The period after the hysteroscopy, what can not be done, why it hurts the lower abdomen when you can have sex

Hysteroscopy - a minimally invasive method of surgery in organs of the reproductive system. Its use resort for diagnostic purposes and in the course of therapy, gynecological pathologies. Sometimes after hysteroscopic complications arise. That such consequences do not appear, you need to follow all medical advice.

after hysteroscopy


  • Types uterus hysteroscopy
    • diagnostic
    • surgical
    • control
    • office hysteroscopy
  • Indications for
  • Contraindications
  • The postoperative period
    • pain
    • Vaginal discharge
    • Menstrual cycle
    • antibacterials
  • possible complications
  • Pregnancy after hysteroscopy
  • Recommendations for rehabilitation

Types uterus hysteroscopy

Depending on the purpose for which hysteroscopy is performed, it is divided into the following varieties:

  • diagnostic. The study can not determine the degree of increase in the uterus, the endometrium to examine and identify the different pathology;
  • surgery. During the inspection carried organ excision of the affected tissue. Such manipulation may be performed in detecting polyps, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and other diseases;
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  • control. Appointed after a certain period after the start of therapy. Thus it is possible to determine the degree of treatment efficiency and to make its adjustment, if necessary;
  • office.

Whatever the purpose of doing research, after conducting the body needs time to recover.


The study is conducted to identify fibroids, polyps and other pathologies of the genitourinary system. When this is inserted into the vagina hysteroscope minimum diameter.

Among the advantages of this method is to provide the following:

  • mucous hardly damaged;
  • general anesthesia is not required, thereby reducing the risk of complications provoked by the use of anesthesia;
  • Hospitalization is not necessary;
  • procedures are less than half an hour;
  • operation is well tolerated.


The procedure is shown in endometriosis. With the development of this disease increases anomalously endometrium. Suspend pathological process fails by removing the mother layer. Also, to perform operation at resorted removal of polyps, fibroids, adhesions and partitions in the uterus.

It makes hysteroscopy

Often, during rehabilitation in women stomach hurts, but gradually the pain subsides. There are also spotting that week and a half later, disappear completely.


The study uses a hysteroscope. With it possible to determine which changes in the cervical canal and the uterus, and after the operation of the therapy. Due to the state of the control body fails timely to identify complications of hysteroscopy and eliminate them.

office hysteroscopy

office hysteroscopy It is considered the most simple. Calibration is done on an outpatient basis. Often, when this is performed endometrial biopsy.

The risk of complications is reduced to a minimum. There are only minor pain after a hysteroscopy and spotting, gradually decreasing in volume.

Indications for

There are a number of indications for hysteroscopy. Among them are the following:

  • failure menstrual cycle;
  • occurrence of bleeding after menopause;
  • adenomyosis;
  • myoma;
  • endometrial cancer;
  • adhesions inside the uterus;
  • Anomaly organ development;
  • miscarriage;
  • infertility;
  • complications in the postpartum period;
  • preparation for in vitro fertilization;
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of drug therapy;
  • the remnants of the ovum in the body after the abortive events.
a gynecologist


There are certain contraindications, under which the operation is not carried out:

  • infectious diseases which occur in an acute form;
  • inflammation in the genital organs;
  • desired uterine pregnancy;
  • cervical cancer;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • kidney disease and liver;
  • atresia of cervical canal;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • profuse bleeding in the genital organs.

If there is no study conducted similar problems. This is due to the fact that in the case of manipulations significantly increases the risk of complications.

The postoperative period

Rehabilitation after hysteroscopy conditionally divided into two stages. On the ground is restored mucosal integrity and normalize their operation. The mucous membrane of the uterus during this time completely heals, regenerates tissues of the cervical canal. Often, in the initial stage of recovery of the body faces the female abdominal pains. Most clearly expressed in the first few hours after surgery.

After 2-3 weeks, the damaged tissue is fully restored, the second stage of rehabilitation. Now it begins to form a new endometrium with a normal structure and function characteristic features.


Minor, nagging pains are not considered abnormal. Typically, the pain is localized in the lower abdomen and lower back. After a couple of days of discomfort disappear. Their appearance is due to tissue damage by removing myoma node, polyp or perform other manipulations.

