Hysteroscopy before IVF: what is, what day of the cycle it is made, whether required

In preparation for in vitro fertilization for women are often prescribed additional studies. Sometimes a laparoscopy is performed to detect abnormalities of the uterus. Also performed a hysteroscopy before IVF. This method makes it possible to obtain reliable information about reproductive organ status and identify the cause of uterine infertility. Due to the received data fails to pick the optimal therapeutic regimen.

Consultation with a doctor


  • Description hysteroscopy
  • Indications procedure
  • Do I have to do before IVF
  • diagnostic hysteroscopy
    • Advantages of this procedure
    • Minuses
  • On what day of the cycle, making the procedure
  • possible complications
  • prevention
  • Contraindications

Description hysteroscopy

The method of hysteroscopic studies - a minimally invasive diagnosis and treatment of reproductive tract abnormalities. Is the procedure by means of a special instrument - hysteroscope fitted with a video camera, which transmits enlarged many times the image on the monitor screen.

uterus IVF hysteroscopy is performed often enough. This is due to the fact that the method is considered absolutely safe and does not prevent successful fertilization. In the course of the procedure can not solve several problems at once. It is performed in the following order:

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  • control;
  • diagnostics;
  • surgery.

When viewed genitals can not determine its status, to identify emerging disease, as well as to produce a diagnostic scraping the affected areas (if necessary).

When surgical intervention occurs cervical injury or mucous genitals. Lesions in the course of the meeting excised. The test procedure involves assessment of the quality of therapy.

Performs all manipulations in a certain period of the cycle. Hysteroscopy is the most informative only if it is properly matched to the day of the study.

Indications procedure

Among the indications for hysteroscopy before IVF release:

  • systematic miscarriage;
  • several IVF were unsuccessful;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • endometrial pathology;
  • infertility;
  • presence of a foreign body in the reproductive system organs;
  • monitoring the quality of the hormonal treatment;
  • detection of blood clots after surgery;
  • fistulas and polyps in the reproductive organs;
  • cycle crash.

If necessary during the procedure immediately produce removal of pathological tissues.

Indications for hysteroscopy

Do I have to do before IVF

Conducting research before hysteroscopic vitro fertilization helps replace several other procedures, such as ultrasound and scraping. In the course of its implementation can be done as follows:

  • determine the condition of the endometrium;
  • cut the adhesions and remove polyps;
  • take tissue samples for subsequent histological examination;
  • cauterize erosion;
  • assess the patency of the cervical canal.

The procedure is not mandatory, but highly useful and desirable. Usually resort to it in order to diagnosis, but sometimes also perform minor surgery.

IVF after hysteroscopy is often successful than if implemented without a preliminary diagnosis using a hysteroscope. This is due to the fact that many diseases of the reproductive system can affect the future childbearing. Especially important to carry out a diagnostic procedure in the event that the embryo has been repeatedly sit down and take root.

diagnostic hysteroscopy

During hysteroscopic uterine studies are examined, to evaluate the state of endometrial pathology and reveal the following:

  • uterine hyperplasia of mucous layer;
  • adenomyosis appendages;
  • polyps and adhesions in the genital organs;
  • submucous nodes;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine cancer.

All of these diseases can cause infertility. Hysteroscopy helps them quickly identify and eliminate.

A study is as follows:

  1. Anesthesia is administered.
  2. cervical canal expands with a special tool.
  3. The cavity genitals introduced hysteroscope (a thin tube equipped with a camera).
  4. The uterus filled with gas or fluid, thereby expanding it to a full survey.
  5. On the monitor screen displays the device.
  6. If necessary, the scraping is carried out.
  7. The biomaterial is placed in a container and sent for histological examination.
  8. All the tools are retrieved.
hysteroscopy procedure

Once the anesthesia has ended, the woman can leave the health care facility. In the future, it needs only to follow all the doctor's recommendations.

The results obtained provide the basis for selecting strategies in preparation for in vitro fertilization.

