Pressure during menstruation: Can increase before menstruation, why rises

Menstruation (early cycle) followed by a series of changes in the health status and well-being of women. Arterial pressure at monthly unstable, it may be lowered or increased depending on the individual. The relationship of pressure and menstruation due to the action of hormones and other factors.

doctor measures the pressure of the patient


  • Mechanism of increase in blood pressure before monthly
  • The reasons for lowering of blood pressure during menstruation and after
  • Prevention of pressure spikes during the critical days
    • high blood pressure
    • Decreased blood pressure

Mechanism of increase in blood pressure before monthly

Activities of cardiovascular and reproductive systems of women is closely linked. Therefore, the hormonal changes that accompany the menstrual cycle, affect the heart and blood vessels. Blood pressure before menstruation frequently deviates from the norm in the upward or downward.

Symptoms of hypertension may occur a few days before the onset of menstruation or simultaneously with it. Nausea, redness of the skin on the chest and face, headaches - these signs indicate that the pressure is increased.

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The answer to the question why the pressure rises before menstruation, is not unique. The reason lies in the combined action of several factors, chief among them - the hormone:

  1. Progesterone - a steroid hormone, which is most pronounced effect in the second half cycle (preceding menstruation). Its role is to prepare for fertilization. He is responsible for the growth of the endometrium, the formation of new blood vessels to supply the future of the fetus, the removal of uterine tone. High blood pressure before menstruation helps enable new vessels.
  2. Another reason that during menstruation can rise in blood pressure - accumulation of fluid in body tissues. Under the influence of estrogen change fluid and electrolyte balance may occur swellingIt increases the load on the vessel walls.
  3. serotonin hormone level in this period is reduced to a minimum - it provokes increased irritability, depression. Nervosa vessels constrict, so the pressure is often increased ICP.

For more information on what is happening with hormones before menstruation, Be sure to read further.

woman holding his head

Manifestations of hypertension do not always have the hormonal nature. There may be other reasons for which the load on the vessels increases before menstruation:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • endocrine disease;
  • high blood cholesterol;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • taking certain medications;
  • eating disorders, lack of essential trace elements and vitamins.

For a better understanding of the causes need to find out whether only during menstruation pressure rises. If symptoms of hypertension are also present at other times, you may need drug correction.

The reasons for lowering of blood pressure during menstruation and after

Sometimes unusually low pressure diagnosed before menstruation. The possible reasons for this phenomenon is considered low hemoglobin, Vitamin deficiency, magnesium lack. pressure often drops before menstruation in emotionally unstable women with sensitive psyche.

Changes in blood pressure during menstruation are individual and may vary in different women. In some cases, the onset of bleeding is accompanied by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which also has a negative impact on health.

woman holding his head

Symptoms of hypotension - weakness, dizziness, decreased performance. The occurrence of this effect is associated with blood loss (much blood is allocated at the beginning of menstruation, which reduces the load on the vessel walls).

Exacerbate this condition contribute to the following factors:

  • uncontrolled reception antispasmodic drugs and analgesics;
  • Diet, strict dietary restrictions;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • painful during menstruation;
  • heart disease, blood vessels, the female reproductive system;
  • dehydration.

Regardless of high or low blood pressure is accompanied by a woman during menstruation, when completed, it is usually normal. Emotional state after the critical days to stabilize the level of progesterone falls. As a consequence - the tone of the arteries and back to normal. If improvement is not observed within 2-3 days, you should consult a doctor.

pressure change during menstruation upward or downward for this is considered to be the norm. However, if the symptoms are causing serious concern, it is necessary to pass an additional examination.

pressure surges during menstruation may be associated with the presence of diseases, and better identify their time.

Girl at the doctor

Prevention of pressure spikes during the critical days

To reduce discomfort during the critical days and possibly smooth out fluctuations in blood pressure, you need to stick to some simple guidelines. They are somewhat different for the cases of hypertension and hypotension.

high blood pressure

If before menstruation or during the pressure increased, will help the following measures:

  1. As far as possible to reduce salt intake. This will reduce the fluid retention in the body, and partly prevent the formation of edema and increase in blood pressure.
  2. To give up alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and strong tea. All these factors contribute to the development of hypertension. The menstrual period is better to prefer herbal drinks.
  3. Try to control emotional state, less nervous, sleep.
  4. Engage in physical exercise in a calm pace. Suit walks, yoga, various types of breathing exercises. This will reduce your stress level and avoid the pressure surge.
  5. Soreness is desirable to remove via spasmolytic drugs. They expand the lumen of blood vessels and contribute to the normalization of blood pressure.

In the menstrual period, and in front of it, special attention should be paid to the food. Desirable to avoid spicy, fatty, fried foods. Should give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals. In some cases, the correction of the diet is sufficient to normalize the condition.

healthy food

Decreased blood pressure

Low blood pressure during menstruation, too, needs to be corrected. In this case, it is recommended:

  1. For pain during menstruation to use analgesics.
  2. Take vitamins and drugs to increase hemoglobin (preferably on doctor's advice).
  3. Possibly lead an active lifestyle. If bleeding is severe, try to get plenty of rest.
  4. Sticking to a healthy diet - avoid alcohol, fatty, spicy and other junk food.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids - it allows you to maintain the pressure at an acceptable level.

If the pressure falls each month during menstruation, should consult a doctor and be examined. Hypotension may be a consequence or concomitant symptom of serious illnesses. Many diseases of the female reproductive system contribute to high blood loss during menstruation, resulting in abnormal blood pressure decrease.

Symptoms of hypertension or hypotension during menstruation should not be left unattended. In the future they may have a negative impact on health.

Compliance with the recommendations of the respective particular type of deviation from normal blood pressure, will allow to overcome the period of menstruation with minimal discomfort.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 24
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