Increased monthly cycle: failure of the reasons why he moved

Regular cyclical changes, occurring monthly in women indicate the health of the reproductive system. Sometimes it crashes happen: there are prolonged menstruation. The woman says that increased monthly cycle. The reasons for such violations are varied. They often point to the beginning of the pathological process.

talks about the monthly


  • Normal menstruation cycle
  • Causes of the cycle
  • Phase of the menstrual cycle
    • follicular
    • ovulatory
    • luteal
  • pathological disorders
  • Treatment and prevention
  • complications

Normal menstruation cycle

cycle time in healthy women varies from 21 to 40 days. It is installed in adolescence and almost immediately becomes regular. Sometimes monthly starting to appear strictly in one and the same time, just after the first birth. Deviations that occur only once are considered a normal option, but only if the delay is only a few days.

The arrival of menstruation due to the fact that in the uterus starts to be rejected by the endometrium. This process is painless or with minor pain. In this case, the blood is released from the vagina.

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Menses occur on a monthly basis and suggests that a woman's health is normal.

Causes of the cycle

Among the main reasons why there are irregular menstruation and long cycle, you can highlight the following:

  • reception means of oral contraception. Provoke a process whereby increased monthly cycle may start as a contraceptive preparations, and their replacement;
  • hormonal changes during menopause;
  • infectious diseases of the urogenital system;
  • reception of antibiotics, antihypertensives, hormonal medications and anticoagulants;
  • changing climatic conditions;
  • psycho-emotional overstrain;
  • adherence to a rigid diet;
  • excessive exercise;
  • chronic inflammation of the reproductive system.

Under the influence of these factors is prolonged cycle. Often at the same time there are painful, heavy menstruation against the backdrop of systematic delays.

the volume of menstrual flow

Phase of the menstrual cycle

several distinct phases of the menstrual cycle. In one of them begins to produce mucus, menses and appear in a certain period.

As a result of a failure in the body hormonal changes occur, the phases may become more prolonged.


Active phase begins at the moment when there are bleeding (menses). Thus in developing ovarian follicle, which is a kind of pouch, from which after a certain period will ovum.

Phase ends at the time of ovulation. When violating the cycle and insufficient development of estrogen period may be longer than usual. Sometimes the process of ovulation does not occur at all.


Cyclicity of changes in the female body - a normal phenomenon. After the end of menstrual bleeding and the follicular phase of the uterus is ready to accept a fertilized egg. At the time of release of the ovum from the follicle begins the process of ovulation.

The duration of ovulation is only 1-2 days. At this point, the chances of getting pregnant are greatest.


This is the last phase, during which the on-site released ovum in appendages begins to form the corpus luteum. The process begins immediately after the completion of ovulation. The period ranges from 10 to 14 days.

At this point, it begins to rapidly produce progesterone, necessary for the successful implantation of the egg and a normal pregnancy. If fertilization has not occurred, then under the influence of hormones the endometrium gradually torn away. May cause minor discomforts. Severe pain point to irregularities in the reproductive system.

phase of the cycle

pathological disorders

The reasons for a long month cycle may lie in the pathological processes in the body. Among the main ones are the following:

  • ovarian pathology;
  • communication failure between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus;
  • a malfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • Polyps in the endometrium;
  • myoma;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • malignancies in organs of the urogenital system;
  • complications after curettage, abortion;
  • problems with blood clotting process.

Treatment and prevention

It is extremely important to immediately know why the monthly cycle shifted. Tactics therapy depends on the causes that resulted in such a change. If they are observed as a result of oral contraceptives, the contraceptive cancel or make replacement

Hormone levels were normalized using hormonal medications. In the event of the inflammatory process prescribed antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs. When sprouting tumors in body cavities resort to surgical intervention.

In order to prevent violations of cyclic woman must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Not lead promiscuous and avoid casual sex.
  2. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  3. Systematically examined by a gynecologist.
  4. Do not resort to uncontrolled receiving oral contraceptives.
  5. When the uncharacteristic symptoms immediately consult your doctor.


Depending on what causes elongation cycle monthly, various complications develop. As a consequence of these changes is often a long time there is no ovulation, which in turn leads to infertility.

If such violations have provoked an inflammatory disease of the uterus, there is a risk of accumulation of pus in a body cavity. Often, the development of these pathologies lead to bleeding. When this woman needs urgent hospitalization. Self-medication can be fatal.

Lengthening menstrual cycle occurs for various reasons, but in any case, to disregard such changes can not be. It is necessary to carry out a full diagnosis and identify the factors that provoked the crash.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 39
  • 151