Nausea during ovulation, then: why is this happening

Nausea at ovulation may be indicative of a normal state of health and arise due to hormonal changes, characteristic for this period. But sometimes it indicates some diseases. In such cases, there are additional symptoms.

Woman standing at the sink


  • Antics of the female body
  • The causes of nausea is not associated with ovulation
  • Possible symptoms of ovulation
  • When to seek medical advice

Antics of the female body

ovulation period depends on the individual woman, but on average it falls in the middle of the menstrual cycle and lasts 3-4 days. This time is considered ideal for the conception of the maximum amount allocated to female hormones.

For most of the fairer sex that time passes unnoticed, but some sick during ovulation. The reasons for this reaction:

  1. Hormonal failure due to insufficient amount of progesterone and an excess of testosterone. It can often be caused by oral contraceptives pills. Apart from nausea can occur headaches and dizziness, worsening overall health.
  2. Vasoconstriction provoked minor cuts uterus ejector ovum from the follicle. Because a thinner tract luminal blood oxygen enters the body in insufficient quantities, and there is a characteristic of such a situation nausea.
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  3. Pathological bending of the uterus. It increases in volume during ovulation, thanks to its specific shape and reaches the abdominal cavity receptors and annoys them. In response, a woman begins to feel sick. Additional resolution impart body seams on surgical therapy or cesarean delivery.

If you feel sick after ovulation, then most likely, the reason lies in pathological conditions or pregnancy.

Woman drinking water

The causes of nausea is not associated with ovulation

The causes of nausea during ovulation is not always related to the stage of fertility. In addition to high sensitivity as the individual characteristics of the organism, it can be:

  1. Stress - short or long, it affects the physiology and normal reaction to it considered arterial pressure peaks with characteristic vasoconstriction and deficiency of entering the organism oxygen.
  2. Neoplasms - increase in the volume of the uterus and during ovulation, she will melt even more pressure on the digestive organs and causes a spasm in the stomach, just as it occurs at the bend.
  3. Total dehydration due to malnutrition and failure to observe drinking regime.
  4. Inflammation of the genital and excretory organs: fungal and bacterial infections, genital herpes, cervical erosion, cystitis. Additional mandatory symptoms - cramps and pain during urination, itching, burning.
  5. Pregnancy in the early weeks and characteristic for it toxicosis. Vomiting can not only at its normal flow but also during fetal fading (then cause faintness becomes intoxication), the threat of miscarriage with its characteristic hormonal failure, ectopic pregnancy. In contrast to the manifestations of ovulation, these symptoms persist after 3-5 days.
  6. Pathological conditions of the digestive system: peptic ulcer, gastritis in acute or chronic form of leakage.
girl holding her stomach

Possible symptoms of ovulation

Women often when sick at ovulation, it is mistaken for a symptom of the disease condition.

Additional features of ovulation, in addition to nausea, there may be other unpleasant sensations:

  • discomfort in the abdomen and pain in the ovaries;
  • aching and shooting pains in the lumbar region;
  • general weakness, headaches and dizziness - when ovulation may occur in women who are not sick during this period;
  • violation of appetite due to hormonal imbalance: it may deteriorate or, conversely, improve, there is often a desire to eat something unusual;
  • lack of mood, it swings, bouts of anger, irritation and aggression;
  • transparent abundant mucous discharge;
  • breast tenderness, Severity and tenderness.

In addition to these manifestations, a few days before ovulation and during the rise of sexually active women. So nature intended to increase the likelihood of conception.

man and woman in bed

When to seek medical advice

An occasion to consult a specialist and undergo a comprehensive survey should be such symptoms:

  1. The elevated temperature after ovulation - may indicate an ectopic pregnancy and inflammatory diseases.
  2. Nausea followed by vomiting - it can be an indicator of intoxication as a result of the frozen fetus in early pregnancy.
  3. Vomiting, diarrhea followed, lack of appetite, general weakness, severe dizziness - telltale signs of intoxication and pathologies of the digestive system.
  4. Strong, sharp, persistent pain in the abdomen, accompanied by profuse vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor or blood - signs of gynecological diseases.
  5. More frequent painful urination indicate a disease of the reproductive system or Cystitis Ovulation.

Nausea during ovulation - quite harmless symptom, if in addition it does not bother the woman more telling problem. To accurately determine the presence of abnormalities is recommended to resort to medical care.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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