Why are monthly 2 times a month: causes and treatment of frequent menstruation

The reasons why are monthly, 2 times a month, may be different, and not all of them are abnormal. Sometimes failure is a physiological nature. During periods of age, accompanied by hormonal changes (puberty, postpartum recovery, premenopausal), frequent periods are normal.

Woman with hot water bottle

Nor should they bother and women whose menstrual cycle lasts 21-28 days - it is logical that the critical days can sometimes take place twice per calendar month. But in some situations, such a failure is a sign of serious illness requiring urgent action.


  • The normal menstrual cycle
  • Causes of the frequent menstruation
  • Under what conditions may be bleeding menstrualnopodobnye
  • What is dangerous
  • What can be done before the reception of the gynecologist

The normal menstrual cycle

the menstrual cycle is the number of days between the first day of every month. Normally, it takes between 28 to 35 days. This indicator reflects the health authorities of the reproductive system and the ability to bear a child.

The normal cycle and from 21 to 28 days. In this case, period comes twice a month from time to time. This is especially common among young girls, whose first menstruation appeared recently, and women over 40 years old, whose genital function fades.

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Causes of the frequent menstruation

If monthly girl go regularly every 28-35 days, and in one of the cycles of the interval between them was less than 18 days, you should see a specialist. Strengthens the need for character selections - and abundant bright red or scarlet, mixed with blood clots, mucus or pus. But in most situations, bleeding distinguish from normal menstrual periods difficult.

calendar and personal hygiene

The reasons for which there is short cycle month (10-14 days after the previous), rooted in the individual physiological characteristics of women:

  1. Crisis periods: puberty and fertility fading. In order to ensure that such bleeding are normal menstruation and instigated the age characteristics and hormonal changes, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist.
  2. Disorders of the thyroid gland and the endocrine system. Considered deviations require correction using drugs by endocrinologist purpose. So, diabetes, clearly marked obesity or, conversely, a sharp weight loss cycle failures - a common phenomenon.
  3. Polimenoreya. May occur during the recovery phase after delivery by any means or by abortive termination of pregnancy. So the body's system of establishing its normal operation after suffering stress. After a few cycles of the regularity of menstruation should be normal.
  4. Application of this method of contraception as intrauterine devices. Because of this month may appear twice or more times. But this reaction is not always considered safe, it is recommended as soon as possible to see a specialist.
  5. Brown spotting at ovulation. They can be mistaken for a second month.
  6. The initial stage of oral contraceptives. Frequent periods in this case are the result of adaptation to the drug and its action, the loop is changed and adjusted through 3-4 of menstruation.
  7. Hormonal failure on the background of short-term or long-term stress. Help restore the nervous system may rest, psychologist or therapist sessions, medicines and herbal remedies.
  8. The change of climate or habitual lifestyle.

Also, the reason may be a mechanical injury of the uterus. In this case, pick up the necessary medicines should gynecologist.

woman at the gynecologist

Under what conditions may be bleeding menstrualnopodobnye

Often premature menses accompanied by discomfort or pain in the abdomen, malaise. Monthly, they are called conditionally, in fact it is bleeding, which are considered symptoms of the disease. The reasons which caused the violation of the cycle, may be:

  1. Tumors in the reproductive system organs. They can be malignant or benign. In the first case, a characteristic feature is their watery secretions, the second - red color. Regardless of the nature of the tumor, it requires immediate treatment and causes hormonal changes, namely the excessive secretion of estrogen and progesterone disadvantage. This affects the mechanism of endometrial update - its cells grow much faster, it should go out more often, respectively. So there are monthly, which can begin as early as a week after the previous and repeated 2 or more times. Statistical studies suggest that most neoplastic diseases occur in menopause, that is, after 45 years.
  2. Inflammatory disease of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervical erosion, infection. The average monthly in such pathologies come through 10 days after the previous ones, but the frequency depends on the individual characteristics of each girl. inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes may adversely affect the ability to carry and give birth to a child, and therefore requires mandatory treatment. Erosion may violate the local microflora. Infectious diseases occur as a result of poor personal hygiene or birth control and can produce serious complications.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy. Rupture of the fallopian tube embryo is accompanied by a sharp severe pain, bleeding, mistaken for a month, appeared for the second time, and requires immediate surgical intervention.
  4. Miscarriage - when incurred menstrualnopodobnye isolation pushed the fruit, did not stick to the body. It can happen to a teenager whose reproductive system is not yet sufficiently mature for childbearing. If the selection is not too heavy, not pure blood clots and pus, lasts no more than 7 days, and the girl does not live sexual life, the month, 2 times a month a teenager evidence of establishment of the process of puberty and hormonal characteristic of him jumps.
  5. Problems with blood clotting. May provoke month after month. Confirm pathology can only be passing blood tests.
tubes with blood

What is dangerous

Frequent menstruation should be an occasion to visit a gynecologist urgently. This is especially true of situations where periods began for the third time in the past month. If you do not use such methods of contraception, like intrauterine devices and pills, there was no stress, childbirth, abortion and climate change, then there is bleeding from the uterus, one of the reasons:

  • due to miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • neoplasms;
  • inflammatory diseases.

Additional symptoms that indicate the need for immediate medical attention if coming month, 2 times a month, are as follows:

  • a large number of secreted blood clots in her;
  • the pain of a different nature in the pelvic area;
  • purulent discharge with odor between periods of menstruation.

Besides that repeated monthly indicate the presence of pathologies, they are dangerous for all systems of the body due to significant blood loss.

bags for blood transfusion

What can be done before the reception of the gynecologist

Occasional repeat monthly on the background of emotionally stressful period, change contraceptives transferred inflammatory diseases, climate change does not require intervention, and the cycle is adjusted from next months. To make sure that the failure is a physiological nature, you should consult a gynecologist.

Before receiving specialist treatment and assigned them if allocation is too heavy, you can help yourself to the following ways:

  1. Use infusion of nettle before meals. For its preparation 20 g of crushed leaves of the plant, pour a glass of boiling water, boil in water bath for 5-7 minutes. Infusions give a few hours and drink throughout the day in 4 divided doses before meals. Supporters of traditional medicine argue that this tool helps normalize hormones, regulate menstrual cycles, reduce pain, and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  2. Apply a drug whose action is directed to stop bleeding. The most popular and considered Tranexam-traditional. The first comes in the form of oral tablets which can contain 250 mg or 500 mg of active substance. The recommended daily dosage specified in the instructions to the drug - 3-4 1500 mg. The drug is prohibited for women with individual intolerance to the components of its composition and undesirable to eat (without medical supervision) patients with a tendency to form blood clots. Tional produced in the form of a solution for injection, which is administered as an intravenous, intramuscular so. The effect has been observed for a few minutes after the means of exposure. Daily norm - up to 20 mg per kilogram body weight, divided into 3 doses.

It is worth remembering that as a means of traditional medicine and pharmacy drugs help stop the bleeding, but do not eliminate the cause. Therefore, a visit to a gynecologist and a comprehensive survey of the problem arose when required, and the use of any drug should be administered exactly as prescribed.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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