Monthly smear, but do not start: causes brown spotting

There are several reasons because of which the monthly smear, but do not start. Some of them are the norm, others point to developing a pathology that requires urgent treatment. This may be due to hormonal disturbances. Woman should not self-medicate, an urgent need to seem gynecologist.

girl with a magnifying glass


  • The most common causes smearing monthly
    • Pregnancy
    • hormonal disorders
    • inflammatory diseases
    • Obesity
    • Reception and cancellation of COCs
    • emotional distress
    • climacteric
    • Establishing monthly
  • Girls tactics in this situation

The most common causes smearing monthly

Causes brown spotting instead of monthly can be either pathological or physiological.

The monthly smear is normal, but do not start:

  • during pregnancy;
  • premenopausal;
  • for 1 year after menarche;
  • for 3 months after the start of reception or withdrawal of COCs.

Pathological causes of violations that require urgent treatment:

  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital organs;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.
SOS on the stomach


The most common reason that the monthly long brown smear, but do not start a pregnancy. At an early stage of such selection signal the embryo implantation. Normally, such a brown spotting a pregnant should stop within 1-2 days.

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If the monthly smear and do not go for a long time, it is necessary to turn to the physician. This is due to the fact that such allocation may indicate the beginning of hormonal failures or miscarriage. Most often it happens when a woman's body produces an insufficient amount of hormones needed for the further development of the embryo.

Spotting may appear due to improper location of the embryo, which is observed when an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the fetus begins to develop in the cervix or the pipe.

Ectopic pregnancy is a great danger, so if there is a suspicion her gynecologist seem urgently required. It's worth noting that this anomaly in the initial period may have normal signs of pregnancy, but with time, a woman will feel the deterioration of general condition, the occurrence of pain in the lower abdominal area.

It is important to evaluate month when ectopic pregnancyBecause the future depends on the health of women. To do this, we recommend to read a separate article on our site devoted to this subject.

hormonal disorders

The menstrual cycle is in close relation with hormonal.

Hormonal failure may lead to the fact that prior to the expected date of the onset of menstruation estrogen is produced in large amounts, and progesterone - insufficient. It is with this imbalance and appears brown spotting.

Also, when the negative test periods may smear, but not start in the case of low levels of estrogen in the first phase of the cycle. This failure violates the function of the reproductive organs: the egg does not develop, which is why there is no ovulation. When this layer of the endometrium in the uterus is not thickened, therefore, in the period of expected menses torn away nothing. As a result, instead of the heavy discharge start brown spotting.

Most often, such a daub termination coincides with the time when they had to end month. In some situations, the duration of this period can be extended by a few days. Typically, such a reaction of the organism occurs only once, and the next cycle begins in a woman full of menstruation.

If there is already 2 weeks monthly smear brown, urgently need to see a gynecologist, because it may indicate a serious hormonal failure that requires treatment.

The therapy on their own can not, as incorrectly chosen preparations based on hormones, can lead to serious complications. If timely measures are taken to address the problem, increasing the likelihood of recurrence of menstrual spotting, and in the next month. Better to turn to professionals who will select the correct preparations for the normalization cycle.

girl holding her stomach

inflammatory diseases

Another reason for the appearance of smearing month are inflammatory diseases affecting the organs of the female reproductive system. Arose inflammation impairs their function, which is why the character of menstruation may change: there is no spotting of bleeding. In most cases, inflammation of the reproductive system organs begin due to hypothermia.

Most often, menstrual disorders observed in patients uterine endometritis. This pathology is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus, a violation of the majority of the entity's functions. When this illness periods may smear more than two weeks, and then did not go.

The inflammatory process may occur against the background of falling into the body of infection, a sexually transmitted disease. Recognize its presence can be the appearance of pathological symptoms the following:

  • pain in lower abdomen;
  • burning during urination;
  • Distribution pruritus intimal area;
  • appearance whitish, yellowish, greenish precipitates having a bad smell;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

If monthly anointed, but not yet started, and she found any of these symptoms, she should immediately consult a gynecologist. Otherwise evolved pathology will face serious complications that can result in infertility.

sad girl


With rapid weight gain or when an excess of impaired function of the hypothalamus. Consequently, the hormones change, monthly starting to smudge, but do not start. This process often leads to a complete disappearance of menstruation, loss of fertility.

It is found that with decreasing excess body weight at 10-15% of the cycle is starting to recover. In this first monthly smear brown, then gradually acquire menses conventional character.

Reception and cancellation of COCs

Spotting can occur when taking contraceptive drugs. The changing nature of menstruation is the normal response of the means of oral contraception. This is due to the fact that the main action of medicaments aimed at preventing ovulation by reducing the amount of estrogen. Reduced hormone levels results in that the layer of the endometrium in the uterus does not develop, due to which monthly smear brown, and are not bleeding.

Such a reaction of the body is the norm, if smearing menstruation are no more than 3 consecutive months. In this case, spotting may occur during the entire cycle. If this phenomenon is observed beyond this time frame, it is required to consult with your doctor about replacement medication.

Cancel COC may also provoke daub. Discontinuation of the drug leads to gradual normalization of hormonal levels. The reproductive system is slowly recovering, so spotting may occur instead of monthly. Most often at an early stage cancel the COC misses 3 days of menstruation and then gradually acquire standard character.

hormone pills

emotional distress

The nervous system is involved in the release of hormones regulating hypothalamic function, so after a month of stress may start long, appearing brown daubs. It proved that short-term stress condition provokes the strengthening of menstruation and long - reducing the volume of discharge, duration of critical days.

If under the influence of stress factors during menstruation began brown spotting, woman cope with nervous tension, you need to try on their own or seek the assistance of specialist.

Constant stress become a cause of hormone imbalance that leads to the replacement of full monthly daubs, and then to its complete absence, impaired fertility.


Brown spotting appears instead of menstruation in women older than 40 years. At this time many premenopausal begins, during which replaced the usual menstruation scanty. they disappear after a while, and monthly stop.

woman holding his head

Establishing monthly

At the young age of the girls when they are just starting monthly, scribble, observed instead of menstruation, it is the norm. It occurs due to hormonal adjustment. In most cases there is no ovulation in the cycle, which is why there are scarce and isolation.

However, such a normal menses can be considered, if they continue not more than 1 year after menarche. If the brown spotting is observed over a long period of time, the girl to see a doctor, as it may signal the development of pathologies.

Girls tactics in this situation

If smears, and no monthly long time, you should consult your doctor immediately for diagnosis of violations. Most often, the following techniques are used for this:

  • blood analysis;
  • a study on HCG;
  • measurement of basal body temperature;
  • Pelvic ultrasound;
  • MRI;
  • thyroid.

Depending on the accompanying symptoms can be assigned to other diagnostic methods, in some cases, necessary consultations with specialists different profile.

Should consult a doctor, if short-lived monthly smear brown, but the situation is repeated each cycle.

In both cases, a gynecologist diagnoses the cause of such disorders, prescribe appropriate therapy, taking into account the factor that caused the problem, as well as the individual characteristics of the girl body. In order not to aggravate the condition, all the expert advice is not to self-medicate required to fully comply.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 10
  • 145