Short cycle monthly (proyomenoreya): causes and treatment of reducing menstruation duration

Constant cycle set for the first two years after the onset of menarche. Its duration of each woman is different, but is in the range of 21 to 35 days. Under the influence of various factors, the duration may vary. This situation happens once, but repeated in some cases. Causes of short cycle menstruation often lie in the violation of the diet, or nervous strain. Sometimes the changes indicate a serious illness requiring immediate treatment.

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  • What signs indicate a problem
  • Why it happens
    • Malfunctions in the body
    • Sudden weight loss
    • interesting position
    • endometriosis
    • climacteric
    • other causes
  • Treatment

What signs indicate a problem

Short cycle is not a disease, and up to two times during the year may be observed in healthy women. Consider it necessary to state in conjunction with other clinical manifestations.

There are three kinds proyomenorei (shortening of the menstrual cycle):

  • a two-phase cycle in which the first stage is reduced - follicular. Ovulation is noted in the earlier period;
  • biphasic with decreasing the second step - the luteal. Ovulation occurs on time, but there is a transient increase in basal body temperature;
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  • single phase. Ovulation does not occur, and the basal temperature is constantly changing.

In most cases, a decline in the luteal phase. Despite the fact that the cyclical decrease, discharge becomes abundant and observed a long period.

Cause for concern are the second and third kinds of violations that can lead to infertility. The fact that the cycle is shorter, it is considered a sign of dysfunction of the reproductive system.

calendar and laying

The emergence monthly on the 21th day normally only in the case if it is not repeated systematically and not accompanied by additional symptoms such as:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • migraine;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • emotional instability;
  • fatigue and weakness during menstruation;
  • suppression of sexual desire;
  • bleeding from the nose.

In cases where the first day of menstruation becomes the twenty-first day of the cycle, may develop a number of gynecological diseases. In this case, the critical days are accompanied by symptoms:

  • menstrual phase duration is less than three days;
  • interval between periods of about two weeks;
  • scarce, Spotting.

Why it happens

The reasons for shortening the cycle there are pathological and physiological. Failure may cause as serious disease and a number of external factors, changes in the body.

Not always a short menstrual cycle indicates a health problem, but leave it unattended still not worth it. Such violations are in any case the reason for the visit to the gynecologist.

gynecologist examines

Malfunctions in the body

Among physiological reasons that there is a reduction of the menstrual cycle, secrete endocrine system diseases, adrenal gland, kidney, and pneumonia. On the reproductive system directly affects the pituitary gland and ovaries, with their hand disorders also lead to earlier appearance of menses.

Sudden weight loss

Reducing monthly cycle may be due to rapid weight loss. Cause such violations and is capable of a strict diet, implying a significant reduction in calories.

Such abrupt changes are strongest stress to the body, in connection with which the monthly cycle becomes shorter. Excessive thinness negatively affected by the hormonal system. As a result of this allocation menstruatsionnye able to stop completely.

interesting position

The cycle may suddenly shortened in case of successful fertilization. In this case, the woman is only a meager selection, their volume is substantially reduced. If there are additional signs of pregnancy, you need to do a test, and regardless of the result to go to consult a gynecologist. Minor amount of bleeding often occur not only under normal, but an ectopic pregnancy, which is a must interrupt.


This disease, wherein the endometrial layer thickens. The most dangerous complication of disease is infertility. With the development of endometriosis menstruation phase may become less time, and allocating themselves darken.



During menopause reproductive functions gradually suppressed and hormone concentration is significantly reduced. In connection with this shortened menstrual cycle and is marked decrease in volume discharge. Thus, the body signals the completion of the ability of procreation and termination of the production of sex hormones by the ovaries. Following menopause menopause, and monthly full stop.

More detail on the nature of monthly during menopause you can read in a separate article on our site.

other causes

Lead to disturbances in hormonal levels and the appearance of menses ahead of time is able to birth control pills. After the abolition of contraceptives, reproductive function is restored, and menstruation appear in due time.

Such changes often cause inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

There are also more simple reasons for decreased cycle. Day 2-3 may fail as a result of supercooling, neural shock, the change of climatic conditions, or excessive fatigue.


When the menstrual periods prematurely need to carry out a full diagnosis on the basis of which is assigned to an adequate course of therapy. The treatment will be carried out, depending on which phase has undergone changes and that this process is triggered.

With the conservative methods used to restore reproductive health, but sometimes surgery is required.

On prescription drugs take such groups:

  • hormonal;
  • Hemostatic;
  • vitamin complexes.

Upon detection of inflammation of women's bodies have resorted to the use of antibiotic agents and the local agents with antiseptic effect.

Not always a reduction of the interval between periods is considered normal. Such changes are caused by a number of diseases. To identify the cause and restore the previous cycle, need to be examined by a gynecologist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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