Hematometra after curettage: Symptoms and treatment of cervical spasm

After cleaning, missed abortion, abortifacient action and curettage can cause serious complications. Sometimes after scraping hemometra observed. This particular condition in which the reproductive organs in the celebrated collection of blood due to the malfunction of the outflow.

after operation


  • Causes of
    • Causes of pathological condition
  • symptoms hematometra
  • species
    • Postpartum
    • postoperative
    • PAC
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
    • The use of traditional medicine
    • conservative therapy

Causes of

spasm and cervical fluid in the genital organs can be triggered by curettage and various pathologies (polyps in the cervical canal and other tumors in the urogenital system). Among the main causes of such violations are the following:

  • polyps and fibroids. Most often diagnosed diseases in women during menopause and menopause. Probability hematometra development with a minimum;
  • recently transferred birth. The risk of such disorders and damage caused by discontinuities of the birth canal;
  • abortifacient action and scraping. In most cases, a complication arises because of these procedures;
  • cancers of the endometrium.
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Causes of pathological condition

The pathological condition may be caused by organic and functional reasons. In the first case we are talking about mechanical obstruction normal blood outflow. In the second violation occurs due to spasm of the muscles in the cervical canal.

a gynecologist

Reasons for which there is a pathological condition, there will be several:

  • decrease in cervical extensibility. Violation occurs after curettage, frequent abortive events and as a result of age-related changes in the time of the menopausal women;
  • hymen fusion after myocardial inflammation;
  • cervical stenosis;
  • fibroids, cervical polyp;
  • installation of a spiral;
  • cervical mucous edema, provoked by an allergic reaction;
  • occurrence of adhesions in the uterus;
  • abnormal development of the urogenital tract, the genital tract where the permeability is broken;
  • overlapping internal os cervical neoplasm.
keeps the uterus

symptoms hematometra

This condition is accompanied by clinical symptoms such as:

  • termination or rapid decrease in the discharge volume after the abortive measures, cleaning, caesarean section or natural childbirth;
  • absence of menstruation or overly lean amount of puberty. If the girl has no discharge (menarche) for a long time, it may be suspected malformations of the genitourinary system;
  • heaviness in the abdomen;
  • Periodically there are cramping pain in the lower back and lower abdomen areas, extending to the coccyx and sacrum. Drawing pains become pronounced during exercise and walks briskly;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain on palpation genital organ, reducing or increasing the reduction in terms of its size;
  • hyperthermia, general deterioration, feeling full of weakness and malaise. Most often, these symptoms are observed, if the infection is joined, began the inflammatory process in the uterus;
  • palpitations, dizziness, and nausea.

Sometimes symptoms is mild or even obliterated. To reveal the pathological condition, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis.


Depending on what caused the spasm of cervical canal and the problems with the normal outflow of blood, isolated several types hematometra. By this condition can cause uterine cleaning and abortive events. Pathological changes often occur in the postpartum period.


After the successful completion of pregnancy (labor or Caesarean section) the possibility of such complications. They can provoke vaginal tears, scars on genital organs, abnormal progress of labor, preeclampsia and excessive stretching of the uterine wall, if the fetus was a major. Often at the same time observed discharge with an unpleasant odor. As a rule, they point to the beginning of the inflammatory process.


Absence of menstruation after surgery is an alarming symptom. It is possible that as a result of therapeutic curettage developed a pathological condition. In this case, there may be blood clots in the secretions appear pain, nausea and dizziness. Inflammation in the body can lead to the accumulation of pus in the uterus. Leave these changes without attention is strictly prohibited. Need urgent medical care.



cause delay blood after abortion It may be incomplete removal embryo damage genital tract and vagina, the beginning of inflammatory processes and cervical stenosis. Bleeding thus often contain clots and have an unpleasant odor.


To diagnose Hematometra, a number of procedures and manipulations. Among the main ones are the following:

  • the doctor's consultation. Specialist woman listens to complaints and learns about the time of changes in the body and features of the clinical picture;
  • visual pelvic exam, which may be accompanied by bimanual examination;
  • ultrasound;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • fence swab from the vagina, cervix and urethra.

During the inspection determined consistency, size of the uterus, its sensitivity to pain. Not excluded swelling of the external genitalia.

