Why menstruation sore lower back, back: Causes Pain

Painful menstruation - dysmenorrhea - manifests itself in different ways. But one of the constant companion of this disease are pain localized in the lower abdomen and radiating to the back.

Typically, discomfort in the back and in the waist area are normal and are terminated immediately after completion of menstruation. But sometimes such symptoms may be accompanied by diseases of internal organs.

Determine why menstruation sore lower back, it is possible only with the help of ultrasound diagnosis, the KLA and a number of other studies.

Girl holds behind his back


  • A little about the female anatomy
  • What causes back pain during menstruation
    • Hormonal disbalance
    • dysmenorrhea
    • Inflammatory diseases, edema
  • Norm and pathology
  • pain relief
    • drugs
    • People's treatment

A little about the female anatomy

Abnormal structure of certain organs of the female reproductive system, most of the uterus, can cause a discomfort during menstruation. If the primary reproductive organ is rejected towards the spine, then the swelling of tissue just prior to and during menstruating uterus compresses the nerves, causing back pain in the lower abdomen and loin.

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Sometimes it pulls the lower back due to underdevelopment of the uterus. Usually, this disease is congenital, often causes miscarriage or infertility.

The appearance of the pain depends on the state of the pelvic floor muscles. Fitness of their ability to stretch the uterus increasing effect on the state during menstruation. The more flexible the muscles, the easier it is women suffer not only the flow of blood, but the pregnancy, childbirth.

In general, not intensive nagging pains are natural. Discomfort in the lower abdomen, lower back, rectum, sacral due to the close relationship of pain receptors. Against the background of increased estrogen concentration emission occurs, causing pain.

woman clings to the waist

Also, all women have a different pain threshold. This does not depend on whether the lower back ache during menstruation, but different intensity of discomfort. In some cases, the woman feels slight discomfort, as many of the fair sex can not do in this period without potent analgesics or antispasmodics and painkillers.

What causes back pain during menstruation

The main reasons why back pain during menstruation, are:

  • violation of the structure of the internal organs;
  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • presence of inflammation or soft tissue edema.

Hormonal disbalance

For one of the most common causes back pain before menstruation include changes in the ratio and concentration of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Upon the occurrence of menstruation, this level increases considerably, causing the uterine muscles, comparable with weak contractions. With a low pain threshold such sensations in the lower back during menstruation can not be just cause discomfort, but also an occasion to visit the doctor.

Also, hormonal changes inevitably occur in diseases of the thyroid gland. Appear low back pain during menstruation, insomnia and other characteristic symptoms that accompany a woman permanently.

girl lies


Strong or weak pain can be caused by the development of primary or secondary dysmenorrhea. It is one of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

In primary dysmenorrhea pain is usually mild, as well as the symptoms of PMS. Second most often caused by malformation of the uterus even in utero - it is equipped with rudimentary processes or bent in relation to other internal organs. This structure causes the back pain of high intensity, as well as other disorders - excessive bleeding, psycho-emotional disorders.

Inflammatory diseases, edema

Swelling occurs on the background of various infectious and inflammatory pathologies, as in violation of the exchange of water in the body. Increasing tissue volume compress nerves, causing severe pain in the abdomen and lower back.

Pain syndrome may also be associated with the presence of acute or chronic pathologies:

  • fibroids, fibroids, cysts;
  • endocrine disease;
  • inflammation of the ovaries, adrenal glands, cystitis, pyelonephritis.

Any disruption of the menstrual cycle can also cause sudden discomfort in the lower back.

woman in a white dress with a red circle

Norm and pathology

Mild pain is localized in the lower back and lower abdomen during menstruation is considered the norm, if there are no symptoms of the following:

  • severe bleeding, not coming back to normal in 4-7-th day of menstruation and continued for over a week;
  • darkening allocated blood clots appearance prills, structure change (coffee grounds slurry, curdled inclusion) - may be accompanied by certain diseases and ectopic pregnancy;
  • chronic pelvic pain syndrome - is accompanied not only gynecological, but also proctology, urological diseases, common diseases of the kidneys;
  • a sharp rise in temperature above subfebrile values ​​- suggests the development of inflammation;
  • pallor, loss of consciousness, dizziness, lethargy, apathy - can be caused by bleeding;
  • inflammation of the lining of the uterus - is accompanied by a nagging pain, violation of cycle, the advent of spotting between menstrual periods.

Also during the month sore lower back, along with other manifestations of PMS symptoms. This syndrome is characterized not only by pain in the pelvis, abdomen, waist, but also by increased irritability, tearfulness, anxiety.

Sometimes sore lower back during menstruation after increased physical exertion, heavy lifting, long-term presence in standing, sleeping in an awkward position. In this case, pain during menstruation passes quickly and is non-refundable.

If this condition is repeated monthly, increasing at each menstrual period, there are other danger signs should seek medical advice and undergo a complete examination for detection of latent infections and inflammatory pathologies.

Pain syndrome often occurs in women is normal, if not accompanied by increased pain, bleeding, malaise and speeds. In this case, the reasons often remains unclear, even when detailed inspection.

girl at the gynecologist

pain relief

Eliminate back pain during menstruation can with traditional medication and recipes of traditional medicine. When receiving certain drugs should take into account the presence of individual intolerance and carefully read the instructions.


For relief of pain used analgesics, antispasmodics and analgesics. The most common are:

  • nimesil;
  • ibuprofen;
  • diclofenac;
  • indomethacin;
  • Drotaverinum (No-spa);
  • analgin;
  • Pentalgin and analogues.

If the causes of discomfort are viral or bacterial infections of the genitourinary system, kidney problems, tumors, drugs bring only temporary relief.

Pain in menstruation is familiar to many girls, so please read more about how remove the pain during menstruation.

People's treatment

If strong stomach ache or back, you can use non-drug treatments:

  1. Special gymnastics. Spend it lying on his side, his hands under the sacrum, legs bent as much as possible to the abdomen, repeatedly leveled slowly.
  2. Acupressure. If in this period, pain accompanies you all the time, before the critical days and during menstruation can be press at points located in the region of fingers 2 and 4 above the navel, at least 2 minutes, deep breathing air.
  3. Warm bath. Warm the stomach during menstruation it is possible, if a woman is confident in the absence of ovarian diseases, and inflammation of the uterus.
  4. Infusions of horsetail, celery roots, valerian, elecampane, chamomile and peppermint.

The success of treatment depends on what to do if the back pain. Before taking any medication or the use of traditional medicine recipes, you must install the cause of the pain. She can wear a pelvic character or accompany hazardous to the health and even the life of kidney disease, joints, refer to the development of tumors in the body. Therefore, do not put off a visit to the gynecologist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 37
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