Bleeding after a month, a week, why is bleeding, how to stop

Normally, women have to be of bleeding once a month and mucous uniform consistency, odorless - to other days of the cycle. Bleeding after a month there for reasons of pathological disorders of the reproductive system. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

hand covering eyes


  • Menometrorrhagias - serious symptom
  • The causes of bleeding after a month
    • Polyp
    • adenomyosis
    • leiomyoma
    • Malignancy and hyperplasia
    • ovulatory dysfunction
    • iatrogenic
    • coagulopathy
  • Factors influencing processes in the uterus and hormones
    • Smoking
    • chronic stress
    • Inflammatory disease of the reproductive organs
    • frequent air travel
    • weight problems
  • Treatment of bleeding prior to receiving a gynecologist

Menometrorrhagias - serious symptom

Menometrorrhagia in women called pathological cycle deviation at which an excessive quantity of blood released during menstruation, and the duration exceeds the normal (periods are 7 days and more).

This pathology is a symptom of many serious diseases which may manifest bleeding after monthly. This leads to a considerable loss of blood and causes anemia. If menstruation began again, you must undergo an examination for diagnosis.

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The causes of bleeding after a month

Bleeding after a month in rare cases do not arise as a symptom of a serious disease. Such a failure is to replace the reaction contraceptives or climatic conditions.

But in most cases the causes of bleeding after a month associated with the genitals diseases.

female reproductive system


Bleeding occurs in women over the past week after menstruation, is often a symptom of such tumors is polyps in the uterus. They have a loose structure and bleed. Common causes of their occurrence are:

  • abortion surgically;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • the use of this method of contraception, intrauterine device like;
  • infectious diseases of the genital organs.


The uterus is composed of various tissues: muscle, slime layer (Endometrium) and Protective which is between them.

When the endometrium grows deep into the uterine body, penetrating through the protective layer, muscle tissue begins to thicken around the mucosa and to acquire a circular shape. Such a pathological condition called adenomyosis.

The danger is that in the early stages of the disease may not manifest itself. A more advanced stage are abundant and prolonged menstruationSometimes bleeding repeated 3 days after the closure of monthly and beyond. Long brown spotting secret after the critical days as evidence of adenomyosis.


Another cause of bleeding during the first week or 1 month after - uterine fibroids, or uterine leiomyoma. It is a benign tumor that occurs most often in the background of heredity, Gynecological diseases or surgical intervention.

Symptoms of the disease in the later stages of development considered menometrorrhagia. At an early stage can not be shown in any way.


Malignancy and hyperplasia

The blood from the vagina a few days after menstruation can go for such phenomena related to the functioning of cells:

  1. Malignancy - as a result of impaired cell division or restore healthy or pathological tissue becomes malignant.
  2. Hyperplasia - abnormal growth of the mucous tissue of genital organs (endometrial). Most often occurs hyperplasia in the neck area and the uterus. Excessive amounts of endometrial rejected, this process is accompanied by severe bleeding during menstruation and after a week or more after them.

ovulatory dysfunction

Blood after menstruation appears when there are failures of reproductive functions, in particular the lack of ovulation. The menstrual cycle consists of two phases:

  1. Follicular during which recovers released during menstruation layer endometrium and ovum matures.
  2. Lutein, which begins after the release of an egg into the abdominal cavity and is characterized by the cessation of the growth of mucosal tissue under the influence of progesterone.

When ovulation for various reasons does not occur, the endometrium does not cease to grow, which affects the amount and duration of running blood. It can be so much that the re-bleeding occur in two weeks or even earlier.

woman in corner


The reasons why there is a blood a week after the critical days, include incorrect diagnosis or treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Most often, bleeding at the end of the first week after menstruation appear as the body's reaction to the pills without the prior feasibility study on a particular drug. A common situation - hormonal failure by using such contraceptive as oral contraceptive pills.


Coagulopathy - a disease in which blood clotting occurs. It can be congenital or acquired, in both cases is shown bleeding and the accompanying anemia.

The acquired form occurs as a result of:

  • reaction to take medication;
  • severe inflammatory process - as it is a complication.

Coagulopathy find symptom of malignant tumors in the body.

At this pathology bleeding may occur immediately after the end of menstruation.

Factors influencing processes in the uterus and hormones

The causes of bleeding after a month is not always associated with abnormalities of the reproductive system organs and may be caused by lifestyle.

girl sitting on the bed


Smoking affects the menstrual cycle. Reappear a week later after the end of month can:

  • because of the weakness of the vessels. Nicotine, getting into the blood, provoking anoxia, vessel walls become weak, constrict, the blood flow deteriorates eventually they may burst;
  • hormonal imbalance, resulting in an appearance of bleeding much earlier period is due.

chronic stress

Chronic stress affects the hormonal system. The hormone cortisol is secreted by one-time fee to overcome difficult situations, it helps the body cope with them. Constant secretion wears it all the systems and leads to malfunction, in particular disrupted sexual system, which may result in uterine bleeding shortly after closure monthly.

Inflammatory disease of the reproductive organs

Bleeding coming after a month - one of the eloquent symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system. In addition, they appear:

  • itching and burning in the vulva;
  • uncharacteristic secret white, yellow or green in color with an unpleasant odor;
  • discomfort during urination and sexual contact;
  • fever;
  • pain in the pelvis and abdomen.

If after 2 weeks after menstruation began to bleed, an urgent need to be examined for inflammation of the reproductive system. Their advanced forms can be complicated infertility.

woman at the doctor

frequent air travel

Can cause bleeding frequent air travel due to pressure differences. It affects the blood vessels fortress - they may burst, because of what appear allocation, resembling menstrual.

weight problems

Excessive fullness causes hormonal disruptions, because adipose tissue is a source of estrogen. When these hormones too much, the formation of tumors and abnormal growth of the endometrium. Both diseases are accompanied by heavy bleeding during menstruation, and in addition to them - just three days after.

Fast weight loss also causes malfunctions of all systems of the body, including sexual. Mainly manifested amenorrhea, but the cases are too frequent bleeding.

Treatment of bleeding prior to receiving a gynecologist

Among the ways to stop the bleeding is isolated:

  1. Medication. Before that, you need to consult with a specialist, so as not to complicate the situation.
  2. The use of infusions, such as nettle, red raspberry leaves.

Besides, it is important to observe the rest - try to rest as much as possible and avoid nervous tension.

It is important to know what action to visit the gynecologist is not a treatment for bleeding. The fact that they stop, means simply the withdrawal symptoms. But you need to fix the problem by identifying the reasons and purpose of effective therapy. This can be done only competent specialist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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