Month after the cancellation OK when menstruation begins after contraceptive pill

Changes in women can be caused by even a slight interference with the endocrine functions. Reproductive system - is no exception. Month after canceling OK come with a delay in medical practice often. This failure is due to the natural and pathogenic factors. To understand what led to disruption of the menstrual cycle on the background of discontinuation of oral contraceptives, can only qualified physician.

girl pill


  • What should be the month after canceling OK
  • Signs of abnormal menstruation
    • menoschesis
    • Very plentiful monthly
    • Meager and short periods
    • Monthly more than 7 days
  • The reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle after canceling OK
  • When to enroll to the gynecologist

What should be the month after canceling OK

In the first two months after the end of hormonal contraceptives minimal deflection observed. In rare cases, the rapid return of unpleasant symptoms.

Recovery cycle after canceling OK lasts three to four months. Often menstruation accompanied by pain such as that were to start taking oral contraceptives. Reappears headache, there are mood swings and irritability.

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In those cases when taking hormonal contraceptives marked scanty menses, heavy discharge can be expected no earlier than one month after discontinuation OK. If the use of the contraceptive pill had no effect on the amount of blood during menstruation, there is only a slight increase after the cancellation.

Periods may occur a few days after birth control, if the woman has not finished her started packing. Discharge is scanty, brown. The duration of such menstruation is about two weeks. Changes occur due to sudden changes in hormone levels in the blood.

begun packing of tablets

Signs of abnormal menstruation

Spotting begin a few days after discontinuation of OC and last about seven, a maximum of fourteen days. Such changes in the body are called withdrawal syndrome.

The reason for the visit to a gynecologist should be copious in this period, accompanied by a pronounced pain and weakness.

The first cycle after discontinuation of OC must begin within a maximum of three months. If menstruation is not a long period, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The delay may indicate the development of various pathologies that reveal their own is impossible.

Scarce or overly abundant selection during the cycle of stabilization are the norm, but if after a few months, the situation does not change, it is necessary to be surveyed at the gynecologist. Such violations may indicate serious health problems.


Amenorrhea after canceling OK It is considered the norm. The duration of the reduction process can be up to three months. If the cycle is not stabilized after six months, it is necessary to conduct a full investigation and identify the problem.

woman at the doctor

In terms of many things, which should begin monthly, depending on factors such as:

  • variety of oral contraceptives and the duration of their reception;
  • age;
  • body condition and a history of gynecological diseases.

Faster cycle recovers in young girls and women in the period close to the menopauseIt can not be stabilized. When depressed immunity to normalize ovarian function will take about six months.

The reason for the lack of menstruation on the background of the completion of reception OK may be pregnant. It is proved that the chances of fertilization in women previously treated with contraceptives is much higher than in those who did not resort to the use of these drugs.

Very plentiful monthly

After one and sometimes two months, there are the first month after the OK. Due to the fact that the intake of drug release were scarce, they can become abundant in this period. This is due to hormonal imbalance.

Overly strong periods can lead to anemia, since the amount of lost blood increases significantly. Thus marked deterioration in general condition, weakness and dizziness. During this period it is recommended to start taking drugs, which is composed of iron.

In those cases where the occurrence of heavy spotting preceded delay, no reason to worry. In the short term cycle stabilizes. By the gynecologist is necessary to apply only when such periods are concerned for a long time. There is a risk of bleeding.

a woman under a red cloth

Meager and short periods

In most cases after the application of OK cycle becomes stable. Violations observed only in those women who have previously been irregular, scanty menses.

It considered normal, when a few days after discontinuation of contraceptive drugs come first period, characterized by scarcity. It is not menstruation, and signs of the syndrome - reaction to hormonal changes.

In addition, the reason for the meager selections may be:

  • pregnancy;
  • prolonged absence of menstruation;
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • polycystic;
  • cancers.

To eliminate the pathology, it is recommended to be examined by a gynecologist.

Monthly more than 7 days

The first month after birth control pills often lasts longer than a week. This process should not cause concern among women and is considered normal, but only on condition that the allocation of scarce and are not accompanied by severe pain.

If you find menstrual blood clots, Deterioration of the general condition to go to the gynecologist to prevent bleeding.

female belly

The reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle after canceling OK

Month after birth control pills may be irregular, sparse or too abundant. Often, women have a delay. This is due to the fact that the body is recovering - and against this violation of the cycle there. failure may be several reasons:

  1. Hormone imbalance. After cease of administration is independently body is forced to produce substances that had previously received due to QA. To hormonal system has recovered, you need about three, a maximum of five months.
  2. Pregnancy. Delay after stopping contraception often indicates that a woman will soon become a mother.
  3. Polycystic ovaries. Hormonal changes caused by the action of contraceptives, can entail the formation of multiple cysts.
  4. Functional disorders of the endocrine system. Disruptions in the natural production of hormones can cause amenorrhea - a complete lack of emissions.
  5. Infectious diseases. The menstrual cycle may not recover for a long time due to penetration into the body of infections and the development of pathology.

When to enroll to the gynecologist

After discontinuation of the oral contraceptive cycle is expected to recover within three months. Seek help from a gynecologist is necessary in cases where there are copious, accompanied by pain.

Cause fear should the absence of menstruation for three months after stopping the pill. Perhaps, on the background of hormonal failure developed a serious disease that can not be cured without the help of a doctor.

Cancel contraceptives - a strong stress for the body. For this reason, there are menstrual irregularities, and not excluded a number of complications. Accordingly, women need to devote more time to your health and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms contact your gynecologist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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