Pain during menstruation: how to reduce, eliminate, the causes of

Weak pain during menstruation is considered normal. Pronounced discomfort, violation of the rhythm of life, point to serious disturbances in the body. Get rid of them you can only after carrying out a diagnostic. Identify the cause of the discomfort, the doctor can tell you what your pain and how to prevent its re-occurrence.

girl in pajamas


  • When the pain during menstruation are pathology
    • primary dysmenorrhea
    • secondary dysmenorrhea
  • The reasons for painful menstruation
    • The causes of primary dysmenorrhea
    • Causes of secondary dysmenorrhea
  • Why is pain during menstruation
  • The treatment of pain arising from menstrual
    • ibuprofen
    • indomethacin
    • mefenamic acid
    • naproxen
    • ketoprofen
    • Drotaverinum
    • Nospanum
  • Traditional methods of treatment

When the pain during menstruation are pathology

Menstrual pain caused by rejection of the endometrium and uterine muscles. The nerve endings are compressed, and blood vessels are compressed. In this regard, many women argue that month - it hurts. Pain during menstruation, abdominal and in the lumbar region there are many women. As a rule, they are felt on the first day of menstruation and on the eve of their appearance.

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Abnormally if these symptoms are extremely bright and are accompanied by other changes in the body. Such pathological course of the critical days in medicine is called dysmenorrhea. Such violations in most cases require long-term therapy.

primary dysmenorrhea

Pain during menstruation in the case of primary dysmenorrhea not caused by disease. Typically, discomfort during menstruation in girls observed after a year or two after the onset of menarche (first month), When the cycle is set and the process of ovulation occurs regularly. After delivery, they are in most cases becoming less pronounced.

secondary dysmenorrhea

Severe pain during menstruation that occur in the reproductive age, is called secondary dysmenorrhea. Their occurrence provoke pathological changes in the urogenital system and various diseases. In addition to the painful menstruation, often symptoms such as excessive sweating, arrhythmia and dizziness.

man calms a Woman

The reasons for painful menstruation

The causes of dysmenorrhoea depends on its species. To identify the factors that provoked problematic during menstruation, this time we must take into account mandatory.

The causes of primary dysmenorrhea

It causes severe pain in the critical days, appearing in teenagers and women under the age of 30 years, rooted in hormonal changes, namely an increase in the blood concentration of prostaglandin. Provoke menstrual pain is also capable of a lot of stress.

Causes of secondary dysmenorrhea

Secondary dysmenorrhea is a sign of diseases of the genitourinary system, and inflammation. Its occurrence is often caused fibromatous nodes, neuritis, endometriosis, fibroids and polyps. Cause such violations can the consequences of surgery.

Acute, unbearable pain during the critical days is triggered by intrauterine device. In this case, there are copious.

Factors causing menstrual pain are:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • increased threshold;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • unstable nervous system;
  • abortifacient effects of activities and delivery;
  • heredity;
  • lack of calcium and magnesium;
  • bad organization of diet.

Why is pain during menstruation

The main cause of dysmenorrhea is to increase the level of prostaglandin. Hormonal imbalance provokes intense uterine contractions and vasoconstriction. At the same time there is a feeling that the pain is contractions during menstruation.

hands on stomach

Another common cause of such changes is considered to be endometriosis. With the development of this pathology of endometrial cells begin to grow into the tissue of the peritoneum and ovaries. Rejection layer leads to swelling of the affected organs. Due to this and the spasms, cramping.

During adolescence, the body is not yet fully formed by the time of menarche. Not fully ripened uterus is unable to provide free access of bleeding. This in turn leads to the fact that the monthly stomach ache, and lower back. It contributes to the emergence of unpleasant symptoms intensive production of prostaglandins.

Talking about why menstruation sore lower back, Should take into account the excessive stress and swelling, which appear under the influence of menstrual pain in this area. Feather and chine bones begin to dig into the swollen muscles of the back and damage them. Nerve impulses are distributed, as a result of discomfort appear all over the body.

