Pulls the lower abdomen a week before menstruation, pain, why, for how many days is the norm

Discomfort in the abdomen during menstruation is an ordinary woman's condition during this period. Most often pulls the lower abdomen for a week to a month and in the early days. This is due to an increase in the presence of the hormone estrogen, and the emission rate in the blood of prostaglandins, histamine.

But sometimes the stomach pulls the week before the onset of menstruation for other reasons (inflammation of the appendages, uterine, gastrointestinal disease). It is important to distinguish between cases in which the discomfort is normal, and when the signal the development of diseases.

holding a hot water bottle in the abdomen


  • Physiological causes of pain
  • pathological causes
  • Signs of approaching menstruation
  • analgesics
    • Medications
    • Folk remedies

Physiological causes of pain

The nature and duration of the discharge, the number of days to a month long stomach ache - it all depends on the hormonal levels of the female body. The levels of estrogen, progesterone determined work of the reproductive system and the menstrual cycle in particular.

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The abdomen may hurt healthy women on some physiological reasons:

  1. Low pain threshold. High sensitivity to any discomfort explains why a stomach ache for a week to a month. Uterine contractions lead to irritation of nerve receptors causes cramping sensation in the lower abdomen.
  2. Puffiness. Approximately 3-6 days before menstruation pituitary hormone secretion leads to fluid retention in the body. Swelling arise not only from the outside, mostly on the face and lower limbs, but also on internal organs. As a result sips stomach pain may also occur in the lower back or side.
  3. Reaction to the IUD. When equipped with the tool for a week to monthly pain abdomen. Its presence enhances uterine contractions that become more distinct. Pain a week before menstruation can occur with regular admission of certain oral contraceptives.
  4. Lack of endorphin. For this reason, often before menstruation back pain or stomach. The level of this hormone, which analgesic substance falls in the second half of the cycle, thereby increasing pain threshold in women.
  5. Physical overload. 3-4 days before the critical days of discomfort in the lower abdomen may occur due to weight lifting, overuse sports, emotional tension. In this case, the ache is not inside the abdomen - sore muscles.
girl sitting on the couch

Unpleasant sensations caused by physiological reasons, short-lived. If 5 days pulls the lower abdomen, and the intensity of the discomfort does not decrease, there is a risk of infectious and inflammatory pathologies. They are indicated by the color of the selection, which is significantly different from normal menstrual - normal menstrual blood It should be dark or black, and have a conventional liquid consistency without any impurities and inclusions.

pathological causes

Abdominal pain for a week before menstruation and during the critical days may have pathological causes, due to an infectious or inflammatory process. These include:

  1. Algomenoreya. It is believed that up to 70% of women suffer from this disease. This condition is caused by a strong contraction of the uterus due to the fact that sex hormones are produced in excess. In addition to pain often have other ailments - dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, lightheadedness.
  2. PMS. If long pulls the lower abdomen before menstruation (week or more), unstable psycho-emotional background, woman feeling hot flashes, frequent mood swings, sweating, dizziness, it indicates the presence of premenstrual syndrome. Condition is caused by a decrease in the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen in about 2 weeks before the critical days.
  3. bowel disease. Often pulling or sharp pain in the lower abdomen is not associated with inflammation or infection of the female reproductive organs. They can be caused gastroduodenitis, gastritis, ulcer.
  4. Abnormal structure of the uterus, hypoplasia of the body. In this case violated the outflow of the separated endometrial possible congestion and attendant pain.
backward turned uterus

Abnormal uterine location: Bend

Among other reasons secrete ectopic pregnancy, hormonal failure, recent childbirth or abortion trauma. Also, the discomfort may be accompanied by release of the egg. In this case after ovulation pulled groinThat is the norm.

Pain syndrome in the case of serious pathologies does not appear on their own. If you have other ailments, it is necessary to consider in detail what symptoms are accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

If the observed rise in temperature, chills, increased bleeding, displacement cycle, it is necessary to find the cause of this condition.

Signs of approaching menstruation

The onset of menstruation is different for each woman a variety of symptoms. One of them is a condition where pulls the lower abdomen before menstruation 10 days or more. In addition, there are other signs of upcoming critical days:

  • about 7 days against a background of hormonal imbalance can occur inflammation and pimples on the face;
  • pain before menstruation often accompanied by nausea, changes in tastes, in violation of smell;
  • monthly for 10 days before the onset of menstruation can increase appetite, which is also due to hormonal changes;
  • chest aching sensations arise, soft tissue swelling, observed breast pain before menstruation and it increases slightly. Pain in the abdomen, waist, breast tenderness may also be caused by hormonal changes in the body;
  • there is discomfort in the stomach - bloating, diarrhea or constipation;
  • there are mood swings, and insomnia.
woman looks at the clock

All this speaks of the symptom of premenstrual syndrome. It usually develops over 8-9 days before menstruation.

Depending on the form of disease a woman may experience aggression, anxiety, depression, edema, bloating, excessive irritability, headache, high blood pressure surges and even panic attack.

At the same time against the background of PMS before menstruation begins to ache stomach discomfort can be localized in the lower back, the legs, the heart and the sternum.

Namely by increasing the concentration of female hormones there is a peculiar state - nausea, sometimes before the onset of menstruation can occur feeling ensuing pregnancy with a characteristic appearance of breast tenderness, morning vomiting, changes in the taste of food, aversion to some odors.


Eliminate pain in the abdomen may be using techniques of massage, physiotherapy, warm baths and local heat overlay. But will modern pain medication more effective.


In the list of the most popular and effective drugs that can cope with the pain during menstruation, includes:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Aspirin;
  • piroxicam;
  • ibuprofen;
  • ketoprofen;
  • Naproxen.
tablets in the hands of

In addition to pain medications widely used tools, antispasmodics, which relax smooth muscles and reduce the intensity of pain:

  • Drotaverinum;
  • Papaverine;
  • Buscopan;
  • No-spa.

With intense pain recommended simultaneous spasmolytics and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. This eliminates the discomfort and to stop the spasm, he was summoned. It is not recommended to use the drug for more than 3 consecutive days.

Folk remedies

Without the aid of pain medication in the presence of intense or weak pain can alleviate the condition, using proven traditional remedies:

  • daisy strengthens the immune system and has a slight sedative effect, and essential oil plants is considered a natural analgesic;
  • Raspberry regulates the cycle, relieves pain;
  • balm also has a mild sedative effect, it is assigned with insomnia, anxiety, irritability;
  • elecampane root stabilizes hormones and eliminates painful discomfort when algomenoree;
  • Horsetail has anti-inflammatory, mild diuretic and tonic effect, is used in the presence of severe pain during the critical days.

Long-term discomfort, recurring monthly during each menstruation, the appearance of discharge between monthly, cycle violation, increasing pain or bleeding - symptoms that require immediate treatment to doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 39
  • 189