Advantages of this procedure

Hysteroscopy before IVF necessarily carried out in the event that previously there had been several unsuccessful attempts to replanting embryo. The main advantages of this procedure are its highly informative. The monitor can be clearly seen the state of the inner layer genitals. Due to this it is possible to identify developing it pathological processes. Ultrasound examination will not be as detailed picture.

Also, when removal of uterus polyps, Curettage and colliotomy other tissues are not damaged. No need for abdominal incision. The method is considered to be completely safe.

This procedure may abortion gentle way. The chances for a positive outcome of IVF thereby substantially increased.


The main disadvantage of the method has been limited in scope. With it is possible to make a dissection of adhesions in the cervical canal and the reproductive organs, remove polyps, fibroids and abnormal endometrial lesions. In this case, information about the condition of the ovaries and distant parts of the fallopian tubes is impossible. It is in these areas of localized tumors and adhesions that prevent a successful conception.

On what day of the cycle, making the procedure

Conducting research involves the introduction of a hysteroscope through the cervix into the reproductive organ, it is best to do in certain days of the cycle. The study is assigned to the 5-7 th day of the menstrual cycle. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane in a given period sufficiently thin and only less prone to bleeding.

Performing all necessary manipulations on other days it is not recommended for the following reasons:

  • an increased risk of the onset of bleeding;
  • possible complications;
  • excessive thickening of the endometrium and therefore low information method.

In some cases, hysteroscopic study carried out for 3-5 days before the arrival of the regulation.

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possible complications

Hysteroscopy IVF only in rare cases can cause the appearance of complications. Spend it in those periods when women do not have menstruation and uterine tissues are damaged only slightly, even under the condition that a biopsy was performed. Nevertheless, after this procedure may cause undesirable effects such as:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • brown spotting or scanty bleeding;
  • flatulence.

As a rule, unpleasant symptoms after a few days on their own disappear. Danger cause heavy bleeding accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. If you notice such symptoms medical advice should be treated without delay.


After the hysteroscopy, whether performed scraping and subsequent histology or no minor damage may occur inside the cervix and genitals. To avoid complications, it is necessary to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Take antibiotic prescribed by the doctor scheme funds.
  2. Wash twice a day using a special means of personal hygiene. It is noted that the vaginal flora using ordinary soap is broken, which adversely affects the condition of the body.
  3. Two times a day to measure the body temperature.
  4. When the pain take pain relievers prescribed gynecologist. If the pain is expressed too strongly, make sure you consult with your doctor.
  5. Do not run water treatments in the bath, avoid swimming in open water and pool. In the first few weeks after the hysteroscopy can take only a shower.
  6. Within a couple of weeks to avoid physical activity, intimacy and exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  7. Monitor changes in the nature and volume of emissions.
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In spite of the high information content of the procedure, in some cases, do not resort to its implementation. Among the contraindications for hysteroscopic study are the following:

  • heavy woman's condition as a result of various pathologies;
  • infectious diseases. There is a risk that the infection has spread to other organs and systems;
  • the presence of malignant tumors in the cervical region. The fluid that is used during the study, can become a cause of pathological cells of the surrounding tissue;
  • uterine bleeding. Informativeness method in this case will be minimal, since in the present cavity reproductive organ blood clots;
  • violation of the blood clotting process. Even sparing surgery is able to cause the opening of uterine bleeding;
  • critical days. During this period, fully examine the state of reproductive organ fails because of a bad review;
  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. In the case of aggravation of pathologies occurring in the chronic form, the procedure is not carried out. It is imperative initially to eliminate the inflammation;
  • Cervical narrowing. channel integrity when administered hysteroscope may be considerably damaged.

Hysteroscopic study before in vitro fertilization is, though not mandatory, but necessary procedure. Due to the information received at the doctor appears accurate picture of the state of genitals. As a result, possible to choose the right tactics preparation for IVF. Accordingly, the chances of a successful outcome are magnified. Especially important is this method of diagnosis in systematic miscarriages and repeated IVF failures. Only after determining the cause of such problems is possible their elimination.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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