Endometriosis after childbirth, cesarean section is held there, what treatment is appointed

Endometriosis after delivery or after caesarean section develops often enough. Pathology accompanies the spread of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. The reasons for certain medical condition is not known.

He thinks about endometriosis


  • disease symptoms
    • Pain
    • Abundant and irregular menstruation
    • abnormal discharge
    • Infertility
  • Endometriosis and cesarean
    • Postoperative scar endometriosis
  • diagnosis of the disease
  • endometriosis treatment
    • conservative therapy
    • Surgical intervention
  • pathology Prevention
  • the possibility of conception

disease symptoms

Pregnancy and childbirth - the period, accompanied by a change in hormonal levels. For this reason, in a woman's body may occur various pathological processes, in particular the appearance of the endometrial foci.

Endometriosis scar after cesarean section scar on the uterus and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. Its intensity depends on the number of foci and areas of their localization. In particular, it is typical pathology scar pain and isolation brownish liquid.

If endometrial uterine scar formation are located in the immediate vicinity of the bladder, is observed:

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  • frequent urination;
  • sensation of squeezing body;
  • a feeling of heaviness and discomfort.

If there germination of endometrial tissue through mochenakopitelya wall, the composition of the urine will be present erythrocytes. The woman can tag the appearance of symptoms of the inflammatory process.

Additional symptoms:

  • periodic pain - increased around the time of bleeding;
  • prolonged spotting, marks before and after the menstrual period;
  • appearance of blood clots;
  • menstruation duration exceeds 5-7 days;
  • have difficulty conceiving and carrying a child.

It is possible violation mother seam integrity in subsequent pregnancies.


Endometriosis occurs after natural or surgical childbirth, not all women, but can not be completely ruled out the development of pathology. A characteristic feature is becoming a pain that appears periodically. The woman may describe it as a nagging, sharp, cutting, given to the perineum or rectum.

Important! Soreness may also be formed on the background of the uterine endometrial cysts development. The reason for its occurrence is a hormonal imbalance that occurs after birth. It is possible the spread of endometrial cells to other organs of the abdominal cavity.

pelvic pain

Symptom intensified during intercourse, exercise. It becomes particularly intense during menstruirovaniya.

Abundant and irregular menstruation

Endometrioid formation are accompanied by disturbances of the cycle. The pathology is characterized by irregularities. One can observe the abundant spotting throughout the menstrual period.

abnormal discharge

For disease characterized by the appearance of small, resembling daub bleeding until the onset of menstruation. Atypical spotting observed after a month.

bloody issues


Genital inflammation, which are the cause of endometriosis leads to infertility. The most frequently observed obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Endometriosis and cesarean

Endometriosis after cesarean section - one of the major complications that accompany surgical delivery. Initial signs of disease a woman says about one to three years after the birth.

There are new, unpleasant or uncharacteristic intensifies already existing symptoms. Leading signs protrude pain and the presence of discharge from the rumen.

Postoperative scar endometriosis

Postoperative scar endometriosis is found in many women who have undergone surgical delivery. The disease is quite difficult to diagnose, although the lesions are clearly visible to the naked eye. The appearance of the modified area is mistaken for infiltration, resulting in a woman receives an incorrect treatment. The result - deterioration.

One of the signs of pathology is the development of pain in a postoperative pulling character seam area. Before the onset of menses has increased, discomfort followed subsided, coinciding with the end of bleeding.

Sometimes the seams with the advent of critical days begin to bleed. The woman can observe isolation brown or dark brown. Daub intensity is enhanced in proportion to the strength of the pain.

In the anterior abdominal wall palpated seal with an irregular shape. formations of different size and can reach 15 cm in diameter. If the node is not too deep, then it is easily visible color - blue or brown, which varies during the menstrual cycle.

In addition, marked changes in skin color in the area of ​​the scar: it turns brown.

diagnosis of the disease

The appearance of endometriosis after birth is no exception, so the uncharacteristic symptoms the woman advised to consult a gynecologist.

The following diagnostic methods are used to establish the pathological condition:

  1. Pelvic ultrasound. Held on 22-25 th day of the menstrual cycle. The characteristic symptom of disease - the uterus spherical.
  2. Laparoscopy. The procedure helps to assess the prevalence of the process and remove the pathological centers if necessary.
  3. uterus hysteroscopy. Is an examination of the uterine cavity by means of a hysteroscope.
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During hysteroscopic endometrial germination can be diagnosed in the muscle layer. In this case, the woman put diagnosis "adenomyosis". The condition is a special case of endometriosis.

endometriosis treatment

When diagnosing postpartum endometriosis apply symptomatic therapy. Treatment may be conservative and surgical.

conservative therapy

Endometriosis is included in the group of pathologies dependent hormonal, so during treatment necessarily realized pharmacological practice.

To receive assigned a different group of hormones. They reduce the amount of the active substances produced by the female body, which leads to a reduction in the size of endometriotic lesions.

Depending on the stage of the disease can be administered:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • means containing progestogens;
  • agonists and antagonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone.

Hormone therapy causes a woman pseudomenopausal development. The only exceptions are the standard drugs contraception. State is accompanied by the classic symptoms: lack of menstrual periods, hot flashes, sweating. Duration of the course is three to six months. After the abolition of ovarian hormones are normalized, there is a restoration of the menstrual cycle.

Additionally appointed antispasmodics to relieve painful symptoms and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Just be sure to check the information on the non-hormonal medicines and to treat endometriosis.

Tablets and glass of water

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment of endometriosis is conducted by techniques such as:

  1. Cauterization of endometriotic lesions detected during hysteroscopy.
  2. Laparoscopy. At the time of medical procedures the doctor performs excision of pathological sections formed adhesions. It is this type of surgical treatment of the disease is recognized by gynecologists 'gold standard'. Laparoscopy allows to consider even small endometrial lesions, as they are clearly visible in the enlarged surgical site.
  3. Excision portion of endometriosis with a scalpel. The technique is practiced in the case when a woman diagnosed with endometriosis postoperative scar. The surgeon removing a portion of the anterior abdominal wall tissues with wide excision of skin. Subsequently, you may need the help of plastic surgeons.

In certain cases necessary to remove appendages.

pathology Prevention

Endometriosis often develops on the background of genetic predisposition and can proceed in secret, so the effective methods of prevention, there are relatively few.

As such, we consider general recommendations - maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition - and some tips:

  • necessary to prevent the development of unwanted pregnancy, to prevent penetration of intracavitary uterus undesirable as diagnostic and curettage, as in the procedure may be damaged neck uterus;
  • as protection methods desirably selected oral contraceptives, giving preference to the preformed format instead intrauterine device;
  • need time to treat inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system, as a violation of hormonal background - is one of the triggering factors of the pathology.

During intrauterine interventions is very important to the basal layer of the endometrium remained intact.

oral contraception

the possibility of conception

It is important to understand that endometriosis is not synonymous with the word "infertility", but in the development of this pathology is the probability of conception decreases.

The main cause of ovarian dysfunction in favor. The woman is a violation of the menstrual cycle, which is reflected in the absence of ovulation: follicle simply not mature, ready to fertilize the egg missing. But if tubal patency is maintained, and at least one ovary is functioning normally, the chance of conceiving is quite high.

A hindrance to the full development of pregnancy becomes a damage to the basal layer of the endometrium, which cells are used organism to restore the thickness of the functional layer of the mother needed for the attachment of the fertilized egg.

Endometriosis - a serious pathology, significantly worsens the quality of life of women. That is why the development of characteristic symptoms need to get expert advice and adequate treatment.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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