Phase of the menstrual cycle on days: what happens as last, the link with hormones in women

Each phase of the menstrual cycle has its own characteristics and features. At the heart of any one of them is the regulation of hormones. For days, they are divided into 3 phases, the duration of which is individual. For reproductive health is important to understand the specifics of the cyclical periods.

phase of the menstrual cycle


  • follicular phase
  • menstruation phase
    • desquamation
    • Regeneration
    • Proliferation
  • ovulation period
  • luteal phase

follicular phase

Any violations of the menstrual period, lead to problems conceiving. Driving cycle in women represented different stages, each of which has a length and specificity.

Consider the phase of the menstrual cycle on days: their regularity, time and duration.

Each phase is characterized by a logical sequence. Their main function - to create favorable conditions for the fertilization of the egg.

With regular cycles in women takes place every month of their life. This is due to hormone activity, prepares the body for fertilization and birth.

The main phase of the cycle:

  1. Follicular (1st phase of the menstrual cycle).
  2. Ovulatory.
  3. Luteal.
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In the first phase of the process of maturation of follicles in the ovaries begins. Its duration - 15-20 days. Start this interval coincides with the beginning of the critical days. During this period, the body is active estrogen production (one of the main female hormone).


The hormone estrogen provides support follicles for 5-7 days. When the egg is fully mature, the "extra" follicles stop functioning. These processes are updated every month.

The first day of the month, that is, at the beginning of the follicular period, a woman may complain malaise and weakness. Mood swings associated with poor health during this period. Discomfort occurs predominantly in the lower abdomen. He is drawing the character. Discomfort fully pass on the second-third day of menstruation.

menstruation phase

To prevent the development of abnormal gynecological processes, you must understand how the phase of the menstrual period. Normal female cycle It includes a menstruation period, which is divided into the following stages:

  1. Desquamation.
  2. Regeneration.
  3. Proliferation.
  4. Secretion.

Let us consider each of them.


Between desquamation actively rejects the uterus endometrium (its outer layer). It begins the process of menstruation. Usually monthly pass painful. Women feel a nagging pain in the ovaries, and nausea. Some dizziness occurs.

desquamation period will not come, if the egg has been fertilized.

The occurrence of discomfort at the time associated with the decay of the mother and peeling functional layer - endometrium. He often goes out of the body pieces. Desquamation lasts 3-4 days.

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This second stage of menstruation, which is characterized by regeneration of the surface epithelium layer. This process occurs due to active multiplication of its cells. That is, the endometrium is reduced during the month. The process of recovery begins around the 5th day from the beginning of the critical days.


During this period, changes occur through the process of follicular maturation. endometrial proliferation It continues until about the 14th day of the cycle.

This stage is characterized by the beginning of the growth of the endometrial glands. He is 3-5 times thicker.

Under the influence of estrogen begins to actively grow outside the uterine tissue. Its mucous membrane becomes thicker, thereby reconstructing operation.

Proliferation period coincides with the beginning of growth of follicles.

ovulation period

This second phase of the menstrual cycle, which has a great reproductive significance. Ovulation is characterized by the release of an egg from the follicle. It takes place in mid-cycle, around the 14th day.

During this period, the body creates favorable opportunities for the fertilization of the egg. Women wishing to soon become a mother, you need to remember that for 2 days should occur conception. Chance of becoming pregnant is very high in this period.

Yield ovum from the follicle organism provokes enhanced production of luteinizing hormone. Also, this substance contributes to its maturation.

When the egg is mature, follicular bubble burst, causing it to be released into the fallopian tube and will be expected to meet with the sperm.

The torn follicle ripening corpus luteum. Its growth will trigger the production of progesterone by the body, so that the conditions will be created for successful conception.

Ovulation - this is the shortest phase of the menstrual cycle. Its maximum duration - 2 days.

luteal phase

This is the third phase of the menstrual cycle, which passes through the two scenarios depending on whether conception has occurred. If successful, the egg is fertilized, ie pregnancy, follicular bubble formed in the corpus luteum triggers the production of active organism lutein hormone and progesterone. Thanks to these substances woman can bear a child and give birth to it.

Progesterone and luteal hormone nourish a fertilized egg during pregnancy, as well as contribute to the formation of the placenta.

You have to understand how many days lasts the period. Regardless of whether conception has occurred, the luteal phase of the cycle lasts 14 days.

At this moment you can exit creamy discharge from the genitals. In the absence of conception organism that produces progesterone is prepared for the beginning of a new menstrual cycle, which lasts 27-33 days.

Luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by the manifestation of the symptoms of PMS. Many women in this period of time experiencing unpleasant psychological and physiological symptoms. For example, their mood changed dramatically.

It is worth remembering that the cycle can be shifted. This is due to the activity of hormones that function for the purpose of conception and birth. If the production of a certain hormone was broken, there will be a gap consistent cyclical chain.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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