Monthly are 3 days: is it ok, the reasons

Menses are considered to be a natural physiological process, which is facing a month every woman of reproductive age. The duration of the critical days in all of the fair sex is different. And different nature of the discharge. In some cases, monthly 3 days - this is normal, but sometimes such a short period is a symptom of pathology.

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  • What is the normal menstrual cycle
  • Why month from the beginning of such a short
  • Reasons for a shortened menstrual cycle

What is the normal menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is set for one, and sometimes two years after the first period appeared. Depending on the individual, he has certain properties. The concept of cycle rules can not fit into the narrow framework. On the development, maturation and release of the egg takes about 21-35 days. If fertilization is absent, the layer of the endometrium is rejected, and at the same time is about three, a maximum of seven days of normal menstruation.

monthly regularity established as early as puberty. From this point on the critical days are the same number of days and at certain intervals. Cycle changes are possible only during pregnancy and the development of pathology.

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Situation where menstruation lasts for three days from the date of the installation cycle, can be considered a variant of the norm.

Regulate the menstrual cycle hormones, each responsible for a certain phase. If menses are 3 days and suddenly come to an end, but had previously been more persistent, then these changes may indicate violations of the endocrine system. In addition, cycle failure often shows the development of the disease or abnormalities in the usual way of life.

female patient at the doctor

Why month from the beginning of such a short

In the first month the girls there are usually between the ages of 12-15 years. During this period begins hormonal changes due to ovarian maturation process. This explains why the menstrual period began, and immediately disappeared for several months. This phenomenon is not uncommon.

On the establishment of the cycle takes up to two years. May vary as the interval between periods, and their volume. Scarce and abundant selection in this period did not cause concern.

Duration monthly cycle prior to the final installation can be different, constantly fluctuate, but gradually returns to normal. Therefore it is very important to consider the duration of the cycle.

In case of any deviations to panic is not necessary. Under these changes, how long, short periods, The reasons may be different. Affect the length of the menstrual phase capable of overwork, a strict diet, physical or emotional stress, and even a change of scenery. Once the factor provoking failure, will be eliminated, the loop is restored.

If menses are 3 days from the start and during menstruation is not severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms, it can be considered a normal condition.

With regular violations and clearly expressed pain syndrome need a medical consultation. It is possible that the monthly three days are due to the development of pathologies of the urogenital system. It is mandatory should consult a doctor if monthly go 1-2 days and end.

girl with a hot-water bottle

Reasons for a shortened menstrual cycle

Responsible for formation of menstrual cycle are the ovaries and pituitary. In situations where instead of 5 days monthly walked 3 days, there may be functional disorders. Physiological abnormalities observed with repeated carrying out abortive events and curettage. Such cycle disorders observed in women who had been ill with tuberculosis. If such changes are possible, where instead of the usual 5 days monthly reduced to 3 days.

The reason that menstruation began to walk three days and ended earlier than usual, may make poor circulation in the uterus and the insufficient level of hormones.

For a month and duration of impact factors:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • vitamin deficiency or anemia;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • mental illness;
  • emotional stress;
  • surgery in the organs of the urogenital system;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • damage to the pelvic organs;
  • lactation;
  • intoxication;
  • infectious diseases.

Reducing the duration of menstruation to three days is not always indicates serious problems in the body, but sometimes indicates the development of a number of pathologies. Therefore, these changes should not leave without attention. Only after due diligence will be able to identify the cause of the short month and restore the previous cycle. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Adequate course of therapy is able to designate only a gynecologist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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