Why is strongly hurts the lower abdomen during menstruation and what to do

During the critical days, women often experience a lot of discomfort: sore lower abdomen, there is the severity, there are breast tenderness and irritability. Sometimes these symptoms are so pronounced that it becomes impossible to perform the usual cases. The reason why, in the monthly stomach ache, often a reduction of uterine muscles. Such clinical manifestations may indicate the development of gynecological diseases.

girl suffering from abdominal pain


  • The mechanism of the onset of pain
  • Can stomach ache during menstruation is normal
  • In what diseases the pain increases during menstruation
  • We try to relieve the pain without drugs
  • analgesics

The mechanism of the onset of pain

During menstruation performed uterine muscle tissue - thus derived from it of bleeding. This is the most important reason why a stomach ache in the month. In all women, the sensitivity of pain receptors is different and so the feeling that they experience may differ materially.

In addition, the anatomical location of the uterus also affects the appearance of abdominal pain during menstruation. In the event that body back under pressure on the nerve centers, there is a feeling of heaviness and aching.

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In many ways, the uterine activity is dependent on hormonal levels. When estrogen concentration increases, with monthly pain in the abdomen, and discharge themselves become more abundant than usual. menstruation phase is extended.

The emergence of pain is caused by an imbalance between progesterone and prostaglandins. Influence the course of menstruation and other sex hormones. Number of prostaglandins increases significantly, so in the early days of the monthly draws underbelly. In addition, a woman has a swelling, it puchit perhaps even the appearance of vomiting, chills and nausea.

In case of violation of the thyroid gland activity which is responsible for hormone production, can also be menstrual hurt the lower abdomen and lower back. Against this background, often marked weight loss and insomnia.

woman looks at the clock

Most often pulls and twists the stomach during the critical days in adolescents. Often these symptoms are a sign of infertility. In addition, these features are typical when using an intrauterine contraceptive.

As doctors say, in the last decade the number of women who suffer from such unpleasant symptoms in the first day of the month, has doubled. Such dynamics is associated with the wrong catering, intense pace of life and a poor environmental situation.

Meet the fairer sex, who painless menstruation go becomes more difficult with each passing day.

Can stomach ache during menstruation is normal

Lower abdominal pain during menstruation is normal is not too strong. Pulling sensations can occur on the first day and the third at the end of menstruation. Eliminate the unpleasant symptoms is possible with the help of analgesics or antispasmodics.

On how many days a sore abdomen during menstruation, it is possible to learn about the state of health. Normally such clinical manifestations are not accompanied by copious bloody secretions. A woman is able to lead a normal life.

State when the sore underbelly before approaching menstruation, occurs in almost all of the fair sex. This symptom is considered the forerunner of the critical days.

Enhances pain is another feature - the stomach during menstruation is inflated. The main condition of the normal course of menstruation is the lack of clearly defined, a strong discomfort.

woman holding her stomach

In what diseases the pain increases during menstruation

An explanation of why strong stomach ache during menstruation, may be the development of pathology. Pain syndrome is often a symptom of the disease.

The most common causes unpleasant sensations gain for PMS:

  1. Strong stomach ache for endometriosis. Intrauterine shell thus expands far beyond this body. In this regard, also notes an increase in emissions.
  2. Ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids or tumors. With the development of the gynecological pathologies there is a sharp pain, changing the character of discharge: they become thicker and more abundant, often are observed blood clots.
  3. Giperterioz. Menstruation in this disease becomes long, there is a strong pain caused by intensive production of prostaglandins.
  4. Inflammatory disease. Against the background of the development of this disease appear chills, nausea and vomiting. Marked hyperthermia. Women have a very strong stomach ache. When inflammation of the appendages pain can manifest itself only the left or right.

Intensify the unpleasant symptoms of PMS can and in diseases such as uterine fibroids and adenomyosis. Cause such violations can stress, hormonal failure, depression, and ectopic pregnancy.

We try to relieve the pain without drugs

In situations where a stomach ache due to menstruation, what to do, thinks every woman is confronted with the problem. Use medicines at the same time it would be desirable not always.

Reduce soreness manages the following ways:

  1. Relieve tension and eliminate discomfort water treatments. It is recommended to take a warm shower, but only if there are no signs of inflammation.
  2. Teas possess analgesic effect based on the various plants. Positive impact on the well-being of warm drinks from lemon balm, linden and chamomile.
  3. Month manifested pain can be eliminated by means of heating pads.
  4. Quickly remove the spasm lets milky-honey mixture which drinks in the form of heat.
milk with honey


If strong stomach ache during menstruation, some doctors prescribe reception antispasmodic drugs. Their action is based on the withdrawal of blood vessels spasms and muscle fibers. Among the most popular drugs in this group are the following:

  • No-spa. To ease the pain during menstruation, you should drink one tablet three times a day;
  • Drotaverinum. Is an analogue of No-Spa;
  • Papaverine. Severe pain persists in using rectal suppositories.

If pain is expressed excessively hard, then apply the combined medications actions have not only antispasmodic, but also anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties. These medicines include Pentalgin and Spazmalgon.

To arrest the moderate pain, apply a non-steroidal drugs, anti-inflammatory effect. The most commonly used painkiller Ibuprofen. A similar effect can be achieved with such drugs as:

  • Moment;
  • NEXT;
  • Nurofen Express.

Pain syndrome, which is manifested in the critical days, often a sign of a serious disease. We absolutely healthy women only PMS symptoms may be a slight extent. Unbearable feeling that violate normal life - a reason for an immediate visit to the gynecologist. alone is not advisable to try to eliminate them.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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