Why sore breasts after menstruation: Causes pain in the breasts, nipples

During menstruation, women are faced with a number of unpleasant symptoms. In some sore lower abdomen, in others there is a feeling of nausea. However, at the end of this period, the discomfort usually passes. If chest pain after a month, it is an alarming symptom.

Month passed, and chest pain: what is the reason


  • The causes of pain and swelling of the breast after a month
    • physiological
    • pathological
  • disease of the breast
  • The main symptoms
  • Factors that trigger the release of prolactin
  • Examination breast age
  • Treatment

The causes of pain and swelling of the breast after a month

Swollen breasts in a certain period of a woman's life is not always pathological. Therefore, when faced with such a situation, do not panic. It is important to understand the reason because of which the breast after monthly increases and sore.

Factors that trigger the occurrence of this problem, are divided into physiological and pathological. Consider each group.


In nipple sensitivity increases during the menstrual cycle. This is due to physiological causes such as:

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  1. Hormonal changes. It is the most common cause of sore nipples after menstruation. In the absence of hormonal failure discomfort disappears approximately 2 days after menstruation. And when present in the nipple discomfort will wear pulling and pulsating character. Also, when hormonal reorganization may experience tingling in the chest. This physiological phenomenon is provoked by psycho-emotional stress, taking contraceptives, physical fatigue and other factors.
  2. Pregnancy. Chest discomfort is felt in the beginning of this period. Its appearance is connected with the body's production of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. fertilization of the egg provokes swelling of the nipple and breast enlargement, which can lead to pain. Discomfort in the chest area during pregnancy - a reaction to hormonal changes. They are 2-3 weeks after completion of the last menstrual period before pregnancy.
  3. Ovulation. During the "walk" unfertilized oocyte into the fallopian tube epithelial cell number increased. This provokes increased blood flow to the breast, resulting in Ovulation chest hurts. Ovulation occurs 12-15 days after the completion of menses.
Woman with test


If after menstruation regularly sore breasts, it is an occasion to consult a doctor. If this phenomenon is pathological etymology, it is necessary to take urgent therapeutic measures. The occurrence of mastalgia possible for the following reasons:

  1. Breast cyst. When the disease occurs in the thoracic region, not only swelling, but pain. Any anatomic changes after monthly, including cysts, lead to the appearance of noncyclic discomfort. Sometimes the pain gives to joints or muscles.
  2. breast breasts. The disease is characterized by the occurrence of severe pain in the chest area after a month. Also, when there is a seal of mastitis breast.
  3. Osteochondrosis. Breasted woman with osteochondrosis hurts not only after the completion of menses, but also at other times. This is due to displacement of intervertebral discs. To eliminate the thoracic discomfort, provoked an osteochondrosis, it is necessary to be surveyed at the appropriate physician.
  4. Injuries, injuries. When chest discomfort after a month there is not regular, you need to remember about the possible injuries and traumas that preceded its emergence. Also pain in this area often, when a woman lies on her back for a long time.
  5. Oncological disease. Strong chest discomfort triggered by breast cancer associated with the presence in the field of breast cancer. He is periodic and occur mainly after menstruation. For the prevention of breast cancer need to be examined annually by a gynecologist, and after 45 years - in mammalogy.

There is another reason, provoking an unpleasant phenomenon - wearing uncomfortable clothes. It is recommended to choose a bra without stones and narrow straps, as these parts compress the chest skin, which provokes pain.

girl buttons bra

disease of the breast

Breast is a breast disease that occurs due to the hormonal failure. Discomfort with the illness is a distinct, sharp character.

When mastitis occurs in the mammary gland sealing process, which leads to an increase in temperature, and poor health. Usually symptoms of this disease manifests itself in women older than 35 years.

In this disease a woman has sore breasts a week after menstruation. You can not delay treatment of mastitis, as this will lead to fester in the breast, the removal of which is possible only surgically.

The disease often occurs due to hormonal changes caused by induced abortion. Also provoked breast ailments of the endocrine system, psycho-emotional stress and irregular sexual life.

The main symptoms

If chest discomfort after monthly observed regularly, it should be alerted. Probably, this symptom is associated with breast disease. If the breast area is still ill a week after menstruation, consult your doctor.

Thus, the disease symptoms are observed together with strong itchy chest pain:

  1. Temperature rise.
  2. Swelling of the nipple and breast.
  3. Seal breast.
  4. Palpitations.
  5. Changes in the structure and color of the skin.
  6. Jumps in blood pressure.
  7. Violation of the menstrual cycle.
  8. Fatigue.
  9. Mood swings.
  10. Discharge from the breasts.

One of the most troubling symptoms of breast disease is the isolation liquid from the nipple, especially when it is present immediately after menses.

glued adhesive nipple

Factors that trigger the release of prolactin

If monthly gone, and chest pain, which may be associated with changes in the level of prolactin (a hormone that supports the female reproductive function). Its excess leads to swelling of the breasts and pouring. This phenomenon can provoke pain.

Changing the amount of prolactin in the female body provoke physiological and pathological factors. These include:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Excessive exercise, overwork.
  3. Failure to comply with the rules of a healthy diet, abuse of a protein food.
  4. Emotional stress.
  5. Radiation. The level of prolactin changes in women treated with radiation therapy.
  6. The pituitary gland or hypothalamus.
  7. Lack of vitamin B.
  8. Prolonged intake of contraceptives.
  9. Long-term use of antibiotics.
  10. Oral contraceptives that have been improperly selected.

Elevated levels of this hormone occurs in women who are sexually active. After stand in the female body a few hours an excess of prolactin.

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Examination breast age

To prevent pathological changes in the tissues, a woman must undergo an annual gynecological examination. Also, in the event of symptoms of diseases of the mammary glands after a month is recommended to make an appointment to see a doctor, mammologist.

Basic diagnostic measures:

  1. Mammography.
  2. Pneumocystography.
  3. Needle biopsy.
  4. Ultrasonography.
  5. Ductography.

If as a result of these studies, the doctor did not reveal any pathology, it has a physiological discomfort etymology. Otherwise, you must pass the appropriate therapy.


If after a month of sore breasts, should be given due attention to their health. It is important to remember that the sooner a woman starts treatment, the easier it will be to avoid the occurrence of pathologies in the future.

When chest discomfort persists for six weeks, with the exception of days of menstruation, the doctor-mammolog designate appropriate medications, such Mastodinon (non-hormonal herbal preparation).

The action of the drug is aimed at reducing the production of prolactin, which is always produced in the body during pregnancy. However, if the chest pain after menstruation has not been triggered by an excess of this hormone, the drug is not administered.

To get rid of this problem, you need to drink Mastodinon at least 3 months. Also, women who complain of chest pain occurring after a month, doctors prescribe Aevit - vitamin drug, has on the immunostimulant and antioxidant effects.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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