Scanty menses: Causes and treatment, why are not abundant, low blood

During menstruation one woman loses up to 150 ml of blood. Depending on the characteristics of the organism and of external factors, this figure varies. If the volume of blood released is less than 50 ml, then such scanty periods considered. This is due to the disease and exposure to the outside. Reveal the true causes of the meager monthly doctor can only.

woman holding his head


  • Secondary hypomenstrual syndrome
  • functional reasons
    • ovarian disease
    • Thyroid disease
    • pituitary disease
  • organic causes
    • Genital diseases
    • Inflammation of the genital organs
    • Obesity
    • liver disease
  • iatrogenic causes
    • Supplementation
    • medical interventions
  • Other factors influencing the menstrual cycle
  • Treatment

Secondary hypomenstrual syndrome

Many women hear about the meager monthly, wondering what this release and how they differ from normal menstrual periods. In fact, to understand just enough on this issue.

The normal cycle is at least 21 and a maximum of 35 days. The duration of menses ranges from three to five days. During this period, the body goes 50-150 ml of blood.

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If the monthly become less abundant than usual, and their volume is different from normal - less than 50 ml, then placed diagnosis "gipomenoreya"That is considered a violation of the cycle. As a rule, the period of menstruation is marked very little selections - just a few drops. Often they have anointing nature and have brown, black or excessively bright color.

Secondary hypomenstrual syndrome is a condition in which the marked scanty menses. They are smaller, are short and may be terminated on the third day. At the same time appeared different from the previous menstruation. Early periods were within the normal range, the following have dramatically changed the character. The reasons for which the period of critical days, the blood loss of 30-50 ml, there are physiological and pathological.

To properly assess hypomenstrual syndrome, you must clearly understand what blood volume woman loses during menstruation is normal. More about this, read our article on the site.

female reproductive system

functional reasons

Scanty menses often occur due to the violations in the ovaries or pituitary gland, which is responsible for the activities of the reproductive function. Disruptions of the endocrine system and can lead to similar changes in the menstrual cycle.

ovarian disease

Violation of ovarian function directly affects the flow of blood. The cycle becomes shorter, the monthly flow of blood without or with a minimum number of brown discharge. Secretion of hormones is disrupted, and for this reason there is the changing nature of the critical days.

Violation of ovarian function may be due to various diseases, including inflammation, polycystic (multiple cysts in the ovaries) And tuberculosis which affects these organs.

Thyroid disease

Such pathologies, as diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism, often lead to a decrease in the volume of lost blood during menstruation. In addition, notes the following clinical manifestations:

  • weakness;
  • causeless weight loss;
  • excessive sweating and excessive thirst;
  • depression;
  • itching.

If menses are not abundant and are accompanied by symptoms, you need to go for consultation to the endocrinologist.

girl by an endocrinologist

pituitary disease

In case of deviations from the pituitary gland which is responsible for regulation of menstrual cycle, there are very scanty menses. Hormones produced by the amount of non-compliance, and as a consequence - the lack of royal blood and abnormal structure of the endometrium. For this reason plentiful monthly abruptly replaced by low emission.

organic causes

Reasons for scarce menstruation can be due to various pathologies affecting the internal organs and systems. There is a definite relationship between the organism as a whole and the reproductive system.

Thus, scanty menses often due to disease or infection of the genitals, obesity and liver diseases.

Genital diseases

Weak monthly observed in the development of uterine diseases and other pathologies that affect the reproductive system, such as:

  1. Endometriosis. mucosal structure changes. After the slaughter are the vagina, cervix, and abdominal cavity.
  2. Endometrial hyperplasia. The mucosa of the uterus grows into the muscle wall, resulting in damaged and small vessels appear allocation similar to menstruation.
  3. Polycystic ovaries. cysts formed on these bodies, because of which occurring hormonal failures. As a result of developing the disease - women's menses become insignificant and irregular.
  4. The presence of polyps in the uterus. Endometrial growths are formed due to hormonal disorders. Initially appear meager allocation, which dramatically transformed into bleeding.
  5. Infantilism organs of the reproductive system. Apart from the fact that the amount of bleeding is significantly reduced in women during the critical days of strong stomach aches.
woman holding her stomach

Inflammation of the genital organs

In the presence of inflammation genital often arise reproductive disorders. Factors causing the penetration of infection in the genitals, is the failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, unprotected sexual intercourse or hypothermia.

