Monthly 7-8 days and more: the reasons why are week, is it ok

Normally, the average monthly duration ranges from 3-6 days. If monthly go more than 7 days, it speaks about deviations or pathological disorders that occur in a woman's body. The only exception is a long cycle of 30-35 days for which the periods, lasting a week - a normal phenomenon. There are several reasons for menstruation, lasting more than 7 days. In some situations, this state of the body is the norm, while in others - a pathological process.

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  • The causes of long-term monthly
    • inflammatory diseases
    • uterine pathology, endometrial
    • Acceptance of contraception
    • hormonal disorders
  • Diagnostics specialist
  • Treatment prior to receiving a gynecologist

The causes of long-term monthly

There are several physiological reasons why monthly go more than 7 days. Normally such menstruation observed:

  • due to heredity;
  • after abortion;
  • upon receipt of hormonal contraception;
  • using contraceptives mechanical type, for example, a spiral;
  • before menopause;
  • within 6 months after the first month;
  • after childbirth.

When the month are the seventh day at the rate for women in 6 days, it may be associated with stress, strong physical exertion, fatigue, an abrupt change of climatic conditions. Such conditions are normal, the loop stabilizes independently.

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In other cases, if the monthly go for a week, you should consult your doctor immediately as it is possible that occur pathological processes in the body. The greatest risks are associated with the presence of inflammation in the reproductive organs, diseases of the uterus, hormonal disorders.

If a woman has a long cycle of more than 30 days, and menstruation she continued to 7 days per month, this is normal and does not require medical consultation.

inflammatory diseases

Failure of the menstrual cycle and protracted menstruation can be caused by a sexually transmitted disease, provokes the development of the inflammatory process. If the last month more than 7 days, while there is other specific symptoms, you must seek professional help. Recognize the presence of abnormalities can be founded on grounds such as:

  • appearance of pain;
  • the presence of abnormal discharge with a whitish, yellowish, greenish tint and unpleasant odor of menses;
  • appearance of itching and burning sensation in the genital area.

If menses come 7-8 days and developed symptoms described above, you must diagnose the pathology that appears and start her treatment in a timely manner. Particularly noteworthy situation where monthly are the 9th day. In this case, there may be an infection increases the risk of dangerous complications that affect the reproductive function and general health of women.

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uterine pathology, endometrial

There are several uterine abnormalities that prolong monthly for up to 8 days or more. These include:

  1. Fibroids - benign tumor, localized in the muscle and connective tissue of the uterus. Such components interfere with the body to contract, because of which decreases endometrial excretion activity. When myoma menstrual cycle It does not change, but the duration of menses up to 10 days.
  2. polyps - benign growths in the uterusWhich are formed from the cellular structures of the endometrium. It can be easily damaged, due to which bleeding begins.
  3. Endometriosis - pathology characterized by overgrowth layer that carpets the inner uterine cavity, to adjacent organs and tissues. There is a subspecies of the disease as adenomyosis. It is characterized by proliferation of epithelium in the uterine muscle area. In these disorders may be characterized by monthly decrease or increase the volume of blood secretions, disturbance cycle. Most often, endometriosis month are 9 or more days.
  4. Endometrial hyperplasia - germination epithelium inside the body, a thickening layer. With this pathology endometrial cancer risk of developing cancer.
  5. Chronic endometrial cancer - inflammatory process which could spread on uterine muscle layer. In this month last longer appear in the secretions of the impurity of pus.

Also, the reason for increasing the length of menstruation can be cervical erosion. Recognize this pathology can be by the presence of bleeding, which are not related to the menstrual cycle.

cervical erosion

Acceptance of contraception

Combined oral contraceptives can affect the menstrual cycle of women. Most often this phenomenon is observed during the first 3 months after initiation of contraceptive drugs. In this month are more than one week, and may appear several times a month.

During this period we should normalize the level of sex hormones, the menstrual cycle, the duration of menstruation. If it does not, you need to stop taking these medications and seek medical advice.

hormonal disorders

The reason for that month are 7 days, may be hormonal imbalance. Normally, such changes are caused by:

  • menopause;
  • puerperium;
  • abortion.

At this time in a woman's hormonal changes occur that result in monthly go more than 7 days.

Hormonal failure can be caused by pathological reasons. If you go monthly, check the thyroid function on the 8th day. When such anomalous duration critical days thyroid begins to produce increased or decreased amounts of hormones. Such a breach can lower the chance of pregnancy, complicate its course in the future.

girl by an endocrinologist

Diagnostics specialist

To elucidate the causes of prolonged menstruation need to consult a doctor. Must pass a pelvic examination, ultrasound examination to exclude the presence of abnormalities of genitals. Also designate specialist inspection on the basis of laboratory or instrumental methods to obtain a full picture of the hormonal state of the body, the presence of inflammatory diseases, disorders blood clotting.

Based on these results and taking into account the individual characteristics of a woman gynecologist prescribe treatment. If therapy does not bring the desired effects, you should contact your doctor for its correction.

Treatment prior to receiving a gynecologist

If a woman can not visit a doctor as soon as she should try to stop the bleeding themselves. However, not all of the fairer sex know what to do if the monthly long and abundant, while there are problems with blood clotting. In this situation, should take coagulants. One effective means of this group is considered aminocaproic acid.

If the bleeding is caused by the recent installation of a spiral, a woman can take medicine to stop capillary bleeding: Dicynone, Tranexam.

If monthly go more than 7 days, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine. One of the most effective means of promoting hemostasis is tea made from nettle. It is recommended to drink at a rate not exceeding 2 liters a day. In addition, you can apply the soaked raw flaxseeds, drink prepared from Polygonum, fresh juice of plantain, crushed melon seeds.

One can not ignore the situation when menstruation go long (do not end on the seventh - ninth day). Even if the month passed, and then stopped, the woman must still seem gynecologist in order to avoid dangerous pathologies risk. A timely visit to the doctor - the key to a speedy recovery and normalization of the menstrual cycle and reproductive health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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