Scanty menses brown: the reasons why few selections

Every month a woman's body unfertilized ovum is rejected and goes along with the blood secretions. The duration of the critical days of three to seven days. If this period becomes less, there are scanty menses brown, and the causes are unknown, you must see a doctor. Only a specialist can determine what caused the change of the character of discharge, and to normalize the cycle.

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  • Scanty menses - gipomenoreya
  • pathological causes
    • Weight loss
    • psychogenic factors
    • hyperprolactinemia
    • ovarian disease
    • The disease of the adrenal and thyroid
  • physiological causes
    • Puberty
    • Pregnancy
    • Lactation
    • climacteric
  • Symptoms of disease

Scanty menses - gipomenoreya

Normally, the amount of menstrual flow varies from 50 to 150 ml. If very marked brown scanty menses and blood loss does not exceed 50 ml, then the violation called gipomenoreey. Typically, the duration and decreases the critical days (oligomenorrhea).

Sometimes preceded gipomenoreya complete cessation of menstruation (Amenorrhea). Changing the color and volume of discharge is considered a normal variant in adolescence, when the cycle has yet established. Not a concern such menstruation and during menopause.

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In all other cases, these symptoms point to a violation of the reproductive system.

pathological causes

The reason for the meager monthly brown may lie in the pathological processes in the body. Such changes can not be ignored. Only with timely diagnosis and adequate treatment of reproductive function be able to fully recover.

woman at the doctor

Weight loss

Insufficient amount of adipose tissue leads to the fact that the body can not produce the proper amount of estrogen. Hormonal failure, in turn, affects the state of the genitourinary system.

Scant, scanty menses, which may eventually stop altogether, there are anorexia. Provoke such violations can be a strict diet or starvation.

psychogenic factors

Menstruation as brown secretions often appear after suffering stress, chronic fatigue, severe shocks. As a rule, when the psycho-emotional state comes back to normal, monthly acquire former character. In some cases, can not do without the help of a psychologist.


This is a serious pathology, in which women do not bear a child and breastfeeding significantly increased levels of the hormone prolactin, whereby the milk is observed from the thoracic glands. As a rule, the monthly menstruation dark brown. Often there is a complete cessation of critical days.

ovarian disease

Provoke breach of menstruation may ovarian dysfunction. Critical days in this disease become irregular, vary their intensity and duration. There alternation scarce and plentiful regulator.


Monthly are few and acquire a brown color with polycystic ovaries. In the development of the pathology in the body formed a huge number of small-sized cysts. The result is a hormonal and menstrual glitches.

The disease of the adrenal and thyroid

Spin-brown color appears in pathologies of the thyroid and adrenal glands. When this process is disrupted production of sex hormones, particularly estrogens, and activity of the reproductive system. Maturation of the ovum does not occur, it does not come out of the follicle.

Low levels of estrogen also prevents the normal development of the endometrium. Due to its lack of menstruation thickness are scarce.

physiological causes

Reasons for changes in the volume and tone of menstruation may be lurking in the physiological processes in the body. During menopause, puberty often go monthly brown. Such changes do not cause fear and are considered normal.


During puberty often observed scarce and irregular menstruation. This is explained by the restructuring of the body and another unidentified cycle.

After 1-2 years after the onset of critical days nature of the discharge returns to normal. At this point, normal cycle and menstruation.

mother and teenage daughter


Uncharacteristic isolation rarely, but still appear during pregnancy. The woman said that menstruation became scarce, and no idea of ​​what has emerged a new life in her body.

The egg in the process of accession to the uterine wall injures the reproductive organ, and the result is an allocation of the blood, which is mistaken for menstruation.


During the period of lactation in the body is an intensive development of prolactin. Due to this lack of ovulation, do not come to the critical days. In some cases, there is a slight amount of brown discharge. Menses are considered temporary. Typically, after completion of breast-feeding cycle is normalized.


The changing nature of menstruation during menopause It is also different. Displacement menses with each cycle decreases due to decrease in the blood concentration of estrogens. The result is a lack of these hormones - menopause and menopause. Among other symptoms emit:

  • tides;
  • unexplainable mood swings;
  • excessive sweating;
  • trouble sleeping;
  • a feeling of dryness in the genital area.
Woman with a Fan

Symptoms of disease

In cases where the amount and duration of menses decrease, becoming a lighter highlight color or shade of brown. They appear in a timely manner or with a delay. The duration of menses from a few hours to 2-3 days.

If earlier the critical days in women not accompanied by unpleasant sensations and a number of other symptoms, brown meager monthly may be accompanied by headache, nausea, impaired digestion.

In the case of inflammatory or infectious diseases of the urogenital system isolation acquire an unpleasant odor. In addition, there is a nagging pain in the abdomen. Often during the critical days observed bleeding from the nose.

Reducing the amount of menstruation, and non-specific color is normal during menopause and puberty. Such changes in all the other stages of life should alert a woman. Only with the help of a doctor will be able to identify the cause reproductive disorders and eliminate it as soon as possible.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 50
  • 164