After an abortion, no periods, the delay after medical abortion

Abortifacient activity does not always take place without complications and sequelae. Often in women after the absence of menstruation for a month or two. As a rule, after this time the cycle is restored. Fears cause a situation where there is no post-abortion menstruation over a longer period. Without medical care in this case can not do.

the girl at the window


  • Abortion - a catastrophic blow
  • Abortion complications - amenorrhea
  • When should come month after abortion
  • Fault causes delays
  • Prevention of complications

Abortion - a catastrophic blow

Reason why after abortion no monthly, is set. First and foremost is a hormonal crash. As a result of abortive events endocrine system is disrupted, inhibited the processes of ovarian functioning of the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. With the lack of concentration of hormones and no change of level change is observed menstruation after medical abortion. To restore hormonal levels takes time. The patient is advised to seek the help of a gynecologist who will prescribe appropriate treatment.

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After medaborta or miscarriage two months a woman is experiencing severe stress. In this regard, there is an increase in blood levels of prolactin. As a result - lack of ovulation and menstruation.

Another consequence of the termination of pregnancy - damage to the basal layer of the uterus. The greater the endometrium appeared traumatized, the harder it will be to restore the loop. In connection with arising complications are sometimes observed total removal of this layer. This in turn can cause infertility.

female reproductive system

Abortion complications - amenorrhea

Amenorrhea (absence of menses for six months or more) may occur after medical abortion. Often it is due to the emergence of neurohormonal disorders. It is noted violations by the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus, and sometimes complete destruction of the system. Delayed menstruation after abortion in this case is called the central or hypothalamic amenorrhea.

Menstrual disorder happens due to stress caused by hormonal failure. On how long no periods after spending abortive activities depends directly, what are the chances of recovery of reproductive function. Malfunctions of neurohormonal systems can lead to suppression of ovarian function and infertility.

Amenorrhea may be associated with partial or complete imperforate cervical canal, and as a result of - the appearance of false amenorrhea. Caused by such changes and the destruction of the mucous appearance of adhesions.

The reason for a prolonged absence of menstruation can also be covered in intrauterine adhesions.

When should come month after abortion

The first day of the new cycle is the date of the onset of bleeding after the abortive events. At the time of the procedure is destroyed fertilized egg - and then immediately begins. Discharge, which are observed in this period, menstrual periods are not. Critical days come in natural terms. Bleeding after abortion only allows you to count the date of commencement of the cycle.

marked calendar

Normal menses should appear after 21-35 days. Largely depend on the timing of individual cycle length regulator. If it is 28 days after the abortive events such should stay there.

A situation where there is no menstruation after abortion, are not uncommon, but such changes can not be considered the norm. If the abortion was carried out for no longer than 12 weeks, the fertility returns quickly, soon come monthly.

The smaller the period for which the procedure is conducted, the less celebrated of menstruation. At later stages of these disorders are quite common. The body when it is necessary for at least three months to recover.

Carried on late-term aborted activities dangerous to women's health. For this reason, in medical institutions this procedure is carried out on the patient's request up to 12 weeks.

Start month after abortion, usually within 21-40 days. They differ from conventional discharge duration, heavy and painful. Such changes - a reason for treatment to the doctor. Can not be ignored and delayed menstruation.

monthly occurrence and the time depends on the type of procedure. For example, after vacuum aspiration monthly acquire a slightly different character. For more information on this topic you can read in a separate article on our site.

Fault causes delays

Abortion - the strongest stress to the body, after which he needs time to recover. This is the main cause of menstrual disorders, so do not underestimate delay due to stress. If it is of short duration, is no reason to worry. Speaking about what to do if there is no menses for two months, the answer is simple: we need medical assistance.

Girl at the doctor

After the abortive measures there is a risk of such abnormalities of the reproductive system, such as cystic fibroids and are not excluded serious hormonal disruptions and a number of other complications.

The doctor first of all make inspection on the gynecological chair and then ordered a further examination, including:

  • ultrasound;
  • a blood test to determine the level of hormones;
  • stroke, allowing to reveal the infection.

Only with timely treatment to a specialist will be able to avoid a number of undesirable consequences and to restore reproductive function.

Prevention of complications

After an abortion, hormonal system and the organism as a whole needs time to recover. To this process is completed as soon as possible, it is necessary to observe a number of medical recommendations. In order to prevent serious complications gynecologist destination resorts to hormonal drugs. The duration of such therapy ranges from two to three months. In addition, it is necessary to observe the following rules:

  • over the next six months to avoid a new pregnancy;
  • avoid visiting bath and sauna for a month. At the same time you should not take hot baths;
  • not to enter into intimate relations within four weeks after the abortive events;
  • do not lift weights or play sports until complete recovery;
  • get plenty of rest and avoid stressful situations.

Abortion has a negative impact on the state of the female reproductive system. After this procedure is often marked cycle disorders, menstruation delays and changes in the character selections. It is not always considered to be the norm. Quite often the changes point to serious problems in the body. Therefore, the appearance of these symptoms it is necessary to seek the help of a doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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