Scraping with missed abortion, recovery and treatment of many lay in hospital

Provided are numerous factors which provoke fetal fading. Often, this happens early in pregnancy - in the first 3 months.

When missed abortion require scraping the uterine cavity, which implies the removal of the embryo. There are a number of psychological and physiological effects of the procedure, so the operation should be carried out by qualified personnel only.

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  • Contraindications
  • performing procedures
  • Well-being, depending on the trimester
    • first trimester
    • second trimester
    • third trimester
  • Allocation after the procedure
  • recovery
    • Normalization of the menstrual cycle
  • complications
  • Treatment


There are a number of contraindications to the enjoyment of this surgery, which include:

  • genital tract diseases having an infectious nature: colpitis, inflammation in appendages, vaginitis;
  • vascular disease and those who are in the acute form of the disease of blood, heart, sugar diabetic disease;
  • acute infection caused by viruses and bacteria.

In the case of these contraindications uterus cleaning with missed abortion can not be performed. In such a situation it is assigned a characteristic pathology treatment to stabilize the patient's health.

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performing procedures

Before cleaning implement with missed abortion, mandatory to pass physical examination, including delivery of the analysis and research:

  • blood type;
  • diagnosis of syphilitic infection;
  • general and biochemical analyzes of blood, urine;
  • Diagnosis Rh factor;
  • examination of cervical smear;
  • a swab from the urethra.

Also made an electrocardiogram in the survey. Such a diagnosis is needed to rule out the risks of diseases of the genital organs or other contraindications to the use of surgery. Then the woman removes the entire scalp with an intimate area is thoroughly cleaned.

Before performing scraping the uterine cavity at a stop in fetal development required to refuse to accept food products that promote the formation of active gas in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the final consumption of food should be not later than 6 hours prior to surgery, as it is carried out on an empty stomach. If urgent curettage shown, before the procedure is performed gastric lavage.

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Before surgery to remove the remnants of the ovum is necessary to prepare the cervix. It is necessary, especially for nulliparous, and the need to expand the cervix, the lower the likelihood of damage.

Preparation is carried out by introducing into the cervical canal kelp. Algae gradually absorb vaginal secretions, swelling, expanding channel. This is done before the operation. Also, before the procedure is necessary to seek advice from the anesthetist, obstetrician-gynecologist.

After the preparatory step is completed, the assigned operation which is performed under general anesthesia. The woman is on the gynecological chair. Before the procedure necessarily gynecologist examines. It's necessary:

  • to determine the location of the uterus;
  • assessing uterine dimensional characteristics;
  • disinfection genitals.

Then anesthesia administered, cervical canal expanded by the expander. Scraping is carried out using a curette. The gynecologist deletes contents genitals, grasping the upper layer of the endometrium. During surgery, the doctor uses substances that cause uterine contractions.

The duration of this procedure is 15 minutes.

More modern method of scraping considered vacuum aspiration at the stood pregnancySo we recommend a more detailed examination of the information on its performance.

Well-being, depending on the trimester

Basically recovery uterus cleaning is fast, it does not pose any health-threatening complications. But after scraping of the embryo may occur and unpredictable consequences for the general condition of the woman, her reproductive system.

Most often, they do not pose any danger, and are physiological in nature. These effects include the appearance after curettage of pain and bleeding from the vagina.

first trimester

When carrying out an experienced doctor cleansing in the early stages rarely experience any complications. In this case can receive the following side effects:

  • bleeding;
  • appearance of the inflammatory process;
  • hormonal failure occurrence;
  • cervical incompetence;
  • damage to the uterus;
  • scar formation on the interior uterine surface.
lower abdominal pain

Also, by removing stopped in embryo development may increase in temperature, the occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen. After surgery you may need therapy to restore the cycle, but in most cases it is normalized independently.

second trimester

If pregnancy has stood and took scraping in the second trimester, the risk of complications. Among them are:

  • occurrence of bleeding;
  • damage to the inner part of the uterus or bone piercing tool or the fetus during the procedure;
  • appearance krovjanisto-sukrovichnyh precipitates without odor and other hue;
  • forming hormonal disorders;
  • Distribution abdominal pains after scraping;
  • increase in body temperature readings.

In most cases, as a result of cleaning in the second trimester observed occurrence pricking pains. If any complications mentioned above, women urgently need to see a gynecologist.

If time to start the prescribed therapy, the body quickly recover and prepare for the next conception. In this case, the planning pregnancy after curettage perhaps six months later.

third trimester

Scraping in fading in the third trimester of pregnancy requires the greatest recovery period. In virtually all cases, women need long-term rehabilitation.

Before the surgery, the doctor is required to evaluate the condition of the fetus. At its immobilization is carried out abortions. After this procedure, the third month of pregnancy, women have to stay in hospital for at least 1 week.

