White discharge from the vagina in women (thick, heavy, odorless and itching): Causes

Moderate, does not cause discomfort white discharge in women point to the correct operation of the reproductive system. Their intensity and consistency vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. This is due to normal physiological processes in the body. If the selection of white vaginal acquired an unpleasant smell, we changed the structure, they signal the development of the pathology and is an occasion to refer to a gynecologist.

white discharge in women


  • Normal vaginal discharge
    • Ovulation
    • Early pregnancy
    • Allocation during intercourse
    • Stress
  • Signs of abnormal discharge
  • Causes of abnormal discharge
    • development of candidiasis
    • bacterial vaginosis
    • development of cervicitis
    • Cervical Pathology
  • diagnosis of diseases
  • Treatment

Normal vaginal discharge

White vaginal discharge are observed in a variety of situations. Consistency normal secretion is thick and sufficient liquid and its quantity abundant and meager. These two options are the norm.

The reasons for which the girls appear on pants white flakes are both pathological and natural.

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Such changes are typical for certain periods of the cycle and early pregnancy. Provoke them may intimacy and stress.


In certain phases of the cycle volume of secretion is increased. Such changes are observed at the time of ovulation. In this case, there are stretching whitish discharge in women odorless, similar to egg white. Mucus color, like milk, there may be a few hours or a few days after the release of the egg. After a while under the influence of progesterone, she gets a thick consistency and is produced in much smaller quantities.

Early pregnancy

Whitish discharge of a virgin often indicate the imminent arrival of the regulation, but if a woman has already had sexual experience, such changes may indicate pregnancy. These symptoms occur due to hormonal changes in the body.

Secret number is gradually increasing. Often, white discharge without itching and odor are observed during the first trimester. They are considered to be the absolute norm.

White discharge during pregnancy can occur for various reasons, so be sure to check this issue in more detail.

Allocation during intercourse

white greaseAppearing during intimacy, is the norm. Upon excitation begins to produce mucus whose volume increases considerably with the growth of inclination, and reaches the maximum amount after intercourse. Viscous lumps thus should not cause fear - a natural phenomenon.

Also keep in mind that the mucus has different characteristics depending on whether a condom was used or not. If intimacy was unprotected, the secret is mixed with sperm and acquires an unusual smell and a yellowish color. When using barrier contraceptives comes into contact with artificial condom lubricant released from vaginal fluid - and formed sufficiently thick leucorrhoea.


Often the selection of the white uterus are accompanied by a delay, but at the same fertilization has not occurred. Such changes can be triggered by stress. If delay menstruation and white discharge observed up to five days, and release themselves odorless, does not increase in volume and do not cause discomfort, there is no need to panic.

Signs of abnormal discharge

The oppression of the immune system, the background changes in hormones and taking antibiotic medication drugs It is going active multiplication of pathogens, thereby starting the inflammatory process.

On the development of diseases indicates the next character of the secret:

  • abundant white discharge thick cheesy consistency;
  • frothy mucus;
  • stringy discharge from the sharp, very unpleasant odor.

Attention should be paid to concomitant symptoms. Regardless of the appearance of precipitates observed odorless or with an unpleasant aromaThey cause fear in the presence of additional clinical manifestations. Itching, discomfort during urination and sexual intimacy, redness of the genitals, pain in the abdomen and hyperthermia indicate the beginning of the pathological process. Such changes are a cause for immediate treatment to the doctor.

itching and burning sensation in the intimate area

Causes of abnormal discharge

White frothy women appear as the natural and pathological reasons. To identify the disease, it is necessary to pay special attention to consistency, smell, and the amount of secretion and related symptoms. Often provoke such changes candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, and a number of other diseases of the reproductive system. At the same time scarce and abundant white discharge in need of urgent treatment.

development of candidiasis

Vaginal candidiasis (thrush) is a common disease. Its appearance is triggered by stress, hormonal disorders, failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, taking antibiotic drugs and oral contraceptives. Under the influence of these factors is an active reproduction of fungi Candida and begin to show the main thrush symptoms.

Initially, thick white discharge can be observed without odor and itching, have curd consistency. With further development of the pathology appears more symptoms. White discharge from the vagina become sour flavor. Woman suffering from burning and itching in the genital area. In the event of additional bacterial infection secret it becomes gray or yellow.


bacterial vaginosis

The development of disease is due to a violation of the vaginal microflora and predominance of pathogens. Such changes occur due to immunosuppression, intestinal dysbiosis, improper organization of diet and wearing underwear made of synthetic materials.

With the development of the disease in the skin of the vagina begin to itch, there is a secret liquid that has an unpleasant smell of rotten fish.

Bacterial vaginosis is in need of treatment. Lack of proper care can lead to inflammation of the appendages and genitals, as well as the penetration of infection in the vagina. The situation is thus significantly worse.

development of cervicitis

The emergence of this disease is due to the beginning of the inflammatory process occurring in the cervical department, which comes out of the vagina. At the same time begin to stand out mucus and odorless, which is frequently observed admixture of pus.

Causes of pathological processes, are generally infections of the uterus during labor damage and scarring formed after surgery.

Cervical Pathology

Thick discharge without odor and itching may occur due to the development of cervical erosion, or sprawl on it malignancy. In this case, the woman feels mild pulling pain in the abdomen. In addition, regardless of the period of the cycle, there is a scribble milky odorless. Also among the symptoms of the pathology secrete blood in secret after intimacy, but such clinical manifestations are rare. Often the disease is asymptomatic.

diagnosis of diseases

To understand why there were white discharge with no odor or with uncharacteristic flavor doctor primarily examines on a gynecological chair and studying history. Immediately smear taken to detect infection.

In addition to being assigned a number of additional studies to help find out the exact cause of secretions, such as milk:

  • Smear on the flora;
  • a blood test to determine the level of hormones;
  • bacterial inoculation;
  • ultrasound;
  • PCR diagnostics;
  • colposcopy.

Only after the diagnosis the doctor prescribes a course of therapy.

Smear on the flora


If a thick vaginal discharge caused by thrush, is appointed antifungal therapy. You also need to restore the normal microflora of the vagina, thereby be able to suppress the activity of the fungus and eliminate pathology.

In the case where the liquid discharge without odor caused by hormonal disorders, resorted to the use of medicines, promoting the normalization of hormonal levels. Therapy in this very long. Often, to achieve the goal required more than six months.

In identifying bacterial vaginosis used antibiotic agents that suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Additionally used antifungal drugs help to restore microflora.

When cervical erosion medical therapy is ineffective. In order to resolve this problem, resorting to cauterization education.

cervicitis treatment is chosen depending on the reasons that triggered his appearance. The therapy used antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal medications. Affected areas are treated with antiseptic solutions. In the case of pathology becomes chronic resort to surgery.

The appearance of white mucus are often indicates the beginning of the pathological process and is considered a variant of the norm. Signs of the disease are an unpleasant odor secretions, pain, itching and burning, and other associated symptoms. When they occur need help gynecologist. The earlier the problem is identified, the easier it will be to fix it.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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