The increase in the ovary in women: reasons for what that means, consequences, treatment

Often during the ultrasound examination revealed an increase in the ovary in women. The reasons for these changes are both pathological and physiological. Only after identifying the factors that provoked the change in body size, will be able to take measures to address the problem.

clings to the lower abdomen


  • The reasons for the increase of the ovaries
    • hormonal treatments
    • lactation
    • Depression, stress
    • Drastic weight change
    • endocrine diseases
    • neoplasms
    • Teenage years
    • pathogenic flora
    • Cervical erosion
    • inflamed appendix
    • Ovulation
  • diagnostic measures
  • Recommended treatment
  • the likely consequences

The reasons for the increase of the ovaries

Cause an increase in the size of the appendages capable of hormones, stress, emotions. Often the reasons for the increase of the ovaries in women are covered at the beginning of the pathological processes. These problems occur due to rapid weight gain, age, physiological changes.

hormonal treatments

As a result, hormone therapy is often observed violations in the work of the female urogenital system. While noting the failure of the reproductive cycle, pain in the lower abdomen.

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During ultrasound revealed that one ovary increased or changes observed in two bodies. Typically, when a hormonal background will be restored to normal state.


The increase in ovarian postpartum period due to increased concentration of prolactin. State is regarded as a variant of the norm. Over time, the size of appendages becomes the same.

It is necessary to regularly come to the reception to the gynecologist and perform an ultrasound. Thus be able to exclude the development of possible pathologies.

Depression, stress

The reason for the increase of the ovary of a woman often acts nervous stress. Stress, chronic depression leads to changes in the size of the appendages. Before the onset of therapy, arising due to emotional stress, it is necessary to calm down. Only if this treatment will give the desired result.

Drastic weight change

The rapid decline in body weight and ovarian enlargement occurs for the following reasons:

  • adherence to a strict diet;
  • fasting;
  • development of serious pathologies;
  • stress.
girl on a diet

While noting the negative reaction to such changes. There are problems with the thyroid gland, severe hormonal fluctuations.

Excess weight also negatively affects the state of the pelvic organs. It is extremely important to identify the cause, to provoke rapid weight gain. Often, this requires consultation gynecologist and a number of specialists.

endocrine diseases

Enlarged ovaries are often observed in acute and chronic form occurring in the thyroid gland. This is due to the close link between the endocrine and reproductive systems. The pathological process leading to changes in hormonal levels. Therefore, you should seek the assistance of an endocrinologist. When timely initiated therapy organs size usually becomes normal.


Provoke resizing appendages capable of neoplasms benign or malignant. On US thus determined that increased left or right ovary. In fact, on its perimeter grows one or multiple tumors.

Is benign ovarian cyst. If any body looks visually more. It can be single or multiple growths that vary in size.

cyst formation is dangerous because there is a risk of rupture and destruction surrounding tissues, particularly if the capsule is large.

Malignant processes pose a serious threat to life. Therefore it is extremely important to them in a timely manner to identify and begin therapy.

Teenage years

At puberty, when the first menstruation (menarche in girls), Ovaries are often enlarged. Condition in this case, fear is not considered a normal variant and does not need treatment. Consider the following and that menses are unstable in the first few years.

If the child starts to complain about the regular appearance of pain in the hips, waist, abdomen, you should consult a gynecologist. The risk of developing serious diseases have at any age.

Girl at the gynecologist

pathogenic flora

vaginal flora is often disrupted due to the penetration of pathogens that provoke inflammation of the reproductive system. By pathogenic microflora are:

  • germs;
  • viruses;
  • fungi.

Therefore, if found to increase the right, the left ovary or of two appendages are assigned additional laboratory tests (smear on the flora, blood analysis). Pathogens occurrence provoke adhesions, infiltration, can lead to a change of paired organs sizes.

Cervical erosion

Erosive process in the neck area reproductive organ leads to a proliferation of pathogenic microflora, infection. Chances are good that if it will be the beginning of the enlargement of the ovaries. Is affected cervical tissue. Manifested ulceration due to exposure to chemicals, infection and injury of the epithelium.

inflamed appendix

Extremely rare cause of ovarian enlargement serves inflammation of the appendix. Due to these changes so that the right appendage is in close proximity with the body. Vary in size at the same time may also nearby lymph nodes.


Enlarged ovaries in women during ovulation are considered quite normal. Such changes do not cause fear of coming closer to the controller, as well as a successful fertilization. Soon size appendages becomes the same. Nevertheless, it should pass a comprehensive examination to rule out the possible pathological changes.

For more information on pain in the ovary after ovulation We recommend that you read in a separate article on our site.

diagnostic measures

In order to identify the causes of the appendages of varying sizes need to seek help from a gynecologist. In addition, you should also consult with the endocrinologist.

At the initial examination the doctor interrogates woman collects history. In this way it is possible to obtain information about previously been developing pathologies.

Equally important in the diagnosis are the following factors:

  • attending gynecological problems;
  • pathology paired organs;
  • reproductive organ disease;
  • previously diagnosed infertility;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle.

In the next stage, the gynecologist conducts bianumalnoe study probes the bodies and records the results.

Be sure to identify the reasons for the changes carried ultrasound at the beginning and middle of the cycle. If in the course of the ultrasound has been found to increase the left or right ovary, determined its exact parameters and the number of follicles located on it. On pathological changes indicating a body exceeding five millimeters, and whether it contains more than ten follicles.

For an accurate diagnosis appointed laboratory studies aimed at determining the level of hormones.

blood in a test tube

Recommended treatment

How to treat enlargement of the right or the left ovary, should be decided by the doctor. Self-medication is not allowed. The therapy is carried out comprehensively and in stages:

  • restore hormonal levels. Prescribers based on estrogen. If the desired result was not achieved, the tactics of therapy are reviewing. Often while resorting to increasing dosages;
  • stabilization of menstrual cycle. As a rule, this is also assigned hormonal drugs. Sometimes without surgery can not do;
  • restoring fertility. To achieve the desired effect requires strict observance of medical recommendations;
  • metabolic stabilization.

Surgery is the last resort. If the appendage is no longer able to fulfill its function, it is removed. In all other cases, the therapy is conducted through the use of drugs.

the likely consequences

If the ovary is increased and treatment is not initiated in a timely manner, the consequences are often severe enough. Among them are the following:

  • the impossibility of conception;
  • heavy bleeding without relationship to menstruation cycle. The risk of such complications is at high risk of death;
  • malignant processes are localized in the urogenital region. It is possible the development of cancer of reproductive body and appendages.

To prevent such serious complications, it is important to take the full course of therapy and resolve the problem at an early stage of its development.

woman at the doctor

Appendages vary in size due to various reasons. Such changes are triggered by physiological processes in the body. Also, their appearance is due to the development of diseases. It is necessary to immediately identify the factors that caused the increase in paired organs of the reproductive system and to eliminate it. The prognosis is favorable.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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