Pulls the lower abdomen after menstruation, lower back, why it hurts like menstruation

A lot of women suffer from discomfort during the critical days. Usually closer to their end, these symptoms disappear. In some cases, it pulls the lower abdomen after menstruation. The reasons for this is set. Often nestihayuschy pain signals the development of pathology.

hands on stomach


  • Why hurt the lower abdomen after menstruation
    • endometriosis
    • hysteromyoma
    • Pelvic inflammatory disease
    • cysts
    • Adhesions in the pelvic cavity
    • Pathology of the terminal part of the large intestine
  • How to find out the cause at
  • Factors that provoke spasm and pain

Why hurt the lower abdomen after menstruation

The causes of pain after menstruation are diverse. Such symptoms in certain situations are the norm, but are often abnormal.

Independently determine why there were unpleasant sensations after the regulation, is quite difficult. Women need to listen to all the changes taking place in her body, and tell your doctor about them. After carrying out a full diagnosis of the gynecologist can determine the cause of discomfort and make an accurate diagnosis.

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In situations where after months of pain the lower abdomen and lower back, often diagnosed endometriosis. For this pathology is characterized by the proliferation of functional layer genitals beyond its natural location. Defeats at the same time may be the ovaries and the peritoneum.

Among the main symptoms of the disease, in addition to discomfort in the abdomen, are the following:

  • menstruation becomes persistent, and intense;
  • strong chest pain;
  • It appears pain when urinating, and defecating intimacy;
  • the last day of regular brown discharge are observed.

Risk of disease endometriosis It is that it provokes inflammation and proliferation of connective tissues that results in the development of adhesive disease and infertility.



It is a benign formation which may occur with the external and internal genitals portion. During its growth the muscles and ligaments are stretched, and nearby organs, blood vessels and nerves are compressed. Thus stomach increases in size and critical days after closure noet as before menstruation. Outside the period of menstruation appear spotting.

Sometimes uterine fibroids in conjunction with endometriosis It causes serious symptoms. Learn how to cope with such a pathology in a separate article on our site.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

The risk of inflammatory diseases and in the regulation period immediately after their completion is significantly increased. For this reason, you should carefully follow all the rules of personal hygiene, properly take care of genitals and avoid hypothermia. These diseases can develop rapidly, hit the ovaries and the reproductive organ. As a result, after monthly pain abdomen.

Endometritis and oophoritis manifested primarily in the form of atypical secretions. There are also a nagging pain, fever.

These diseases require mandatory treatment. The doctor will explain what medicines and antibiotics for endometritis help and prescribe treatment.


cysts are formed in the ovaries may not immediately manifest. Often they are found during ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. The main symptom of disease include pain in the lower abdomen on the right or the left.

Among the complications of the disease is isolated gap cysts and twisting their legs. When this pain becomes a cutting and woman needs urgent medical attention.

ovarian cyst

Adhesions in the pelvic cavity

For this disease characterized by the formation of adhesions in the reproductive organs or the fallopian tubes, which is caused by inflammation, which causes an intensive production of adhesive fibrin. In this way, glued the surrounding tissue and the inflammation does not extend to other areas. Tissue trapped between the compound and gradually grow together and form adhesions.

clinical severity depends on the extent to spread the adhesive process.

If abnormality occurs in acute form, in women after menstruation pulls the lower abdomen and lower back, observed pyrexia, nausea, vomiting and weakness. In the case of a chronic course of the disease on a monthly basis (after the menstrual period ends) appears aching.

In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic.

Pathology of the terminal part of the large intestine

When the disease that affects the large intestine terminal, there is a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, a chair is broken. It is possible the appearance of vomiting, feeling of incomplete bowel movements. Women often say that they ache in the lower abdomen after menstruation.

How to find out the cause at

If menses have passed, and the lower abdomen pulls, and the pain goes, even in the lumbar region, these symptoms often indicate the development of various pathologies, not only in the gynecological field. Identify the causes of their appearance alone is quite difficult and almost impossible. Therefore, a woman should seek help from a doctor.

woman at the doctor

Sometimes such symptoms is normal. Acceptable clinical manifestations in this case are as follows:

  • pain with a paroxysmal character - gives the lumbar region, hips and groin;
  • slight raising temperature - up to 37 degrees;
  • bloating;
  • irritability, confusion, and anxiety;
  • excessive appetite and craving for sweets. Health and mood after eating significantly improved;
  • weight gain;
  • swelling of the feet and hands.

If in addition to these clinical manifestations there are other symptoms, you need as quickly as possible to seek help from a doctor. Only he is able to identify the causes of pain and choose the best course of treatment. The reason for the visit to the gynecologist are:

  • hyperthermia;
  • body temperature in the range 37-37,5 degrees, there is a long time;
  • breast enlargement in size and the selection of the teats of a transparent liquid;
  • menses lasting longer than usual;
  • increased pain to unbearable, impossible to touch the belly;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • pain during defecation and urination;
  • deterioration of general condition.

These clinical manifestations often indicate serious health problems. When they appear necessary to promptly seek medical attention. Only when timely initiated therapy will be able to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prevent complications. Self-medication in this case is considered to be an unacceptable measure.

doctor palpates the patient's abdomen

Factors that provoke spasm and pain

Pain after the regulation may occur under the influence of various factors. Cause discomfort in the abdomen is often stress, or sleep disturbance. Provoke unpleasant symptoms are also able to problems with the endocrine system, which is directly related hormones.

In some cases, the explanation of pain after menstruation is the underdevelopment of genitals or misuse of his position. Often such symptoms appears on the background of inflammation in the genitourinary system and Fitting IUD, which irritates the body wall and creates a barrier for its reduction.

Provoke unpleasant sensations in the abdomen capable of hormonal imbalance. This is due to the fact that the functioning of the reproductive system is directly dependent on hormones. With increasing levels of estrogen critical days have become longer and more painful. Cycle with strays. In addition, the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome may persist even after the end of regulation, due to which there is pain in the abdomen at the end of the critical days.

If there is no balance between the prostaglandins (substances that promote the reduction of reproductive organ), and sex hormones appear as abdominal pain.

Such symptoms may occur because of the banal of supercooling of colds, excessive exercise during the critical days and chronic fatigue.

In the case of depression of the immune system the body is exposed to various pathologies and unable to resist them. As a result, creates a favorable environment for bacterial growth, appear painful sensations caused by the development of pathologies.

a cold woman

If the discomfort disappear after a couple of days after the end of menstruation, it is likely that they were caused by hormonal disorders. Cause for concern in this case is not.

If after this time the symptoms do not disappear and are accompanied by other uncharacteristic changes in the body, you need to seek help from a doctor. should not delay the visit, as the pathology of the genitourinary system, intestine, or thyroid system can cause soreness and without proper treatment lead to serious complications.

The reasons for discomfort in the lower abdomen after menstruation are different. In some cases, no reason to worry, but often these symptoms indicate the development of serious pathologies. To resort to self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited. Suppressing pain, eliminate the cause of its occurrence is impossible. Without proper treatment can significantly worsen the condition. Therefore, it is important to promptly seek medical attention.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 74
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