Month after the abortion: when starting, as are following medical abortion

Month after the abortion directly indicate the start of recovery reproduction functions. Regardless of the manner in which the procedure is conducted, it is cause substantial harm to the body. In order to prevent severe consequences, you need to ensure that after a number of days after an abortion begin monthly, and some of these secretions character.

woman in a white dress with a red circle


  • How does an abortion on a female organism
    • Month after medical abortion
    • Vacuum
    • Surgical
  • When the first period starts after abortion
    • Norm
    • Pathology
  • Complications after abortion

How does an abortion on a female organism

The menstrual cycle is one of the common effects of abortive events. Menstruation after abortion is irregular, suddenly ends, or starts with delay.

The main reason why the recovery cycle occurs with complications is damage to the mucosal layer during scraping. The walls of the uterus are injured, they form scars and adhesions.

Overgrowing is uneven. For this reason menses after cleaning uterus may appear with a delay.

There are many ways to terminate a pregnancy, and depending on the option chosen there are different complications. In any case marked hormonal disruptions, provoking violation of ovarian activity, the development of dysfunction, endometriosis,

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endometrial polyps and many other disorders. An excessively pronounced hormonal imbalance can lead to tumor formation.

Month after medical abortion

According to gynecologists, medical abortion is the most intrusive option. Surgical intervention is not carried out. Woman enough to take the pills.

Farmabort held for up to seven weeks. After taking the drug rejected by the egg and out of the uterus. Over one and a half weeks after that observed krovjanisto-mucus, which many mistakenly called menstruation.

pills in hand

After about 30 days, will go monthly after medical abortion. The beginning of the cycle is considered to be the day receiving medication. The normalization process occurs rapidly. Sometimes there is a week-long delay menstruation after medical abortion. Such a violation is considered normal, but only on condition that the discharge does not become more abundant than before the abortion.

If after medaborta fever, appeared pain in the uterus and observed heavy bleeding with clots, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist. Such symptoms indicate that there are embryonic remnants in an organ.

Medical consultation is needed and if the month did not begin forty days after the procedure. It is not excluded that the interruption was bad - and the embryos remained in the uterus.


vacuum aspiration considered relatively safe option of abortion. Optimal time for surgery is considered to be five weeks. The full recovery cycle takes three to five months. normalization of time depends on the health of the female organism.

expect first discharge after vacuum abortion should be on the 28-35-th day from the date of the transaction. The norm in this release are considered to be scarce, since the ovaries have not yet had time to fully recover. When the monthly unusual color and with an unpleasant odor, regardless of their number, need to be examined by a gynecologist.


Operation of abortion has adverse effects on the reproductive system. Often after holding periods marked abundant and substantial violation uterine wall integrity. A particular danger is surgical abortion conducted for more than nine weeks. The opening of the uterus produces special tools, thereby may damage the cervical tissue.

gynecological instruments

After surgical interruption possible delay monthly. Even an experienced doctor is not able to say exactly how long the absence of menstruation. If they do not appear in a few months, it is necessary to be surveyed at the gynecologist. The uterus after curettage is still open, it can penetrate without obstruction infection.

Troubling meager monthly character, having a pungent odor or an unnatural color. These symptoms point to infection of the uterine cavity. In the absence of proper treatment a woman can become infertile.

When the first period starts after abortion

Dates when coming month after the abortive procedure defined simply. The new cycle is counted from the date of the transaction. Depending on the individual woman's menstrual period may begin at 28, a maximum of 45 days.


After abortive manipulation cycle starts with a slight delay. Come monthly approximately 35-45 days after the operation. Fully restored reproductive function in four months. The interval between periods is constantly reduced, until it comes back to normal.

The first menstrual period be extended to ten days. While the uterus is not back to normal, does not exclude pain. Possible delay monthly, but only slightly.


The first month after the abortion should be available for approximately 45 days. Reasons why menstruation at this time does not come, there will be several:

  • spikes that trigger scarring;
  • cervical spasm. Blood accumulates in the uterus as a result creates the optimum environment for the development of various infections;
  • damage to the endometrial layer during scraping.
a woman in a hospital room

Profuse menstruation, the duration of which is more than ten days, indicating the onset of inflammation, or damage to the uterine cavity need for repeated cleaning. Such violations can not be disregarded. You should immediately seek help from a gynecologist, because the consequences may be irreversible.

Complications after abortion

Complications caused all abortive events - regardless of the type. The whole embryo or its remnants are sometimes stored in the womb, and repeated cleaning.

After the termination of pregnancy are possible consequences:

  • the allocation of a blood mucus that is long (about a month) does not stop. Profuse bleeding indicates an incomplete abortion. Malodorous monthly evidence of the penetration of infection in the uterine cavity;
  • gap uterine wall;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • incomplete abortion.

Such complications occur almost immediately after surgery.

If time does not begin treatment in the future may have chronic inflammation and adhesions that trigger the development of cancer, polycystic disease, and endometriosis. Against this background, the chances of pregnancy in women are minimal.

The menstrual cycle after pregnancy interruption bounces back fast enough. Nevertheless, you need to carefully follow the nature and the duration of menstruation. Time to identify changes that will be able to prevent possible complications.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 36
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