The treatment of pain arising from menstrual

If a woman has had severe pain during menstruation, what to do, to tell the gynecologist. She needs to see a doctor, and together with them to determine the causes of dysmenorrhea. In each case is assigned to proper treatment.

There are many painkillersCapable of shooting pain, but taking these medications without consultation with a doctor is not recommended. Only a specialist knows exactly how to get rid of menstrual pain and prevent damage to health.

In some cases, taking medication is not enough and you need surgery. The use of drugs while only mute briefly unpleasant symptoms, but does not resolve the problem.

tablets in the hands of

Relieve pain during menstruation can help such drugs:

  1. Ibuprofen.
  2. Indomethacin.
  3. Mefenamic acid.
  4. Naproxen.
  5. Ketoprofen.
  6. Drotaverinum.
  7. No-spa.


Get rid of the pain during menstruation, you can use ibuprofen. It helps to reduce the pressure in the uterine cavity and to reduce the amplitude of contractions genitals. To take away the pain, the medication should be taken after food up to four times a day. Among contraindications to its use isolated hepatic and renal failure, asthma, hemophilia, and bowel and stomach ulcers. This drug is considered one of the safest among the drugs of similar action.



The principle of drug action based on inhibition of the formation of substances that provoke excitation of nerve endings. For this reason, Indomethacin is an effective pain caused by menstruation. The medicine is used in the form of suppositories and absorbed quickly. Due to this severe pain stoped after just quarter of an hour. The maximum dose per day is two suppository.


mefenamic acid

With this drug can be reduced symptoms of dysmenorrhea. The principle of the preparation process is based on blocking production of prostaglandins. In addition, it is recommended to use no-silos or Ibuprofen.

mefenamic acid


Loosen very severe pain, you can use naproxen. The drug has analgesic effect. The dosage per day is two tablets.



With strong menstrual pain during the critical days often administered ketoprofen in the form of capsules or tablets. The drug inhibits the production of prostaglandins and thereby reduces the amplitude of uterine contractions. In order to stop the discomfort, the medication take up to four times during the day.



The drug can relieve pain during menstruation. Drotaverinum relieves spasms in the muscles of the pelvic organs, intestines and urinary tract. Its action is directed to the internal supply of oxygen to tissues, reduction of pain threshold and the stimulation fluid discharge.



Reduce the pain during menstruation helps Nospanum. For this purpose it is necessary to take 1-2 tablets three times a day. Medication helps to relax the uterine muscles and eliminate discomfort. To achieve this drug are advised to take better effect in combination with indomethacin, inhibit the production of prostaglandins in the body.


Traditional methods of treatment

In order to reduce abdominal pain during menstruation, which appears monthly, using folk remedies:

  1. When the pain of muscle relaxation promotes attachment to the warm stomach. It is recommended to endure about a quarter of an hour in this area heating pad or patch. It is also possible for a short swim in the bathtub or swimming pool, but not in the first few days of menstruation. Swimming has a beneficial effect on the general condition and helps to relieve spasms.
  2. Breathing exercises, relaxation can help reduce pain during menstruation without pills. Even a simple chat with friends, reading books, watching fascinating films help reduce the discomfort. Due to this, attention is focused not on the discomfort, and more pleasant things.
  3. Cope with the pain and eliminate the symptoms of PMS help massage. Weak pressed into the waist and abdominal area lead to a reduction of spasms and muscle relaxation. In this condition improves significantly. The main thing is not to apply excessive force and do not overdo it.
  4. Getting rid of the painful menstruation at home with herbs. Based drinks lemon balm, chamomile, cherry, raspberry and nettles help to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms. In the absence of an allergic reaction in the herbal tea can be added honey having a calming effect. Drink it should be in the form of heat.

Talking about how to ease the pain during menstruation, it is necessary to recall the cold compress. They contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels and reduce the pain.

However, such manipulations should be done with utmost care. There is a risk of hypothermia urogenital system and deterioration of the situation.

Dysmenorrhea often indicates the development of disease that requires immediate treatment. When the first symptoms it is necessary to carry out a full diagnosis and undergo therapy. Only in this way can avoid unwanted complications. It is worth remembering that the self can lead to aggravation of the situation.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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