Before menstruation sore right or left side: Causes and Treatment

Some women find commonplace intense pain the day before menstruation. And for good reason. Before and during the critical days of healthy girl may feel faint or slight discomfort distension above the pubis.

If before menstruation pain right side, it is a cause for concern. Such a condition is often a sign of pathology of the reproductive system, gastrointestinal or neurological disease. A required urgent surgical care in a number of situations.

pain in the side


  • Causes of unilateral lower abdominal pain
    • Ovulation
    • ovarian apoplexy
    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • hydrosalpinx
    • endometriosis
    • Appendicitis
    • Adhesions after surgery in the abdominal cavity
  • Problems with bowel movement
  • What to do

Causes of unilateral lower abdominal pain

If the pain in one of the sides on the eve of the monthly, may be the cause:

  1. Genetic predisposition is transmitted from mother or grandmother. There is intense uterine muscles and nerve endings too sensitive. In this situation, help the painkillers.
  2. Gynecological diseases, which are often accompanied by serious consequences: bending of the uterus, fibroids, endometriosis, endometriosis,
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    adenomyosis in the uterus, Ovarian rupture.
  3. If the pain is centered in the lower abdomen, it happens because of the introduction of the spiral, as a method of contraception, then abortion or other interventions. When disturbed severe pain, the spiral is better to remove.
  4. Soreness can trigger other ailments, are not related to the sexual sphere. For example, kidney stones, cystitis, appendicitis, neurology.

If you are concerned, only the left or right side, in some cases it may be a manifestation of tubal pregnancy. In any case, such a serious symptom like pain, to ignore the danger. So you should immediately see a doctor.


In case of violation of prostaglandin synthesis in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and just before the regulator can appear in side soreness. It is that women suffer from painful symptoms during ovulation to release mature eggs when the follicle breaks. Unpleasant sensations last from a few minutes to a couple of days. The causes of ailments arising in the weeks before menstruation, are:

  1. Rupture of the capillaries, which are at the base of the follicle. Due to rupture of the follicular fluid gets on the abdominal wall and the uterus, which is irritated by this, it starts to shrink and cause discomfort associated with the ovulation process.
  2. Pain in his right side during menstruation and in some days. They are often the harbingers of appendicitis. They usually joins fever. Such symptoms should not be tolerated, and even more so to justify their ovulation. If the pain increases and worried about the heat, you should immediately call a doctor because this condition can become life-threatening.
  3. The pain in his side before menstruation. Formed due to the presence of an abscess, adhesions or pelvic cancer.

Sometimes it happens that during ovulation or just before menstruation women experience minor pain, which is considered to be outside the norm. But more often it is a sign of pathology to be treated, so the repetition of symptoms should not delay the visit to the gynecologist.

For more information on Pain in the ovaries after ovulation We recommend that you read in a separate article on our site.


ovarian apoplexy

Ovarian apoplexy (break) is observed:

  • due to various infections;
  • tubal pregnancy;
  • cysts;
  • inflammation of appendages;
  • too rough sex;
  • physical injury or undue stress.

apoplexy clinic but the pain in his side, which can not be tolerated, as shown:

  • fever;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fainting.

If damaged the left ovary, the pain before menstruation disturbs the left, and if the right, you will get sick right. Painful sensations are aching, stabbing, paroxysmal. Attacks last from half an hour to several hours.

If a woman has not been provided timely medical care, the pain in his left side before menstruation becomes the cause of death due to massive blood loss.

Ectopic pregnancy

Tubal pregnancy occurs when the female germ cells, merging with the male, is not fixed in the uterus and in the tubes or ovaries. To identify this pathology is necessary to do an ultrasound.

With the progression of a pregnancy on the 2-3rd month before menstruation a woman feels pain in the side of the right or left. This is due to the fact that sticked fruit. The feeling of pain increases with as the embryo develops. This is due to the fact that thin and fragile walls of the fallopian tubes or ovaries have to be stretched due to the growing them in a fertilized egg.

If time does not detect the attack and did not remove it, it will break the tube or the ovary, which is accompanied by severe cutting pain. A child dies, and the woman's life would be in danger. Therefore, when a pregnant feels that she has a sore right (left) side in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately to rule out incorrect implantation of the fetus.

ectopic pregnancy


This disease prevents conception and appears because of inflammatory gynecological diseases of the uterus. In such pathologies, one or both fallopian tubes are filled with serous fluid, called transudate.

Initially, the disease is asymptomatic. As the pathology of the woman concerned following its manifestations:

  • an ache in the lower back and in the side during menstruation;
  • leucorrhea intensive allocation for the entire month;
  • inability to conceive;
  • pain of varying severity in the abdomen after menstruation.

With timely detection of deviations can be eliminated without further consequences.


In this ailment growing layer female genital mucosa. He is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • long and painful menstruation;
  • at monthly sore side;
  • severe pain for a few days before menstruation and disappear discomfort with the termination of fluid.

This is a serious pathology, as a result of which you can even lose reproductive capacity.


This pathology occurs due to inflammation of the appendix. It is located in the lower abdomen on the right side.

Appendicitis cutting manifested intense pain, nausea and fever. If it occurs on the eve of menstruation, the woman can confuse the pain in his right side before menstruation with a dangerous medical condition. And in that situation an urgent need to seek medical care, because if there is a rupture of the appendix, there is intoxication, and doctors may not have time to save a woman from death.

Adhesions after surgery in the abdominal cavity

Adhesions - a bonding, fusion of membranes of internal organs. They are often the surgical pathology, ie appear after surgery. It appears moderate or acute pain at the location. Usually it is the stomach and hips. Adhesions are formed in the gut and in the organs of the urogenital system. are common symptoms:

  • constipation, flatulence;
  • irregular bowel movements.

To avoid the formation of adhesions, it is necessary to comply with preventive measures after the operation.

Problems with bowel movement

When before menstruation pain left side, often the source of the problem is the stagnation of feces in the intestine. Constipation before menstruation - a condition in which not only hurts the bottom left side of the abdomen, but the deteriorating state of health, there are migraines, insomnia, increased flatulence. Then it is necessary:

  • use probiotics that contribute to proliferation in the gut of useful bacteria;
  • drink plenty of fluids as much as possible;
  • move more, live an active lifestyle;
  • eat vegetables, fruits, berries, dried fruits;
  • possible to eliminate from your diet alcohol, salted, smoked, fried.

What to do

In 90% of cases pain in the ovaries before menstruation - sign of the disease. whether the pain came once or worried for a long time, be sure to consult a gynecologist. It is especially important to do this if this symptom is added to the weakness, fever, nausea. After the ultrasound specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

To the doctor to go with any suspicion of disease to detect in its early development. Then from the disease can be to get rid of without the appearance of complications. And in order to prevent the occurrence of disease, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist at least once a year for prevention.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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