Women's reproductive health depends on the state of the endometrium. This term is called the fabric covering the inner layer of the uterus. Throughout the menstrual cycle, there are changes in the mucous, and in many cases, it is considered the physiological norm. But there are pathological and structural damage when heterogeneous endometrium is a sign of abnormalities in the body. This occurs most often under the influence of hormonal disorders and inflammatory processes.
- Characteristic
- performance Objectives
- The causes of variances
- pathological state
- Research and Diagnostics
- Preventive actions
In the women's genital area endometrium plays a special role. For successful embryo implantation and normal embryonic development genitals inner layer should have sufficient maturity and corresponding structure.
Due to changes in the mother, the female body prepares for the possibility of fertilization. Endometrial inhomogeneous structure and different thickness of the inner layer in certain phases of the cycle creates favorable conditions for conception.
The mucosa is very sensitive to hormonal background. This feature is reflected in the size of the endometrium. Immediately after menstruation tissue thickens, which contributes to the successful attachment of the egg to the inner layer of the uterus fibers. The embryo receives the necessary for the growth of the number of molecules of oxygen and nutrients. If pregnancy does not occur, a functional layer of tissue is torn away and comes out with blood. The woman begins menstruation, and the remaining basal layer is restored to the start of the next menstrual cycle.
For normal physiological process characterized by a change in internal uterine thickness only in certain phases of the cycle. If a failure occurs, and the doctor diagnoses the untimely structural damage, can diffuse mucosal changes.
Abnormal proliferation of epithelial cells and glands throughout the surface leads to uterine endometrium ingrowth into the adjacent muscular layer (myometrium). Such conditions must be corrected at an early stage, otherwise the woman may have problems conceiving.
Diffuse changes in the myometrium - one of the most common gynecological problems, but it is not the only cause of endometrial structure violations. Before we deal with the abnormal state, denote a situation where you can not be afraid for their health.
performance Objectives
Atypical endometrium structure may be congenital, but such cases are identified infrequently. Normal endometrial structures diagnosed heterogeneity:
- Endometrium during pregnancy. When harboring child in a woman's body is dominated by progesterone, provoking proliferation of the endometrium. hormone level is increased gradually and the time of delivery is maximized.
- In menopause. As we age and approach menopause structure of endometrial changes. The functional layer gradually becomes thinner, upon the occurrence of climacteric there is only basal. The fabric has a homogeneous structure and is normally 5-6 mm.
- Specific phases of the menstrual cycle. Healthy woman in the early days of menstruation the mucous thickness of 5-8 mm. About the third day of the endometrium is transformed and becomes a good echogenicity. During this period, the size of the fabric surface varies from 3 to 5 mm. By the end of menstruation inner layer of the uterus increases, and reaches a compacted thickness of 7-9 mm. On the 8th day dimensions mucosa is 8-10 mm.
The development of the endometrium throughout the cycle reveals the existence of serious disturbances in the body. Thickness must vary in the range of 5 to 17 mm. If changes are not detected by ultrasound, prescribe. In need of therapy and women who have the condition of the endometrium does not conform to a specific phase.
Changes associated with the loss of homogeneity of the endometrium during menopause and pregnancy do not cause discomfort and are not treated. This is normal, but do not rule out medical supervision and prevention measures. At any time, the situation may change, and to identify circulatory disorders and other abnormalities is only possible with regular ultrasound.
The causes of variances
The main cause of the inhomogeneity of the endometrium are hormonal disorders. During menstruation progesterone activity is shown. Under its influence the inner layer of the uterus increases several times and updated. Estrogen belongs to a different role. This hormone prevents the proliferation of mucosal tissues. With a balanced, healthy hormonal background density, thickness, endometrial structure consistent performance standards. If some of the hormones starts to prevail, there is a failure, the probability of occurrence and progression of diseases of the reproductive system increases.
Among other reasons, provoke variations in the structure of the inner layer, can be identified:
- circulatory disorders of the mucous membrane;
- curettage, abortion, endoscopic surgery;
- hypoplasia (Underdevelopment) and fibroids of the uterus;
- long-term use of antibiotics.
In cases where the non-uniformity of the endometrium is not physiologically temporary phenomenon, doctors assess the condition as pathological. The final conclusion is made only after the ultrasound.
pathological state
Violation of the structure and thickness of the endometrium can be triggered diseases such as:
- submucosal fibroids (benign tumor);
- adenomyosis (cell growth in the muscle layer of the uterus);
- polyps, cysts;
- endometriosis, endometritis;
- Hyperplasia (structural deformation and an abnormal growth of the functional layer glands);
- malignant tumors.
Sore irregular endometrium negative impact on well-being and health of women. Many of the identified pathologies interfere with normal fertility and pregnancy. Cancer can be life-threatening and require immediate treatment.
Inhomogeneous state of the endometrium, like any disease, characterized by symptomatic manifestations. They are few and the majority are non-specific. Abdominal pain, no menstruation, fatigue - all common symptoms that characterize a variety of diseases of the uterus, including the heterogeneity of its mucosa.
In the initial stages the symptoms appear rarely. Changes in the mucous tissue structure is clinically may not appear, but as the disease progresses the symptoms become noticeable and visible. Typically, a woman concerned about the sharp pain during menstruation and regular disruptions of the menstrual cycle.
The intensity and severity of symptoms depend on the causative factor that provoked the inhomogeneity of the endometrium.
Research and Diagnostics
When normal inspection is difficult to determine the condition of the endometrium. Pathological changes are detected by ultrasound, which is done after menses. Detailed analysis allows you to set the density, thickness and structure of the endometrium. During the examination, the doctor examines the echogenicity of the endometrium structures can reveal tumors and other problems affecting the reproductive function.
In addition to the local ultrasound the doctor may prescribe scraping. Upon detection of thickening and structural heterogeneity of this type of surgery is used for treatment and diagnosis.
In addition, for a more complete and detailed analysis experts of different profiles can be brought to the diagnostic study. This is due to the fact that the cause of many gynecological diseases are disorders of other organs and systems.
Preventive actions
In order to prevent the development of the endometrium tissue inhomogeneities, gynecologists recommend to be more attentive to their health. Do not ignore the painful symptoms, delay menstruation cycle failures and other distressing symptoms. Later, access to a doctor can cause heavy bleeding, endometrial rupture, infertility and other complications.
Very important time to take tests, undergo ultrasound and responsible to receive prescription drugs for the restoration of the endometrium. These recommendations apply to women of any age. Regular visits to the doctor and professional diagnosis reduces the likelihood of the development of pathological violations, and in case of deviations allow to cope with the disease more quickly and without serious complications.