Allocation after the procedure

After conducting the operation appear allocation, as curettage promotes strong damage to the endometrium.

Immediately after cleaning observed spotting, which are similar to monthly. They may have different lengths depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. Basically bleeding is observed for 6 days, and then its intensity decreases, there is a secret sukrovichny brown. Gradually it becomes white, then completely disappears.

blood on the strip

The maximum duration of bleeding should not exceed 9 hours. If they are observed and thereafter, an urgent need to see a gynecologist.

abnormal discharge may occur in some cases. To recognize the development of the disease in the vagina can be by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • isolation lasts longer than 10 days - often this happens on the background of hormonal failure;
  • the secret is accompanied by an unpleasant odor - this indicates a connection of the infection;
  • abruptly stop all sorts of selection - the phenomenon, indicating that the uterus formed clots, preventing blood output.

On development of the pathology may also indicate a strong pain, temperature increase after operation. Normally, the temperature increases only in the first days after the procedure.


Basically the duration of recovery of missed abortion is calculated taking into account the normalization of the menstrual cycle. It is also necessary to rehabilitate the organism from the effects of general anesthesia. To expedite this process, you must adhere to a healthy lifestyle, to comply with all the recommendations of the attending physician.

It is believed that the following planning a pregnancy can be immediately after the recovery of the menstrual cycle. But it is desirable to create conditions for the body to fully recover.

In this case, the assigned reception means of oral contraception for six months. After discontinuation of the drug over a woman can carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Normalization of the menstrual cycle

Month after missed abortion recovered after 30-40 days. But due to the hormonal failure, this period may be longer. Accelerate the rehabilitation period, to quickly restore the microflora of the vagina can be, carefully observing personal hygiene, refusing to exercise. In addition, the period of presence of bleeding after curettage is necessary to avoid sex life.

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When scraping the fruit residues there is a possibility of complications. Such an operation can cause the following consequences:

  1. Operational manipulation can result in rupture of the uterine wall. The cause of such complications are mostly defects in the uterine cavity.
  2. After the procedure, or after a short period of time it is likely to start bleeding. This complication occurs against a background of weak uterine contractions. It's worth noting that the copious blood can cause anemia, so the appearance of this problem urgently need to seek help from a physician.
  3. Since the endometrium after surgery is wound on it can be noticed the appearance of inflammation - endometritis. Recognize this pathology can be for the following symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, increased temperature body performance, poor uterine contraction, heavy vaginal discharge accompanied by an unpleasant smell.
  4. Since scraping conducted a blinded fashion, in the uterus may be the remains of the membranes. Recognize the problem may be on spotting that are characterized by high durability. In this case, the size of the uterus will not be reduced to levels observed before pregnancy. Confirm the presence of residues may be using ultrasound. If any are found need to re-cleaning.
  5. Scraping means itself endometrial ablation with fetal membranes. Because of this, there is a likelihood of damage to the basal layer of genitals. Mostly this happens in the case of sloppy procedure. The consequence of such an operation can be the occurrence of adhesions, accretion. The data may subsequently interfere with the formation process of attaching the ovum to the uterine wall, causing infertility.

Also, the scars on the cervix may occur during careless conduct of operations, which complicates the process of pregnancy.

To minimize the risk of these complications, the woman is required to prepare carefully for the operation, to comply with all the recommendations of the attending physician. Also, when an alarm symptoms should immediately consult a specialist to diagnose its causes.


Recovering from missed abortion lies in taking certain drugs. They are appointed solely by the attending physician. The list includes drugs that weaken the pain, antibiotics to reduce the likelihood of inflammation. To increase the muscle tone of the uterus, to enhance its contractility, issued oxytocin. And to accelerate the rehabilitation period may prescribe physical therapy.

In general fading of the development process occurs when random genetic disorders in the fetus, so this situation the risk of recurrence is low. But to confirm the ability of women to pregnancy and childbirth after missed abortion, and the prescribed therapy is necessary to pass the examination, including:

  • ultrasound;
  • analysis for the presence of various infections;
  • blood and urine tests.
It does a blood test

But there is a risk of death and re-embryo in the womb. When a woman happens again fade pregnancy, the above list is expanded by the following paragraphs:

  • study the hormonal balance;
  • semen analysis of the partner;
  • examination of the fetus for abnormalities histology and genetics;
  • conducting smear;
  • compilation immunogram, coagulation;
  • analysis for latent infection.

karyotyping partners also carried out. These studies will help to diagnose the reasons for stopping the development of the fetus, to identify ways to address them. With proper and timely treatment of a woman can carry and give birth to a baby.

It's worth noting that such a complication, such as infertility, occurs only in rare cases: if not properly carrying out the operation, failure to follow the woman doctor's prescription.

In normal pregnancy rehabilitation after cleaning can occur within 1 month. If a woman has no plans to become a mother soon, she should contact your doctor for the selection of the best means of contraception.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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