During the inspection on the chair identified the following violations:

  • pronounced pain syndrome;
  • presence of congenital or acquired atresia hymen and transverse partition the upper third of the vagina;
  • swelling and vaginal mucous channel, proliferation of cysts and neoplasms;
  • spasm and narrowing neck external opening of the cervix. There is scanty discharge of blood or after cleaning of the abortive events;
  • the presence of particles or membranes of the embryo, the presence of large blood clots;
  • lack of blood at the time of arrival of the regulation;
  • mismatch amount lochia normal postnatal certain period;
  • insertion of the catheter into the uterine cavity thereon blood flows;
  • consistency genitals similar to the test. On palpation there is severe pain.

The most informative method of diagnosis is considered when Hematometra ultrasound. If the case is severe enough, then held hysteroscopic study. This method allows you to immediately carry out the necessary therapeutic measures.

The major pathological condition ehopriznakami protrude body volume increase and accumulation of fluid therein. If blood is present in the fallopian tubes, then immediately determine the degree of thickening.

Ultrasound makes it possible not only to identify Hematometra, but also to determine the exact cause of the disease. The method allows us to see the change in the diameter of the throat, sprawling fibroids, developmental disorders and intrauterine adhesions formed. As a result, a doctor in the future easier to choose the tactics of treatment.

It makes ultrasound


hematometra treatment after scraping may be carried out using medication and by surgical intervention. As a rule, in the course of therapy are appointed antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and hormonal preparations. Apply traditional methods. Intimate life to correct the problem is eliminated.

In some situations where violations have arisen for functional reasons, the problem can be solved independently, but this happens very rarely. Therefore, doctors insist on beginning treatment immediately after detection of changes. Such cases can cause serious, life-threatening complications.

The use of traditional medicine

If scraping body cavity led to the development hematometra, then she will need to perform exercises such as sit-ups and tilts. They contribute to the outflow of blood. The spasm is removed by applying heat to the stomach.

Infusions viburnum berries and nettle broth horseradish marginally contribute to reducing the risk of proliferation of hematoma. Drugs stimulate the process of blood clotting and can also suspend the bleeding.

It is also used in the treatment of infusion based on elecampane and smartweed. This facility helps to increase fiber tone and provokes the reduction of uterine muscle.

Doctors strongly recommend not to resort to self-medication and the use of such folk remedies. Often against the background of their application in the vagina and genital organs begin inflammation, bleeding increases and spasms become even more pronounced. In addition, herbal teas and infusions are not able to fully eliminate symptoms and resolve urgent problems.

The time required for diagnosis, selection of effective treatment and elimination of violations, is lost. This can cause even more serious complications.

conservative therapy

At that time, when the treatment is just beginning, the main purpose is to remove the uterus. If the cause of violations lies exclusively in the cervical spasm, to correct the problem will be sufficient to introduce the catheter into the body cavity and thus bring his blood.

The therapy is also used drugs No-spa, Oxytocin or metilergometrina. An integrated approach facilitates rapid elimination of muscle spasm.

Nospanum and Drotaverinum

If the state began to develop after cesarean section or natural childbirth permission to resort to the use of special vacuum devices. In most cases, when this suction is applied inside of the drainage body and endometrial lavage is performed using solutions such as sodium chloride or furatsilin. This an unpleasant procedure can be repeated daily for three and, if necessary, and then four days. Due to this risk of starting the inflammatory process is significantly reduced.

If in the course of diagnostic measures were found problems with the hymen, it is dissected. Therapeutic scraping is carried out in the presence of placental organ slices, and particles of an embryo, fetus, shells or blood clots.

procedure hysteroresectoscopy is prescribed in case of submucous fibroids and polyps. They were removed in the course of the procedure. Congenital partitions are cut.

If the case is complex and there are serious diseases, purulent processes, then resorted to drastic measures - remove the fallopian tubes and the genital organ itself.

Whatever the reason hematometra, after blood removal from the uterus the woman's health is restored with the help of anti-inflammatory medication and antibiotic medicines. Once the problem has been eliminated, necessarily carried out a full examination. Its main purpose - to prevent such changes in the future. This is especially important in the presence of congenital malformations of the urogenital tract.

Hematometra - a serious complication observed in the post-natal period, after scraping the mucous layer of the uterus and abortive events. accumulation of blood in the reproductive organs can become a cause of inflammation and pus. Pathological condition is strictly forbidden to leave unattended. Only if therapy is initiated in a timely manner, be able to resolve this issue and completely restore the reproductive system. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable measure.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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