Nausea during menstruation, vomiting, dizziness: the reasons why nauseated during menstruation

Malaise before menstruation, many women suffer. Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting occur even during the critical days. Sometimes they are expressed so clearly that we have to change plans and stay at home until the moment when the condition improves. To cope with the situation, it is necessary to find out the reasons for nausea during menstruation, and possibly eliminate them.

girl holding her stomach


  • The causes of nausea associated with menstruation
    • Premenstrual syndrome
    • hormone pills
    • Using tampons
    • The onset of pregnancy
  • Possible symptoms during menstruation
  • Nausea as a sign of disease

The causes of nausea associated with menstruation

To understand why sick during the month, you need to consider many factors. Vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms on the first day of menstruation can be caused by PMS, oral contraceptives, and sometimes pregnancy. Even the use of tampons during this period can lead to the appearance of a similar clinical picture.

Premenstrual syndrome

Even before the time as the beginning of menstruation, sick more often because of the ICP. It can be recognized by specific symptoms and

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signs of approaching menstruation. These changes are due to hormonal changes. In connection with this, and it begins to show premenstrual syndrome. The first day of the month there are bloating, rash, puffiness. During this period, the breast swells, becomes sensitive. A woman plagued by pain in the abdomen and lower back, it becomes susceptible to odors and irritable. In addition, notes and nausea during menstruation. Not even vomiting excluded.

hormone pills

If a woman is chosen as a means of contraception birth control pills, for reasons of hormonal changes it can feel sick during the critical days.

In this case, you need to consult a gynecologist. It is possible that you have to choose another drug.

hormone pills

Using tampons

When there are periods, sometimes sick because of the use of tampons. These means are able to cause toxic shock, in which there are unpleasant sensations, vertigo, and vomiturition. Nausea during menstruation, in this case should not be ignored. The best solution - use gaskets.

The onset of pregnancy

It is believed that the first sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation, but it does not always happen. Despite the conception of bleeding may still occur. The fact that the woman in this period nauseated, the commencement of toxicity. The first thing to do - to carry out the test. When the even barely visible second strip fears are confirmed.

In this situation, you need to be extremely careful. These symptoms may indicate an ectopic or missed abortion. Blood discharge is considered to be an alarm signal, indicating the risk of spontaneous abortion.

Medical help should be treated promptly.

Possible symptoms during menstruation

Often in women during menstruation stomach ache and vomiting. It is quite possible the urge to vomit. In addition, there and related symptoms, including:

  • migraine;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • hyperthermia;
  • flatulence;
  • pallor;
  • diarrhea;
  • excessive sweating;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • weakness;
  • sleep disturbance.
woman holding his head

Appeared during menses pain, feeling of weakness, nausea, and other symptoms caused by various factors. Normally, such changes do not take a woman of strong discomfort.

Accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen menstruation is not uncommon. It is possible deterioration of general condition, dizziness during menstruation. In the morning and evening may be the urge to vomit.

Pallor caused severe blood loss, resulting in anemia develops. She, in turn, causes dizziness and nausea. These symptoms often indicate a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, escalating during hormonal changes.

Nausea as a sign of disease

Nausea and dizziness during menstruation may indicate the development or exacerbation of serious diseases. For this reason, you should immediately seek medical attention. We need to pass the full examination to identify the cause of these symptoms and eliminate the triggers.

Nausea and vomiting during menstruation may be caused by pathologies such as:

  • anemia;
  • decrease in blood glucose levels;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • meningitis;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • brain tumor;
  • Gastrointestinal disease.

Large blood loss during the critical days can cause weakness, dizziness and nausea. At the same time develop anemia. The normal level of hemoglobin in the body is in the range from 115 to 135 g / l. If the figures are lower, then diagnosed with "anemia". As a result, possible complications such as anoxia, heart palpitations, disturbances of smell and taste, the need for chalk, inexplicable craving for inhaled the smell of gasoline and paint.

doctor holds a tube

With the development of cervical degenerative disc disease of the brain blood supply is disrupted due to what appear nausea and vomiting during menstruation, dizzy. Exacerbation of disease during this period due to the swelling of the tissue compression of nerves and blood vessels paravertebral. Among the more symptoms isolated brushes numbness, pain and stress in the neck.

Also, there have been cases when the nausea and vomiting during the month with a decrease in blood glucose. Women suffering from diabetes, such violations are observed in non-compliance with the rules use insulin, drinking alcohol, violation diet and excessive exercise loads. If a history of the disease is not present, then the reduction in blood sugar due to strict dieting, fasting, abnormalities of the pancreas and adrenal glands.

During menstruation can aggravate Ménière's disease. Due to this, there are characteristic symptoms of the disease:

  • noise in ears;
  • excessive sweating;
  • nausea;
  • problems with coordination.

Triggered by infection and inflammation of the meninges it causes nausea. In addition, there has been and hyperthermia. In the formation of tumors is further marked increase in the intracranial pressure and seizures.

Most often, nausea, accompanied by intense sharp pains in the abdomen, caused by the aggravation or development of gastrointestinal diseases. Upon detection of such symptoms need immediate medical consultation.

Cause nausea, vomiting and dizziness during the critical days - not a rare phenomenon. When mild symptoms reason for alarm. If the condition worsens so that a woman can not do the usual chores, that without the help of a gynecologist can not do. These changes are caused in the body causes both harmless and serious diseases. It is extremely important to promptly identify and eliminate them. Thus it is able to not only improve the general condition, but also to avoid some unwanted complications to cope with that will be harder.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 13
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