In genital infections, such as colpitis, vulvitis, cervicitis, and vulvovaginal candidiasis, allotments volume does not change, but only at an early stage of the disease. In the case of uterine lesions, tubes and ovaries menstruation becomes scant, painful.

Symptomatology of inflammation:

  • abdominal pain, independent of the menstrual cycle;
  • meager selection (changing their color, texture and smell);
  • itching;
  • hyperthermia;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • pain in the lumbar region.

Inflammation can develop due to lower immunity, receiving antibiotic agents, excessive fatigue and emotional tension.


Weak discharge is often seen in women who are overweight. This is due to the fact that in the fatty tissue is deposited hormones - estrogens. When they accumulate too much, disrupted the activities of the endocrine system, and as a result - failure of the ovaries and adrenal glands.

Changing hormone levels leads to a change in the frequency and nature spotting. They are becoming scarce, sometimes accompanied by cramping pains and nausea.

feet on scales

liver disease

Challenge gipomenoreyu capable of liver pathology. It is noted long, scanty menses. Often there are nasal bleeding during the critical days. In this case, it is necessary to medical consultation. If a woman's menstruation went poorly, accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, she urgently need to go to the gynecologist for help.

iatrogenic causes

Meager periods may occur after ingestion of drugs and as a result of medical intervention. The reason for changing the nature of secretions often lies in the use of hormonal contraceptives, abortifacients conduct events and other special procedures.


One of the most frequent causes of scanty menstruation is considered oral contraceptives. Such changes in most cases are the norm, but it should be monitored by your doctor.

Few selections and notes when receiving antibiotic agents, hormonal agents. Generally, after their withdrawal menstrual cycle and volume are the same.

medical interventions

As a result of operations in the uterus and frequent scraping scars are formed, and the area of ​​the endometrium, which functions, becomes smaller. No matter how gentle or have advanced technologies, tissue trauma and thinning of uterine epithelium are not excluded. As a result, the amount of discharge is reduced. Menstruation occurs without blood, but rather with minor losses. When properly prescribed therapy damage often can not recover.

operation in gynecology

Other factors influencing the menstrual cycle

An explanation of why the menses have become scarce, can be a variety of external factors:

  • frequent stress;
  • improper diet;
  • climate change;
  • strong physical fatigue;
  • mental strain;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Sometimes women have scanty menses after 40 yearsWhile they do not necessarily indicate the presence of disease. For more on this we recommend to read in a separate article on our site.


As soon as the scanty menses, should consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary diagnostic procedures and prescribe appropriate therapy. To determine how dangerous are the changes of the menstrual cycle and the nature of the discharge, necessary visual inspection and additional studies.

The gynecologist examine history, basal body temperature graph, hormone levels (via analysis of blood and urine) will diagnose sexually transmitted infections (determination of their manufactured using smear, bacterial seeding and PRTs). It is possible that you will need to do ultrasound and take a sample of tissue for subsequent biopsy.

meager monthly treatment depends on the results of diagnostics. When power failure, lack of mental and emotional balance and excessive exercise primarily eliminated by predisposing factor. In addition to being appointed by vitamin complexes, hormones, and anti-microbial agents.

In case of pathology in addition to restorative actions performed basic disease therapy. Additionally, you may need physical therapy and psychotherapy, with the help of which it is possible to eliminate the functional disorders.

Changing the volume of menstrual flow is not necessarily indicate disease development, but in any case such violations can not leave without attention. Only after the diagnosis can not identify the cause of these changes and to normalize the cycle.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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