Monthly every 2 months: failure causes, treatment of pathologies

The female reproductive system is sensitive to the slightest changes. One of the violations is the failure of the cycle, when the period comes once every two months. Finding the delay, many tend to believe that the pregnancy. Confirm it may intimate calendar, pregnancy test or analysis of hCG.

If the test and analysis were negative, we should think about possible problems in the body, related hormones, because the rate - monthly "red days", the gap between them is from 28 to 35 days.

He is thinking about the calendar


  • The normal menstrual cycle
  • Reason for the unstable monthly
    • Stress and improper diet
    • Pills and contraceptives
    • Diseases of the uterus
    • Hormonal disbalance
  • treatment of
    • traditional treatment
    • ethnoscience

The normal menstrual cycle

Puberty girls accounted for 11-14 years, then (approximately 18-20 years) comes the reproductive period, which lasts until the climax in the 45-55 years of age. Menstruation manifests itself in the form of bleeding within 3-7 days every 1 month.

Monthly cycle normally begins with the first day of discharge, when with the blood leaves the uterus unfertilized egg with the Department of the endometrium. The first and last day there might be a scribble in the remaining allocation of more abundant.

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Every day, a woman loses 20-50 grams of blood bright red color with a specific smell. Normally, the monthly pass without pain, ends in a week.

Reason for the unstable monthly

If irregular menstruation, there may be deviations in the work of any system of the body. The causes of bleeding can be unstable:

  • psycho-emotional trauma, stress;
  • surgical results;
  • labors or the consequences of carrying a child;
  • climate change, time zone;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • physical overload (fatigue, exercise);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infectious or inflammatory diseases;
  • pathological changes in the body, e.g. anovulation (egg is not out of the follicle);
  • anemia when the bleeding is particularly abundant, but the gap between them may increase.

Stress and improper diet

Often the monthly failure is associated with stress women. Exacerbation of feelings, anxiety, fear of a negative impact on the nervous system, which feeds signals into the body and ceases to monitor the condition of blood vessels and activity of masterbatch musculature. Because of monthly stress linger or come before.

headache and stomach

Changes in menstrual cycle may occur due to disturbances from moving in a different area and climate change, hobbies rigid diet or lack of nutrients in the diet.

If the body "thinks" that he was transferred to poor nutrition, it can respond to malfunctions in activity of the circulatory system, and then change the character of the monthly selections: they become irregular and abundant.

Pills and contraceptives

Start taking oral contraceptives should be aware that in the first month of the reception cycle is likely crash, which normalized only after three months. All this time, the body adapts to its use is constrained by the ovaries decreases estrogen production. Due to the excessive suppression of ovarian functioning of menstruation may come with a delay of up to 60 days.

irregular month after IUD as possible. This kind of stress on the body, into which a foreign body. In the early days likely discomfort, weakness, slight pain. Increasing the amount of bleeding due to the irritant effect on the spiral inner surface of the uterus, and the delay may be due to suppression of the endometrium.

Regular cycles later normalized. The first menses are scanty, their volume increases by the second month, hormonal balance is adjusted to the end of the third. If the spiral wearing inconvenience, cause pain and causes spotting, most likely, the Navy is not installed properly or was its displacement.

Removal of the spiral also has an impact on the character of menstruation. The longer the Navy was in the womb, the longer it takes to restore the endometrium. The cycle will be normalized after 2 weeks.

spiral in the uterus

Diseases of the uterus

Monthly unstable factor can be any disease that affects the metabolic processes of the body.

Most of the women who are diagnosed with "ovarian cyst", noted the change in the nature of menstruation. This means that the disease is progressing. Other symptoms - bloating, discomfort. Regula has not come on time because of the fact that ovulation does not occur. If in a few months the cyst does not resolve, surgery is required.

uterine adenomyosis characterized by the appearance in her endometrial cavity. Women suffer pain in the stomach, irregular periods, intermenstrual bleeding. If the use of drugs and physical therapy does not bring a positive result, resort to surgical intervention.

For irregular periods causes dysfunction of the ovaries in premenopausal. The ovaries are aging, the number of eggs decreases, and menstruation gradually come to naught.

Hormonal disbalance

Hormone levels during the critical days and closely interrelated. If the body is excessive or insufficient production of hormones, it is immediately reflected in the monthly.

The symptoms of hormonal problems:

  • absence or delay of menstruation;
  • severe bleeding from the uterus;
  • pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, worse in the critical days;
  • dramatic weight loss or weight gain;
  • frequent changes of mood, irritability, nervousness;
  • trouble sleeping;
  • vaginal dryness, pain during sex;
  • migraine;
  • the deterioration of the condition of hair, skin and nails.
Mood change

In most cases, hormone levels recovered on their own or after a small correction. Sometimes imbalance caused by certain pathologies:

  • hyperestrogenemia (increased levels of estrogen in the blood);
  • abortions, miscarriages;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • gynecological problems (ovarian tumors, fibroids, polyps).

treatment of

Appropriate treatment when setting the doctor can primary cause of the irregular periods. It may be diabetes, women's diseases, thyroid disease.

Often in the treatment of non-systematic menses used hormone therapy. Doctors recommend that female sex hormones of various types and combinations thereof.

traditional treatment

Normalize the cycle to help medical facilities. For symptomatic treatment with medication:

  • analgesic and antispasmodic;
  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibiotics;
  • vitamins.
drink tablets

Gynecological examination and necessary tests to help establish the correct diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment. If conservative treatment does not work, surgery is prescribed (eg curettage).


For recovery cycle folk remedies can act as a co-treatment. Well-known vegetable means for normalizing the cycle - upland uterus, wormwood, horseradish root, chamomile, shepherd's purse, bay leaf, cornflower water pepper. Decoctions and infusions of them have the right to exist because they help in inflammatory diseases, reduced vaginal flora (especially after use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory preparations).

Each method of treatment is individual. Prescribe treatment and provide recommendations for the reception of certain drugs may be a doctor.

Remember that an important role in stabilizing the menstrual cycle plays a healthy lifestyle. Abandonment of addictions, unhealthy diets, high loads and stress in many cases helps to normalize the cycle without remedial measures.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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