If the pain threshold of a woman is low, the discomfort becomes more pronounced. At the same time resorted to the use of pain medication.

The reason for concern is the unbearable pain and fever after hysteroscopy. Alert should also signs of intoxication. In this case, in order to avoid possible complications should immediately seek help from a medical facility.

strong pain

Vaginal discharge

Spotting observed for several days after surgery. They appear due to damage to the mucous body of instruments. Already after 2-3 days highlight minor sukrovichnye. They disappear completely after a half weeks. So long due to increased availability of ichor body cavity during the study and the passage of fluid in the blood vessels. Severe bleeding observed in this case should not. Their appearance is a cause for immediate treatment to the gynecologist.

Menstrual cycle

arrival timing controller after hysteroscopy largely depend on the purpose of doing research. If carried out a diagnostic procedure, the occurrence of menstrual blood to be expected in usual days. Failure cycle in this case is insignificant. Menstruation can be delayed for a few days. The explanation for this is quite simple. the uterus is almost not damaged, the recovery is much faster.

Therapeutic hysteroscopy with curettage having a more severe impact on the body. Delayed menstruation can last longer. The first day of the cycle in this case must be regarded as the date of the transaction. Accordingly, the expected arrival of the regulation after 30 days.

It is imperative to follow the nature of the first menses. If their consistency, volume or color has changed, you need to be sure about it to tell your doctor.


Antibiotics are appointed after hysteroscopy in order to prevent complications. Mucous damaged during this period and not protected against infection, as a result of multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms begin the inflammatory process.

Sometimes further resorting to antibiotic and before performing the procedure. Often the prescribed three-day course of reception after hysteroscopy was performed. Then begin to restore hormonal balance. For this purpose drug Djufaston assigned.

possible complications

As a result of the study are sometimes observed complications. Among the early effects of surgery are the following:

  • inflammation of the uterus, as well as the peritoneum. Pelvioperitonit and endometritis are the most common complications;
  • hemolysis within the vessels;
  • bleeding. Its appearance is due to the fact that during the operation the uterus injured tissue, may damage larger blood vessels.
uterine bleeding

Among the later consequences of release:

  • Hematometra. This pathological condition in which blood accumulates in the genital organs due to spasm of the cervical canal;
  • deformation body cavity;
  • exacerbation of chronic inflammation;
  • re-growth of tumors removed.

Damage to the vagina and the uterine mucosa leads to the fact that increases the risk of bacterial infection. In this case, there is pain in the lower abdomen and appears uncharacteristic isolation.

Pregnancy after hysteroscopy

There are certain guidelines for pregnancy after hysteroscopic, Following which the recovery process will proceed much faster. During the first month of a woman needs sexual rest. This is due primarily to the fact that the organ at this point is not protected from the negative impact from the outside. Genital infection can penetrate into the uterine cavity, and the state at the same time significantly worse.

In addition, during the first week and a half there are bleeding from the vagina. It also makes the intimacy impossible. Deteriorating state of health of women during this period.

Pregnancy after the removal of the pathology in the uterus possible. Doctors recommend not think about conceiving earlier than three months after the surgery.

Recommendations for rehabilitation

Normally the recovery period lasts about a month. After curettage and hysteroscopy of need during this time to strictly adhere to the following guidelines:

  • not to have sex. In addition, it will then be manifest tenderness, so also there is a risk of penetration of pathogens in the body cavity;
  • not to swim in open water, swimming pools and even take a bath. shower only allowed;
  • refuse from visiting saunas and baths;
  • not ignore the rules of personal hygiene and wash at least twice a day;
  • taking antibiotic agents, adhering strictly to the chosen doctor scheme;
  • measure the body temperature twice a day;
  • Avoid excessive exercise and weight lifting;
  • do not use tampons. Preference should be given to pads and change them every 3-4 hours. Blood - a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of bacteria;
  • to organize diet. It is extremely important that a sufficient amount of vegetables was on the menu, dairy products and fruits;
  • systematically undergo examination by a gynecologist;
  • monitor the timely emptying of the bladder.

Despite the fact that hysteroscopy is considered minimally invasive surgery, the risk of complications is still there. A woman should properly prepare for this procedure, and to comply strictly with all medical advice after it. Severe side effects due to this there is much less common.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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