How to normalize the menstrual cycle cause of the failure, folk remedies and medicines

Women in the body is a series of monthly cyclical changes. This is a natural physiological process, pointing to the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Under the influence of some of the reasons in this system may not function properly. Therefore it is necessary to know how to normalize the menstrual cycle. In order to restore the monthly used medications and recipes of traditional medicine.

think about the monthly


  • Why disrupted menstrual cycle
  • The main causes of failure
  • normalization cycle
    • traditional medicine
    • Folk remedies
  • recommendations

Why disrupted menstrual cycle

Failure may provoke both physiological and pathological reasons. Often such violations entails a strong emotional shock. This is accompanied by a series of hormonal changes that affect the reproductive function.

can be observed delay controller postpartumAnd as a result of uterine curettage. A single delay menstruation or their appearance before they are due special fears causes. About pathological processes occurring in the body signals the persistent violation of the cycle.

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The main causes of failure

The main reason why there is a delay - cycle of nerves fail. Due to the strong psycho-emotional overvoltage occurs hormonal failure is noted and the delay controller. Provoke such changes may also excessive exercise. Often the problem is with the cycle occur in professional athletes.

regularly go monthly in adolescence. As soon as a return for the first two years after the onset of menarche, cycle and hormones stabilize. Failure also happens due to an abrupt change of climatic conditions, excessive or insufficient weight.

Affect the timing of the arrival controller capable of oral contraceptives and other groups of drugs. Impact on the cyclical processes occurring in the body of thyroid and adrenal glands.

Failure is often observed as a result of the development of the female reproductive organs diseases (uterus, appendages, fallopian tubes and cervix). Another reason for which may be absent menses, is pregnancy.

normalization cycle

In the process of restoring menstrual cycle is very important to avoid fatigue, to lead a healthy lifestyle and to normalize the vaginal microflora. Help solve the problem of medication drugs and folk remedies.

traditional medicine

In situations where the critical days observed prematurely or appear with a delay, the first thing to do - to see a gynecologist. After identifying the causes of such violations doctor selects a suitable treatment strategy.

If a woman is in the near future is not planning a pregnancy, she is assigned reception means of hormonal contraception. They help to restore hormone levels change due to nervous shock and abrupt climate changes.

Upon detection of the genitourinary system pathologies selection of drugs is carried out taking into account the etiology of these diseases. Employed in anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-fungal agents or local integrated action.

It is mandatory to be appointed vitamins. Thanks to them, you can improve the overall health and speed up the process of therapy.

It is also recommend that you read about restoration of the menstrual cycle without hormones.

drinking pill

Folk remedies

Normalization cycle is possible by means of traditional medicine. For this purpose, most commonly used:

  1. Borovaya uterus. The use of this herb effectively. Infusion based on it are made as follows: tablespoon of raw material to pour 200 ml hot water for half an hour and stand in a water bath. Take four times a day for one tablespoon.
  2. A decoction of onion peel. For its preparation with two kilograms bow remove husks and pour three liters of cold water. The mixture was put on the stove and kept as long as the liquid does not acquire a deep red hue. Three times during the day means taking one tablespoon.
  3. Nettle. A tablespoon of dry grass to pour a glass of hot water and infuse for half an hour, then strain and drink throughout the day in small portions.
  4. Broth-based wormwood. Half a teaspoon of the plant should be pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for at least an hour. You need to drink one tablespoon per day.
  5. Bay leaf. Several sheets pour a quarter cup of boiling water on the stove and weary about ten minutes. The prepared broth drink at a time. Means although it has a very unpleasant taste, but also helps to quickly restore the menstrual cycle.
broth leafs

Apply the recipes of traditional medicine for the normalization cycle is permitted only after approval of such therapy with their physician. Self-medication is not allowed. Such actions can significantly aggravate the situation.


Fault loop can occur for physiological reasons and because of serious gynecological diseases. Determine what caused a similar change, only a doctor can. To that end, examination by a gynecologist and a set of diagnostic measures. Based on the data selected treatment strategy.

Nevertheless, there are a number of recommendations, following which, will be able to normalize the cycle, if the crash led to his functional disorders:

  1. For one and a half weeks before the expected start of the critical days of vitamin E, which stimulates ovarian activity.
  2. Systematically take nutraceuticals, which is composed of a complex of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Monitor the diet. Crucial normalization supply. The menu should be healthy and balanced.
  4. Avoid psycho-emotional strain.
  5. Sports on a regular basis will have a positive impact on the reproductive system. It can be biking, hiking, jogging, swimming, fitness or yoga.
  6. Allocate enough time for sleep and recreation.
  7. Maintain a regular sex life.

Systematic delays and the emergence of regulation ahead of schedule - it is a serious problem, often signaling on the development of gynecological pathologies.

If you violate the cyclical menstruation must necessarily be examined by a gynecologist. Even if such changes were provoked by physiological causes, restore cycle is necessary under strict medical supervision.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 86
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