How to restore the monthly cycle without hormones, if lost

The duration of the menstrual cycle is one of the criteria for the reproductive health of women. Any failure can talk about the disease, menopause, pregnancy. We take this issue should be seriously, how to restore the monthly cycle - so take care of your female health.

pink clock


  • What is the norm, and that the effect on failure
  • inflammatory diseases
  • hormonal disorders
  • psycho-emotional causes
  • weight problems
  • Not treat the disease, and its cause
    • antibiotic therapy
    • hormonal treatments
    • weight control
    • relaxing techniques
    • folk ways

What is the norm, and that the effect on failure

Violation of the menstrual cycle is considered to be of more than 35 or less than 21 days. In this case there are too scarce or copious lasting less than 3 or more than 7 days. If periods are 3 daysIt can talk about violation of the menstrual cycle, which requires correction.

In situations where lost monthly cycle, the reasons may be apparent (onset of menopausePregnancy) or hidden. Refers to the second hormonal fluctuations, development of infectious or inflammatory diseases.

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The duration of menstruation affect a woman's age, hereditary particular cycle, psycho-emotional state, level of mental and physical activity, intake of medicines.

inflammatory diseases

pelvic infections cause delay and / or the temporary absence of menstruation, affect the amount and nature of the discharge. Among the main stand:

  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis;
  • Chlamydia, Mycoplasma;
  • inflammation of the appendages, ovaries, endometriosis, polyps;
  • polycystic ovaries.
polycystic ovaries

Also, changes may occur due to smallpox transferred earlier, rubella and other viral diseases. These infections reduce the number of follicles which are in the ovary - is not excluded a failure of the menstrual cycle.

hormonal disorders

Hormonal failure (impaired concentration of estrogen and progesterone, adrenal and thyroid disease) also causes disturbances of the menstrual cycle.

Hormone levels are directly linked to the ring - synthesized by the pituitary hormones FSH and LH affect the functioning of the appendages, and are precursors of estrogens and progestins.

The follicular period in women's ovaries produce the hormone that promotes the growth and the removal of the endometrium. In the next phase of the cycle - ovulatory - yield egg is only possible when the appropriate level of luteinizing hormone. In the last stage (about 14 days after ovulation), progesterone is produced under the influence of the corpus luteum, from which subsequently formed the fruit.

If no pregnancy occurs after 2 weeks after the formation of the corpus luteum come monthly. However, if hormonal background, they can appear earlier or later, their duration varies considerably.

psycho-emotional causes

During the offensive, and the duration of menstruation are responsible not only to the reproductive organs, but also the endocrine and nervous systems. Thus, the delay of menstruation may be associated with psycho-emotional disorders:

  • depression;
  • stress;
  • anxiety;
  • sleep disorders.
Woman and clock

Negative emotions deplete CNS work, violated expansion and further narrowing of the blood vessels, the activity of the uterine muscle. In turn, the lining of the uterus is torn away, menstruation occurs before the due date.

weight problems

Often, lack of menstruation due to the large body mass. Overweight is polycystic syndrome (excessive number of eggs, not leaving the ovaries). In this case, a high level of estrogen increases endometrial layer - menstruation can not step over a period of one to six months, after which bleeding begins.

Obesity - one of the causes of hormonal failure, diabetes mellitus, which also affects the menstrual cycle regularity. Excessive amounts of adipose tissue is the "battery" steroids, reducing the activity of estrogen.

This not only violates the cycle, but also leads to problems conceiving, and even infertility.

Not treat the disease, and its cause

Correction of menstruation in a woman only needs to be carried out by your doctor. Treatment precedes diagnosis of the causes that have affected the length and nature of menstruation. So, normalize the mensesDisturbed due to inflammatory, infectious diseases can use the antibiotic, antiinflammatory and receiving other medications.

Treat wayward loop, if the excess weight is possible by means of diet therapy, specially selected exercise. In this case, you must consult not only a gynecologist, but also a nutritionist.

Treatment of amenorrhea associated with disorders of mental and emotional nature, should be entrusted to a psychologist or psychotherapist. In particularly difficult cases, tranquilizers may be used or other sedatives.

The first step is to ask your doctor-gynecologist, Which will determine further actions and send to specialists if necessary.

woman at the doctor

antibiotic therapy

This drug therapy is prescribed in the case of proven bacterial infection in the body (of the KLA). Tutor recovery cycle with antibiotics is dangerous - the uncontrolled their reception can cause dysbiosis development and further aggravate disorders of menstruation. Only a qualified person can find the right tablets for normalization cycle.

Resume monthly with only antibacterial drugs is impossible. The drugs of choice in amenorrhea and other types of menstrual disturbances are hormonal agents.

hormonal treatments

As part of hormone replacement therapy treatment is prescribed by a variety of medications:

  1. Phytohormones - drug Remens, Mastodinon and analogues, most of which belong to the class of homeopathy. The basis of these drugs are hormone-like substances produced from vegetable raw materials.
  2. More efficient and rapid recovery is ensured monthly appointment hormones (estrogen and progesterone). When used drugs for therapy of ovarian hyperstimulation, for example clomiphene. To stimulate ovulation and restore monthly use of estrogen - Proginova, estrofem. Their use cycle is restored by increasing the concentration of the hormone estrogen.
  3. In addition to hormone therapy can be assigned to the intake of vitamins, with a heavy period - Hemostatic agents Vikasol, Dicynone.

Taking any gormonosoderzhaschih funds should be coordinated with the attending physician.

weight control

When overweight should be carried out under the supervision of a nutritionist menstrual cycle recovery. In addition to prescribed drugs, you must make the best diet to increase the amount of physical activity in accordance with the age and health status, adjust drinking regime.

A well-chosen diet will not only help to reduce weight, but also to normalize the work of women's reproductive and sexual system. However, an excessive entrainment diets may result in the opposite effect - the development of amenorrhea, which is a frequent companion anorexia.

Girl with a plate

relaxing techniques

A woman can restore the menstrual cycle in their own home with the help of the available methods:

  1. Regular exercise. Morning exercises, easy sports (such as yoga), swimming can help improve health in general and in particular periods.
  2. To lighten the mood, get rid of insomnia, important regular walks in the fresh air, you can also use special psychological techniques - auditory training, art therapy.
  3. Take vitamins necessary in consultation with the doctor. Multivitamin complexes are shown in the autumn and spring period. With frequent colds and SARS is recommended to use immunomodulators.

Also good results show aromatherapy, special breathing exercises, massage.

folk ways

Normalize the functioning of the reproductive system and improve the menstrual cycle is possible by means of traditional medicine:

  • tea of ​​mint and lemon balm promotes relaxation, normalization of sleep;
  • upland uterus, wormwood, angelica root, yarrow help restore the menstrual cycle, improve the work of the genitourinary system;
  • Juice therapy allows you to adjust the cycle without hormones. It uses the juice of horseradish root, carrot.

But restore the cycle of folk remedies care must be taken. Many herbs and other plant material cause allergic reactions and can have a negative impact on health.

All the traditional recipes are complementary methods of treatment in cases of serious failures must be combined with the selected doctor drug therapy.

A single failure - a delay or discharge of blood for longer than usual - is often a physiological norm by changing climate, disease, antibiotics. But regular monthly Herded must be a reason for treatment to the doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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