Why go monthly for 1-2 days and end: whether it is normal that means

In the understanding of the situation of many women, when monthly last 1-2 days - is the norm. Indeed, sometimes short-lived phase of menstruation is not a sign of illness, they are often observed in early pregnancy. However, in some cases, a short critical days may indicate violations in the body.

girl with a pillow


  • normal levels
  • spanomenorrhea
    • primary oligomenorrhea
    • secondary oligomenorrhea
  • flow monthly options truncated without pathology
    • first period
    • After childbirth
    • After curettage and abortion
    • During pregnancy
    • climacteric

normal levels

The menstrual cycle in women is established on an individual basis, but normally its length is not less than 21 and not more than 35 days. Duration days at this critical ranges 3-7 days. Usually abundant selection of 4-day pass to smearing, and then stop. In some cases, periods may become slightly shorter or longer.

Monthly 2 days - that's fine, if a short occurs in menstruating women for several years. An appointment with a gynecologist is necessary to enroll in the case where the critical days decreased suddenly.

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Reducing the number of days monthly in this case may point to the development of pathologies and serious disturbances in the body.


Oligomenorrhea - are short periods, the duration of which is only 1-2 days. This phenomenon is caused by physiological and pathological reasons.

In medicine, two groups of oligomenorrhea: primary and secondary. If menses are 2 days from the beginning, we are talking about the first form. The second appears in the reproductive age, when, instead of prolonged menstruation suddenly appeared short periods.

Girl at the doctor

In any case, leave this phenomenon can not be ignored. About whether to go monthly 1 day or 2 and considered the norm, it is able to tell only a doctor and only after the diagnosis. Brief critical days often signal problems in the body. It is therefore important to know why the periods ended earlier than usual. The reasons are not always harmless.

primary oligomenorrhea

Very scarce and brief periods after the onset of menarche observed often enough. Only a few years later the cycle set. Nevertheless it is recommended to be surveyed at the gynecologist and make sure that this phenomenon is considered to be physiological, and there is no reason for medical correction.

Primary oligomenorrhea - a term that is used in gynecology, where from the beginning monthly go 1-2 days. This phenomenon may be due to the following reasons:

  • hormone imbalance;
  • susceptibility to stress;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • the unborn fetus;
  • dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • underweight or obese;
  • anemia;
  • or chronic inflammatory disease;
  • oncological diseases.

secondary oligomenorrhea

In cases where the duration of the critical early days was within normal limits and monthly suddenly decreased, it is a secondary oligomenorrhea. Take this phenomenon seriously needed. In this case it is necessary to conduct a full examination. The reason that menstruation may be reduced, often become serious diseases. Affect the cycle time are capable and physiological factors.

woman holding his head

flow monthly options truncated without pathology

Causes short month is not always rooted in a serious pathology. Such changes may be due to different factors. The physiological process of the emergence of oligomenorrhea considered in several cases:

  • short periods during adolescence;
  • holding abortive activities;
  • postpartum period;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause.

first period

Explaining why monthly go 2 days, maybe puberty. after the appearance of first menstruation in adolescents often irregular cycle, marked delays up to several months, scanty or copious, brief critical days. It is considered normal. The reproductive function is completely established for the first two years.

Nevertheless, monthly duration of two days can not be ignored. Adolescents need to be surveyed at the gynecologist.

If in the process of diagnosis no violations were found, the short menstruation, which do not alter its character for a long time considered to be a normal option. It is possible that as the maturation of the reproductive system primary oligomenorrhea pass on their own.

After childbirth

To restore hormonal levels after childbirth takes several months. During this period, women say that menstruation postpartum women became shorter, their duration is only 2 days. In addition, the first allocation are scarce in nature. This is considered a normal state. What month ended prematurely, not a warning sign. Such changes are marked, and at the end of the lactation period. critical days will be longer than a couple of months.

Woman and Child

After curettage and abortion

As a result of such manipulation layer of the endometrium is damaged, and after surgery, women noted that monthly were 2 days and longer. The restoration layer of the uterus takes considerable time, and it is these failures are due to cycle. Often there are brief, meager menses after cleaning. Typically, three months later the body is fully restored.

During pregnancy

Sometimes women are wondering why monthly go one day, and did not even suspect a possible pregnancy. During implantation of the egg in the uterine mucous membrane occurs damage minor amount of uterine arteries. As a result - we were monthly one day, and then run out safely. They appear on time or a little earlier. If the amount of bleeding after a time begin again to smear, it is necessary to seek help from a gynecologist. It is possible that there is a risk of spontaneous abortion.

In addition, if the background of the previously prolonged menstrual periods are one day, you need to take a pregnancy test. Only after a successful refutation of conception should look for other causes of these disorders.


During menopause significantly reduces the production of hormones and gradually suppressed reproductive function. Thereby Regula menopause change their character and become less abundant and of short duration. This process takes from several months to a couple of years. In addition, there are decreased libido, sweating and hot flashes. Such changes are considered to be the normal state and end in a complete cessation of blood discharge and the onset of menopause.

Short phase of menstruation, the duration of which is only a couple of days, do not always indicate disturbances in the body. In some cases, these changes are considered a normal variant, but make sure there are no health problems will be possible only after carrying out a full diagnosis. Any, even minor changes in the menstrual cycle should be a cause for seeking medical attention. Only with constant control over the reproductive system will be able to work in a timely manner to eliminate emerging diseases and avoid unwanted complications.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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