Menstruation does not end there: the causes, how to stop, what to do

Normal menstruation lasts for the period of 3 to 7 days. If from the start of discharge last week, and month does not end, the reasons may lie in the newly transferred stress, surgery, taking certain medications. More dangerous pathology - ectopic pregnancy, neoplasms, hormonal failure at different infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

girl is holding her stomach


  • What is hypermenorrhoea
  • hysteromyoma
  • endometritis
  • endometriosis
  • endometrial hyperplasia
  • Polyps in the uterus
  • How to stop bleeding
    • Pills
    • herbs

What is hypermenorrhoea

Hypermenorrhoea (heavy and prolonged release during menstruation) may be a physiological characteristic of the woman and symptom of dangerous diseases. Norm doctors consider a period of one week. If your period continues on Day 8 and beyond, especially when the situation is repeated regularly, it is necessary to be surveyed.

The main causes gipomenorei (These include all separation after 7 days of menstruation) are benign, malignant tumors of the uterus, endometriosis and other diseases. Sometimes the reason is the internal injuries of the genital organs, taking hormonal medications, menopause, or ectopic pregnancy.

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Also among the causes of prolonged bleeding distinguish malignant tumors. In this case, they do not stop on their own, or upon receipt of hemostatic agents.

Additionally, this symptom could indicate a blood disease. It can manifest itself in violation of coagulation, platelet level fluctuations, occurrence of anemia, and bleeding gums, bruising development.

Determine why a long time does not run out monthly, you need as soon as possible, because there is a real threat to the health and even the life of a woman.

girl holding her stomach


Against the background of hormonal failure in women, most frequently diagnosed fibroids in women in menopauseOften develop benign tumors - myoma (fibroids or) of the uterus. Symptoms of the disease:

  • monthly long end, increases the amount of blood released (menorrhagia);
  • Anemia occurs with prolonged menstrual period and the occurrence of uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle;
  • as tumor growth progresses lower abdominal pain, back pain, as well as increased the pressure on the internal organs - the rectum, bladder, which causes a breakdown of diuresis, constipation;
  • prolonged bleeding externally manifested bruises under his eyes, pale skin.

Degeneration of uterine fibroids in the malignancy occurs in less than 2% of cases. Most often it is accompanied by infertility, miscarriage.

Accordingly, if the last critical days beyond the statutory age, present pain of any localization (lower back, lower abdomen, side), it is necessary to make a diagnosis.


inflammation of the uterus, called the inflammatory endometritis, Developed under the influence of infectious, parasitic pathogens (toxoplasmosis, herpes virus, bacteria, chlamydia, fungi). Hormonal contraceptives, IUDs can provoke nonspecific endometritis.

IUD in the uterus

The first symptoms appear after 3-6 days after the onset of infection in the uterus:

  • menstrual discharge is not stopped, the bleeding can be amplified;
  • there are abdominal pain, fever;
  • menstruation is possible and purulent discharge profuse bleeding.

When prolonged heavy menstruation, body temperature up to 40 degrees, general weakness and loss of appetite, and a characteristic of acute pain in the uterus you must make a diagnosis and receive treatment with antibacterial, antifungal or other medications.


Inflammation of the endometrium in the fallopian tubes, abdomen, cervix, ovaries, rectum and bladder is called endometriosis and uterine cervical endometriosis. According to statistics, more than a third of all women of reproductive age suffer from this disease. In this disease, menstruation does not end within 8-10 days or more, release acquire a darker shade, there are pains in the lower abdomen, extending to the anus, foot.

can develop menorrhagia - periods are longer and there are spotting in the intermenstrual period. Anemia caused by disease leads to weakness, brittle nails, dizziness, high blood pressure.

endometrial hyperplasia

Proliferation of uterine mucous membrane (proliferation) refers to endometrial hyperplasia. Such processes can be carried to a precancerous condition. Approximately 40% of the atypical hyperplasia flows into a malignant tumor.

The main symptoms - periods do not stop or, on the contrary, no, there are spotting brownish discharge, pain during menstruation, delay or offset cycle.

endometrial hyperplasia

Along with the incessant menstruation can occur rise in blood sugar levels, hormonal failure, infertility, mastitis.

Also during heavy menstruation with blood clots may occur cramping, blood allocation in hygiene or sexual intercourse.

Polyps in the uterus

Benign polyps in the uterus are also considered a precancerous condition, so be sure to be removed surgically. Their occurrence is preceded by mechanical injury, inflammation of the urogenital system, hormonal disorders and systemic diseases.

Suspect the presence of polyps can be the following symptoms - menstruation ends, it is preceded brownish spotting occurs during sexual intercourse pain, anemia, increasing the size of the polyps can appear pains in the lower part stomach.

How to stop bleeding

The speed of recovery and normalization of the menstrual cycle is dependent on what to do if the month does not end there. To self can not in any case, taking any medications should be agreed with your doctor.

Thus, you must consult your doctor if the blood discharge increased in volume or increased 6-10-day periods, there are sharp pains, weakness, lethargy, fever. In these cases, a visit to the doctor should be immediate.

Also, you should visit a gynecologist, if in addition to the ongoing monthly menstruation appear allocation during intercourse, caving, use tampons, any spotting in mid-cycle.

woman and man in bed


Any hemostatic drugs appoint an expert. Use such means:

  • Vikasol (water-soluble analogue of vitamin C);
  • Dicynone;
  • etamzilat;
  • Tranexam;
  • Diferelin.

Ascorbic acid is widely used, contributing to strengthen the vascular wall. Also used Ascorutin.

If the month do not stop to visit a doctor the woman can perform several actions to facilitate the state:

  • take a horizontal position, lift the legs, placing them under the cushion or pillow;
  • put on the abdomen cold pack or bottle with cold water;
  • increase the amount of fluid intake to prevent dehydration;
  • do not make any sudden movements, especially if there is a weakness, dizziness.

To cope with bleeding, particularly strong, it is possible only in a hospital.

girl in hospital


Some folk remedies can help women in dealing with heavy period, but the use of any herbs should be coordinated with the attending gynecologist. Apply such funds:

  • decoction on the basis of horsetail - helps to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • infusion of leaves of wild strawberries and raspberries, goose cinquefoil, yarrow and oak bark - strengthens blood vessels, improves the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • infusion smartweed - at regular reception stops prolonged menstruation;
  • decoction of nettle, shepherd's purse, burnet roots.

In general, treatment of folk remedies can supplement the basic therapy to combat diseases caused by prolonged menstruation.

Any disruption of the hormonal cycle (including prolonged menstruation), especially in combination with pain, should be an occasion for a thorough diagnosis.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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