Congenital erosion of the cervix in nulliparous: causes, treatment

Congenital cervical erosion occurs on the background of violations of the natural development of the female body. At birth, the girls in the uterine cervix is ​​a modified cylindrical epithelium, which during puberty is drawn in, being replaced by flat. If this did not happen, and part of the cylindrical cells remained outside, in nulliparous women are diagnosed with cervical erosion.



  • Description of the disease
  • Causes of
  • The nuances of the disease in nulliparous
  • Symptoms and signs
  • Diagnostics
  • therapies
  • Risk factors

Description of the disease

There are several types of such pathology. true and congenital erosion have different manifestations.

True abnormality is the emergence of ulcer. Such injuries are due to mechanical influences, and may also be a consequence of inflammatory processes, infections. Under the influence of pathology on the surface of the cervix becomes thinner epithelium, formed cracks, sores, inflammation develops, if a disease is now a secondary infection. Later bleeds erosion, cause pain during sexual intercourse.

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There are also other kinds of erosion are called pseudo, ectopia. They are characterized by an acquired or congenital disorders of the epithelial structure. In these pathologies columnar epithelium lining the cervical canal, it turns on the surface of the cervix. A similar phenomenon can be observed after the treatment of the true erosion or hormonal changes.


Congenital differs from the purchased that has a clear border with pink squamous epithelium. Gradually columnar epithelium will be shifted towards the inside. Most often, a similar shift ends to 23 years. If the epithelium no longer be modified, then the internal reproductive organs are formed. This phenomenon may be a cause of hereditary characteristics, individual characteristics hormonal levels. If the condition does not cause discomfort, it is considered the norm. Gradually defect yourself disappears.

If erosion has joined the infection, there was inflammation of the cervix, you must consult your doctor immediately.

Causes of

Congenital causes abnormal development of the female body. There are the following reasons for this condition:

  • hormonal changes;
  • heredity;
  • age features of development.

Congenital often show no signs of erosion, does not cause discomfort to the woman. The diagnosis is made after a pelvic exam.

True erosion appears when the following factors: infections, sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory diseases, mechanical action on the cervix, childbirth, hormonal imbalance.

Most often, this pathology has symptoms, for which it is possible to suspect the presence of the disease.

The nuances of the disease in nulliparous

Since the presence of congenital cervical erosion is a cylindrical unfinished process of substitution flat cells after birth, this state is considered normal, physiological characteristics of an organism women. In this case erosion in nulliparous no treatment is prescribed, but it requires regular visits to a gynecologist: Inspections should be carried out every six months. But this applies only to those situations where the affected tissue is not inflamed, she does not feel pain, burning sensation, it should not bother whitish, yellowish discharge from the vagina.

at the doctor's

If in an altered cervical epithelium are beginning to form sores, inflammation, an urgent need to have a therapeutic effect on erosion. In this case, in the early stages of development, physicians may assign the patient conservative medical treatment. If the pathology develops, it is advisable to carry out moxibustion.

Symptoms and signs

Often congenital abnormality showed no obvious signs. Symptoms may appear in the presence of secondary infections, inflammatory processes.

Recognize the pathology of the endometrium can be on the following grounds:

  • the presence of vaginal fluid having a whitish, yellowish tint and unpleasant odor;
  • the emergence of a burning sensation when urinating;
  • delayed menstruation;
  • availability pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

Also highlighted and visual indication of a pathology that can be seen only when viewed from a doctor. It represents the boundary between squamous epithelium and red cylindrical cells.

Such symptoms are nonspecific lesions of the cervix. This is due to the fact that erosion increases the risk of infection in the genital tract. Therefore, the appearance of these symptoms should see a gynecologist, who will assess the state of the cervix.


Basically, the disease is diagnosed by chance - when visiting a gynecologist. To put this diagnosis, the doctor can examine the patient with the help of mirrors, send it to colposcopy cervix procedure. The latter consists in the study of cylindrical and flat epithelium under the microscope.


Besides the above diagnostic methods, a gynecologist may use and extended colposcopy. It lies in the fact that in the affected area with iodine solution is applied, and only then comes the epithelium evaluation using a microscope.

To exclude the presence of other inflammatory pathologies and infections, the woman may be assigned to delivery of a smear on flora, genital infections.


Usually congenital erosion require no treatment, but she should regularly visit the gynecologist to carry out colposcopy and take smears every six months. In most cases, this erosion heals on its own with strong hormonal changes that occur, for example, in the process of childbirth. Because of this, cervical ectopia not treated with cauterization to the first delivery.

If a woman is planning to become pregnant or pathology complicated by an infectious agent, a doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment. In such cases, congenital erosion therapy is conducted with the help of:

  • medicated preparations for topical and internal use, which have healing, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • traditional medicine;
  • cautery.

There are several types of cauterization of cervical erosion:

  • Cryotherapy: represents the processing procedure of the surface affected by liquid nitrogen;
  • laser treatment: the most effective cauterization procedure, since it does not form scars, stops bleeding;
  • radiowave therapy: is treated lesions radio waves.

Also electrocautery can be used for cauterization. It represents the electric shock therapy. Since this method of treatment provokes the formation of scars, it is undesirable for nulliparous women. Not recommended and himiokoagulyatsiya. It consists in treating damaged surface Solkovagina - drug, which includes a set of various acids. This method triggers the appearance of a burn on the cervix, which is why it is narrowed channel, scars are formed.

Risk factors

In most cases, this congenital abnormality has no complications. This is due to the fact that the disease is not a neoplastic process, but sometimes it can cause the development of the acquired erosion. In this case, may appear constant inflammation that gradually deform the cervix. As a result of such an impact can be observed the development of the following possible complications:

  • the formation of adhesions in the cervix;
  • appearance of chronic inflammation appendages;
  • weak disclosure of the cervix during labor;
  • forming flat warts at the changed area;
  • development of uterine diseases, provoking infertility.

In exceptional cases, cervical erosion is degenerating into cancer. The development of cancer is very rare - in situations where there is an infection with human papilloma virus. But if she regularly visits the gynecologist, takes all the necessary tests and carries out colposcopic examination, the probability of cancer in the degeneration of the erosion is reduced to a minimum.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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