxygen. This type depends on the NA disorder constriction and dilation of blood vessels.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Peripheral. It is not associated with the monthly cycle. It occurs due to health problems, such as the disruption of the functioning of the vestibular nerve, the presence in the body of the inflammatory process.

Vertigo also classified according to the nature of the occurrence. Often systemic and non-systemic.

If the woman's body on a regular basis the process of fluctuating hormone - vertigo will occur frequently. As for the non-systemic vertigo, it is usually concerned about overworked physically and psychologically exhausted women.

a woman dizzy

Causes of vertigo associated with menstruation

Dizziness before menstruation is triggered by various causes, including the manifestation of symptoms of PMS and hormonal failure. Let's talk about the most common factors causing vertigo.


Dizziness rarely occurs without nausea during menstruation. This unpleasant symptom associated with the release of an egg from the ovary, which is torn. Every time this happens, a woman may feel sick.

If dizziness worries regularly, thus there is a loss of efficiency, should not delay the campaign to the hospital.

To get rid of the feelings arising during menstruation nausea, you need to drink diluted with water Atropine.

Increasing pressure

Horse Racing blood pressure at monthly provoked dizziness and, as a consequence, fainting. Rapid pulse affects the functioning of the heart muscle. Regularly occurring at monthly hypertension (high blood pressure) provokes confusion.

Sometimes such symptoms as high blood pressure, acting on the body cold sweat, and darkening of the eyes, indicate osteochondrosis.

Sudden pressure fluctuations negatively affect the entire menstrual cycle. At regular increase or decrease in blood pressure at monthly possible fainting.

man proposes to girlfriend water


If before menstruation feel sick and dizzy - that's no reason to sound the alarm, because surely come premenstrual syndrome.

PMS is a set of signs that indicate the approach of menstruation. Vertigo - a symptom that manifests itself at this time.

There are 4 forms of PMS:

  1. Neuropsychiatric. There is a malfunction of the nervous system. The woman before menstruation often dramatically change the mood. Within a short period of time it may face with joy, sadness, anger, regret. Sometimes when there is a depression of the ICP.
  2. Edematous. Before menstruation in the body is disturbed water exchange. Swollen limbs, back and face. There is a great thirst. Since the body is delayed fluid, body weight increases. Also, swelling of PMS and menstruation triggers a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Cephalgic. This form of PMS is characterized by the occurrence of discomfort in the heart, palpitations and dizziness. Before menstruation is often a headache, nausea, and increased sensitivity to the unpleasant taste and odor.
  4. Krizovoe. Peculiar to women older than 40 years. Perhaps the appearance of groundless anxiety and panic.

For more information on concept of PMSYou can read a separate article on our site.

woman at the doctor

Low hemoglobin - anemia

When the reduced hemoglobin level, there are weakness and headache in the blood. Anemia often occurs when heavy bleeding during menstruation. It provokes prolonged menstrual discharge.

At deficiency in the body of iron deficiency anemia in the case of possible fainting during menstruation. This is due to the stimulation of red blood cells to form blood loss - blood corpuscles, supplying the internal tissues and organs of oxygen.

Signs of anemia:

  1. Weakness in the body.
  2. Fast fatiguability.
  3. Pale skin.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Hypotension.

If the background of the reduced hemoglobin often feel dizzy after a month, you need to undergo a medical examination.

We eliminate the cause and thereby get rid of vertigo

If menstruation occur fainting, seek medical attention. In this case, the self is a serious threat not only to health but for life.

Folk remedies

When dizzy during the month, you can use the advice of traditional medicine. Need medicinal plants and essential oils.

drug plants

A list of the best folk remedies from the whirling head is shown in the table.

Ingredients A method for preparing drug
Trifolium pratense, vodka (alcohol). Clover flowers dry mixed with vodka or spirit. They need to insist in a dark place for at least 10 days. The tool then is taken daily before meals. A single dose of 30 drops.
Lemon balm, mint Dried or fresh leaves of mint and lemon balm poured boiling water, leave for 1 hour. 1 medicine is taken once a day for 40 drops.
tutsan Hypericum rinsed and filled with hot water, which is desired to boil. Infused for about two hours. Means you need to drink 2 times a day 30 drops.
Parsley Nettle is washed and filled with boiling water. Insist it must be not less than one day. Then the filtered fluid and is connected to the apple juice (preferably cook it at home).
The resulting mixture is consumed before a meal three times a day.
Nettle, apple juice Nettle is washed and filled with boiling water. Insist it must be not less than one day. Then the filtered fluid and is connected to the apple juice (preferably cook it at home).
The resulting mixture is consumed before a meal three times a day.
Valerian root, mint Mint and valerian root (it is necessary to take these ingredients in an equal amount) washed and filled with hot water. Plants put on the fire for 15 minutes. After the container with mint and valerian is removed from the stove, you need to cool the broth. At the last stage, it adds a bit of instant coffee.
Drink this medicine you need each day to 3 times.
Plantain Plantain leaves are crushed and filled with hot water. After cooling, it is added infusion of honey. You need to take the medicine before each meal.
essential oils


Sometimes dizziness before menstruation and during them is associated with serious abnormalities in the body. In such cases, it becomes necessary to admission of hormones or drugs from whirling head. Often to eliminate the vertigo problem, you need to saturate the body with essential vitamins.

To help the patient get rid of the dizziness that occurs during menstruation, the doctor will prescribe a drug belonging to one of these groups:

  1. Antihistamines.
  2. Hormone.
  3. Relieves nausea.

If menstruation dizziness accompanied by nausea, then get rid of it will help to Reglan and Dramina.

According to doctors, to improve the state of health during menstruation should drink mineral water.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 47
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