Allocation before menstruation: what should be a week, a few days before menstruation

One of the signs of failure in the activities of the reproductive system are uncharacteristic discharge before menstruation. Therefore, women need to know whether these changes are normal and that points to the beginning of the pathological process. Only in this way will be able to quickly identify the problem and avoid serious consequences.

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  • Allocation before menstruation in healthy women
    • 2 weeks before menstruation
    • Toward the month
    • 1-2 days before menstruation
  • Why before menstruation appear allocation, and what they say
  • abnormal discharge

Allocation before menstruation in healthy women

Not everyone knows the fair sex, what should be the highlight before menstruation. Normally, they are practically invisible, as part of the liquid evaporates, and only a small amount of it flows out.

Bewley before menstruation characterized by such parameters as:

  • volume - depending on which phase of the cycle, the amount varies between 0,06-4 ml;
  • consistency - given day cycle is normal there are creamy, viscous and liquid whites;
  • instagram viewer
  • color - Slime light, translucent or white;
  • structure - homogeneous, but there may be small lumps;
  • smell - is absent.

2 weeks before menstruation

Allocation before menstruation - the norm. They are observed at all phases of the cycleBut they are different in nature. If immediately after menses liquid secret, the closer to ovulation mucus becomes as nozzles.

It increases the amount of cables. They are bright, sometimes gray-gray, but more translucent white color. Normally, they are stretching, mucous membranes and do not have any odor.

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Toward the month

The secret, which begins to stand for 10 days before the critical days, is modified. Normal isolation possess before monthly creamy consistency. Reduced their number. It is thick, not abundant, meager selection.

The color of the mucus varies from white to light beige. 4 days before menstruation leucorrhea becomes very little. Menstrual discharge and during this period did not have an odor.

1-2 days before menstruation

Selection 3 days before menstruation becomes less abundant. They still have a creamy consistency. Their color is white with beige shade.

The day before menses (day 2 or only day) belyah may be a small amount of blood. Such changes are the norm. Highlight a few days before menstruation become scarce in nature.

Why before menstruation appear allocation, and what they say

Highlight the week before menstruation and all other stages of the cycle are the norm. The body is the biological processes associated with the development threshold of the vagina and the uterine glands mucus. In addition to being rejected by necrotic tissue, which as a result fall into the whites. This is due to the necessity of vaginal moisture, due to which the surface protected from damage and the penetration of various infections.

Spin before menstruation periodically change the texture and acidity level due to the features of physiological processes that occur in the body in a certain phase of the cycle. As a result, create proper conditions for the full maturation of the egg and successful fertilization.

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No change in consistency and amount of mucus is a worrying sign. Nature of the discharge must comply with the cycle phase.

The state of the mucous glands and activity is directly dependent on the level of progesterone and estrogen. On this basis, it is clear that such a violation is a sign of hormone imbalance.

Conventional whites during ovulation, when an egg is marked maturation, becoming more abundant. In this way it is easier to move the sperm in the fallopian tube to meet the gamete. In the absence of fertilization is decreased mucus. Beli monthly look the same. Changes in their nature indicates a problem.

Color whiter directly envy of hormonal levels, blood composition and its ability to clotting, as well as metabolism. Bloody, brown and white mucus is considered the norm, but sometimes indicates a pathological development.

One of the main conditions for the normal flow - no discomfort, itching and other discomfort.

abnormal discharge

A distinctive feature of pathological whiter - a bright, saturated color. The mucus is often observed isolation with foam, Clots and clots, pus and blood. In addition, odor is present. A woman having pain in the genital area and lower abdomen. The appearance of abnormal discharge caused by the development of various kinds of serious illnesses requiring treatment.

Among the reasons for these changes are the following:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • formation of tumors in the cervix or cavity.
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It is worth noting any allocation to monthly observed in the case of oral contraceptives and intrauterine device during installation. Mucus in the first three months after it becomes bloody, sometimes even happens Secret black. With the advent of the fourth cycle it should bounce back. If it does not - should seek the help of a gynecologist.

White mucus released during the cycle, indicating genitals diseases:

  1. Thrush. The area around the vaginal itch, itch, discharge becomes cheesy consistency acquire an unpleasant sour odor.
  2. Cervicitis. There have been abundant leucorrhoea, accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the lower back and abdomen.
  3. Vaginosis. There is the appearance of a fishy odor emissions. The woman said that they increased in volume, especially noticeable after sex. Provoked by the disease of the vaginal mucosa violation microflora and the presence of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms.

Brown spotting or heavy vaginal discharge caused by the following pathologies:

  1. Endometriosis. It may appear as a smearing mucus and severe bleeding.
  2. Dysplasia, or cervical erosion leukoplakia. As a result, damage may occur mucous uncharacteristic whiter color.
  3. Tumors, cysts and polyps ovaries. Smearing brown mucus appears before the critical days and upon completion. There is a risk of bleeding.

yellow and green discharge in women appearing in various inflammatory processes in the urogenital system, and venereal diseases.

In order to install the causes of abnormal discharge conducted laboratory studies, as well as used hardware and instrumental methods of diagnosis. Only after that is assigned to a course of treatment.

Beli before critical days is considered normal and occur in all women. Nevertheless, it is necessary to closely monitor the nature of mucus, its texture and smell. Any changes - it is an occasion for a full examination. Often, these symptoms point to the development of diseases that can cause serious complications. Only on condition that there is no discomfort, unpleasant odor, has not changed the color of mucus, no reason to worry.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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