Mastopathy with menopause

Hormonal disorders that accompany menopause, sometimes lead to changes in the mammary glands - mastopathy. The disease is possible in reproductive age, but it has its own peculiarities caused by a completely different balance of substances. And because the treatment of mastopathy with menopause, like some signs, will have its own nuances.


  • 1 Why breast occurs during menopause
  • 2 How to detect abnormalities in the breasts
  • 3 How to treat mastopathy at the age of menopause
    • 3.1 hormone treatment
    • 3.2 Homeopathy
    • 3.3 Vitamins
    • 3.4 Herbs in the treatment of mastitis
    • 3.5 Surgery

Whymastopathy occurs during the menopause

. To 45-55 years, every woman comes up with a certain luggage. It's all about what her reproductive system has endured. And since the development of the latter is inseparable from the balance of hormones and the processes that result in the mammary glands, it will inevitably affect the state of their tissues.

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Fat in the breast under the influence of the changeable hormonal background, which happens in menopause, is replaced by a connective tissue. This is mastopathy. To the reasons for which it occurs in this transitional period, in addition to hormonal imbalance, also include:

  • Early puberty, in which the increase in the volume of female hormones outstrips the development of breast tissue. They do not have time to adapt to substances that can find a response in adulthood;
  • Previously transmitted venereal infections, especially if acquired chronic course;
  • Inflammations affecting the reproductive organs. Their frequent relapses further increase the likelihood that a woman will develop mastopathy during menopause;
  • Lack of pregnancy, lactation or a short period of breastfeeding, meaning that the mammary glands were deprived of the ability to perform their natural function, which is negatively projected on their health;
  • Abortions, which are a physiological shock to the body in general, as they provoke a sharp and unnatural change in the balance of hormones;
  • Often and very experienced stress. Violations of psychological balance are struck on the hormonal background, from which the state of the breast tissue is very dependent;
  • Exchange disorders, often occurring in the background of menopause. Their significant degree leads to overweight, diabetes, thyroid disorders. And all this negatively affects the balance of estrogens, gestagens, prolactin, androgens;
  • Incorrect use of hormonal contraceptives and other medications containing these substances.

Fibrocystic mastopathy in menopause occurs in most cases of the disease. It has several forms, it brings not only anxiety, but also unpleasant sensations. But most importantly, it can become a stepping stone on the way to breast cancer.

Women need to have a theoretical understanding of what is mastopathy, symptoms and treatment for menopause. Not everyone takes the diagnosis seriously enough, believing it to be a natural consequence of menopause, which can be dealt with on their own or taken to their own devices. Or, on the contrary, they are too afraid of the ailment, aggravating their feelings with fears and giving the chance to bloom diseases.

How to detect a pathology in the mammary glands

Mastopathy with menopause symptoms is quite clear in order to force a woman to see a doctor. They are especially noticeable in postmenopause, when the sensations caused by ailment can not be attributed to PMS.But also in the initial period of menopause with the still coming menstrual it is possible to detect changes in the breast, since the sensations may differ from what was before the disease.

The malaise provokes the appearance of:

  • Pain in the mammary glands. Symptoms of mastopathy with menopause from this series have a different character, they are aching, shooting, pressing, blunt. Localized pain is also capable of different parts of the chest, to give in the shoulder. However, some people do not have this feature for the time being;
  • Sealed patches in the chest. They can be probed as enlarged lobules, represent extraneous formations due to the growth of tissue and the formation of nodules;
  • Eruptions from the nipples. The symptom does not always appear, but in self-examination on this part of the mammary glands it is necessary to pay special attention.

How to treat mastopathy at the age of menopause

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy in menopause should be professional. It will be necessary to assess the condition of the mammary glands by a mammologist, with the help of ultrasound, other methods of examination, and analysis for hormones.

Treatment with hormones

Treatment of mastopathy with the initial menopause, when still coming monthly, can consist in taking oral contraceptives. If a blood test tells you that the imbalance of sex hormones is responsible for the appearance of a malaise, the following are prescribed:

  • Regulon;
  • Jeanine;
  • Femoston;
  • Mersilon;
  • New.

In post-menopause, this therapy is ineffective and can even harm. More often the disturbance of a hormonal background, causing a mastopathy, happens with prevalence of estrogens. Then there is a need to neutralize their effect on the growth of breast tissue with drugs with gestagens:

  • Dufaston;
  • by the Metropolitan;
  • Progesterone.

Suppression of estrogen production is possible with the reception of funds with testosterone:

  • Norgestel;
  • Danazol;
  • Linestrinol.

Or other antiestrogens:

  • Tamoxifen;
  • Toremifene.

If an increase in the concentration of prolactin is detected, it is possible to assign a stabilizing value of

  • Bromocriptine;
  • Parlodela;
  • of Abergina.

In postmenopause, the drug Livial, which has an effect on the volume of sex hormones and androgens, is shown. In addition to the therapy of mastopathy, it also relieves menopausal syndrome.

In hormonal treatment of malaise, it is important not only the exact choice of the drug, but also the dosage. The mistake can lead to an increase in the signs of menopause, the growth of the tissues of the mammary glands and their degeneration.


Treatment of mastopathy, used in menopause, is selected taking into account the symptoms of the latter. Speech about tides, nervousness, insomnia and headache, dry mucous membranes, which do not add health to the mammary glands. Bearing this in mind, and also the potential risk of using hormones, some specialists do not accept therapy with such drugs during the transition period, preferring to prescribe homeopathic:

  • Mastodinone;
  • Climadinone.

They stabilize the hormonal background, relieve the manifestations of climacteric syndrome, pain and tension in the mammary glands, stimulate the immune system, and remove puffiness. It is important that both agents have no negative effect on tissue growth.


When there is mastopathy with menopause, treatment is necessarily supplemented with the intake of vitamins. The most important substances for the health of the mammary glands are:

  • Retinol;
  • Tocopherol;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Folic acid.

All of them stabilize the metabolism, stimulate the balance of hormones, have antioxidant and antitumor properties, normalize the work of the nervous system.

Herbs in the therapy of mastopathy

You can use phyto-therapy for menopause in mastopathy in addition to other methods. If the attending physician does not object, to stabilize the patient's nervous state, get rid of edema and pain, use decoctions:

  • From nettles, celandine, St. John's wort, motherwort, mint, wild rose berries, hawthorn flowers, valerian root. They are mixed and, taking 1 tsp.composition per liter of boiling water, insist 6 hours. For the day you need to drink 300 ml;
  • From yarrow( 1 tablespoon), motherwort( 1 tbsp), turns( 2 tbsp).2 tbsp mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, hold an hour, filter and drink 100 ml twice a day.

We recommend reading the article about other causes of chest pain with menopause. You will learn about why there is an unpleasant sensation in the mammary gland, a sign of which diseases it can be.

Surgical intervention

To surgical resolution of the problem forces mastopathy after menopause, when the hormonal background, it would seem, should stabilize. But the emergence of foci of disease leads specialists to oncological alertness.

When mastopathy changes to the nodular form, especially if the probability of appearance of "bad" cells in the tumor is high, an operation is prescribed. Depending on the location and prevalence of pathological sites, their removal or resection of the whole breast is carried out.

Mastopathy and menopause is an unpleasant but not deadly neighborhood. It only requires a more attentive attitude towards health. We need to carefully choose food, giving preference to plant, and clothing. It is useful to move a lot, have sex, strive for positive emotions, monitor the condition of mammary glands in specialists.

  • Mar 09, 2018
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