How many days in the last normal menses in girls and from which depends the duration of menstruation

In women of childbearing age menstrual cycle should be stable. At its duration is influenced by many factors, so to prevent the development of disease, you need to know how much last month, and what determines their duration. After all, if there are health problems, often failures occur.

female reproductive system


  • The normal menstrual cycle
  • How many days go monthly
  • From what depends on the duration of menstruation
    • Causes of short monthly
    • The causes of long-term monthly
  • What to take with continued bleeding
  • The more dangerous heavy menstruation

The normal menstrual cycle

The duration of menstruation in women is different. normal cycle It is from 27 to 32 days (average of its duration). Usually monthly begin within 5-7 days after ovulation is completed. For healthy women is the norm.

It is impossible to determine exactly how many days last month, as it depends on many factors, such as weather conditions or psychological condition. In mature women go monthly about 7 days. But they may end before the expected date.

4-7 days - this is the duration of critical days, which is the norm. The woman should be monthly bleeding, the presence of which indicates about her reproductive health.

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Under the influence of some factors on a monthly cycle may fail, resulting in the critical days may start earlier or later than the expected date. If a delay of 2-4 days, then there is no reason to panic, because the deviation is acceptable. When a delay occurs on a regular basis, you need to undergo a medical examination. The shift of the menstrual cycle over 5 days shows the development of gynecological pathology.

In normal menstrual bleeding should not contain any clots or mucus. Also, they should not be abundant. The presence of pathological processes in the body says short periods, The duration of which is less than 3 days. During this short period of uterine endometrium will not have time completely separate and upgrade. As a result, the body can not be cleared and to prepare for a fertilized egg.

Spotting during menstruation should not smell unpleasant. If on the third day of their smell and the number of leads to worry, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist.

woman at the gynecologist

How many days go monthly

If you know how many days have to go monthly, you will notice the deviation in a timely manner. Healthy woman menstruation duration is 4 to 7 days. Their "normality" can be judged by the nature of the discharge. If color monthly dark red or burgundy, this means that problems with the separation of uterine endometrium does not arise.

Light menstrual blood with clots of mucus is an occasion to sound the alarm. Probably, the body is a pathological process.

The average discharge end on the 6th day after the start. That is about 5-6 days are normal period. But since each body is unique, there may be deviations. Clearly set time regulating the duration of critical days, no.

Regardless of the duration, monthly accompanied by uncomfortable sensations that occur in the lower abdomen, weakness, Nausea and other unpleasant symptoms. Severe pain during menstruation is called dysmenorrhea. If the discomfort these days is unbearable, it makes sense to take pain medicine.

From what depends on the duration of menstruation

We found that the mean duration of 4-7 days monthly. Normally, healthy girls are rarely faced with any deviations from the norm. But under the influence of some factors may not function properly. Thus, the duration of menstruation in women depends on:

  • by heredity. If women are characterized by a particular family of 10-day duration of critical days, it is not a pathology;
  • the functioning of the ovaries. Some diseases of the genital organs provoke their dysfunction. This negatively affects the cycle time. If, due to disruption of the ovaries of the genital mucosa has been damaged, the monthly will be long and painful;
  • presence of infectious diseases and inflammatory processes. Genital inflammation provokes abundant spotting and increase the duration of menstruation;
  • endocrine system. If the operation of the pancreas or thyroid deviation occurred, then the body hormonal failure occurs. This will result in a shift of the menstrual cycle and as a result, delay of menstruation.
girl with the clock

Causes of short monthly

Scanty menses are indicative of violations of the cycle. If menstruation started a few days before the expected date, it is an alarming symptom. Cheerleaders should, and a problem such as short periods, lasting for 1-2 days. This deviation does not appear for no reason. It provokes the following factors:

  1. Ovarian dysfunction.
  2. Thyroid function.
  3. Diseases of the reproductive organs.
  4. Hormonal disorders.
  5. Infection of the genital tract.

In gynecology scanty menses called gipomenoreey. Blood loss during menstruation short low, not exceeding 50 ml per day. This indicates reproductive disorders.

The causes of long-term monthly

From 3 to 7 days last normal critical days. The duration of the monthly increases when the female body occur pathological processes.

Factors that trigger an increase in the duration of menstruation:

  1. Diseases of the genital tract or uterus. For example, prolonged periods provoke some forms of endometriosis.
  2. Hormonal changes the body.
  3. Ovarian dysfunction.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  5. Long term use of antibiotics and hormonal preparations.

Long-term release, when there is a failure of the menstrual cycle, accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, as well as nausea and dizziness.

girl with a pillow

What to take with continued bleeding

If menses are longer than 7 days, you should consult a gynecologist who will prescribe medication.

Exert themselves and can help at home. For example, to reduce the amount of menstrual secretions can be used broth nettle. The recipe of its preparation:

  1. Leaves were washed and pour hot water (boiling water can).
  2. Insist 1 hr.
  3. Broth strain.

Drinking medicine nettle need fasting during menstruation.

If heavy menstrual concerned systematically, it is recommended to drink nettle broth for 1-2 days before the critical days.

Also, to solve this problem, you need to take hemostatic drugs. A woman who systematically faced with the problem of prolonged menstrual bleeding, appoint Etamsylate, Dicynone or Tranexam. The effect of these medications is aimed at normalization of blood flow through the vessels. Within one hour after ingestion of these medications comes desired effect - reduction of the number of selections.


The more dangerous heavy menstruation

Any change in the nature of menstruation should be cause for concern. Last normal menses in girls no more than 6-7 days. If their duration and increased the amount of blood - is a dangerous symptom.

Excessive and frequent discharge may cause dizziness. This phenomenon is due to the large loss of blood the body. So when your period lasts longer than 7 days, there are the following risks:

  1. anemia. Together with the blood the body loses its beneficial trace elements necessary for it to function properly. Since during menstruation blood is present in an insufficient amount of potassium and magnesium, the body weakens.
  2. Dehydration. During menstrual bleeding lose large amounts of fluid. This has a negative effect on the liver, kidney, heart and other organs. Prevention of dehydration is drinking plenty of fluids.
  3. Failure of the hormonal system. Often, hormonal changes trigger an infection deposited on the genital mucosa.

To prevent the development of dangerous gynecological disease, women should monitor their cycle and the nature of the menstrual flow.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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