How to calculate the monthly cycle, the right to determine the duration

Every woman should know when she wait the arrival of the next menstruation. Due to this it will be able to see if everything is normal with her reproductive system. In addition, to understand how to read the monthly cycle, will be able to find out the exact date of their arrival, calculate the safe days and avoid excesses.

menstrual calendar


  • Phase of the menstrual cycle
    • follicular
    • luteal
  • We expect the cycle
    • next day of menstruation
    • the day of ovulation
    • safe days
  • How to determine cycle regularity

Phase of the menstrual cycle

To calculate the length of the menstrual cycle, it is necessary first of all to understand the processes that occur in the body during this period. They are directly dependent on the level of hormones produced by the ovaries.

Conventionally, the cycle is divided into several phases:

  • follicular;
  • ovulatory;
  • luteal.


The first day of menstruation is the beginning of the cycle. During this period, the follicular phase begins. Its length, depending on the individual, varies from 7 to 22 days. Phase starts from the moment when the uterus is purified from endometrial previously formed (during the critical days).

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Toward the end of menstruation in the pituitary there is intense development of follicle-stimulating hormone that promotes the development of follicles in the ovaries. In the process of their growth become prominent estrogen needed for the growth of a new layer of the endometrium.

When the egg matures and the follicle bursts, the phase of ovulation begins. A woman's body at this time ready to fertilization. Duration ovulatory process is from 1 to 3 days.

phase of the menstrual cycle


This stage of the cycle is called the corpus luteum phase. Operation of this timing gland lasts about 12 days. There is an intensive development of progesterone.

If successful fertilization, the corpus luteum continues to operate until such time as the endometrium will not end the process of formation of the placenta. In the absence of pregnancy there is the withering away of the breast, come the critical days. With the appearance of spotting begins a new cycle of menstruation.

We expect the cycle

To understand how to calculate the monthly cycle, quite easily. This process will help the table or a simple calendar. You just need to regularly celebrate the first day of the month and the last.

Such monitoring should be carried out for six months. In this case, the first day of the cycle correctly considered the start date of menstruation, and the last - the day before the arrival of the next menstruation.

next day of menstruation

Many women are wondering how to count the monthly cycle, mistakenly think that this period captures the period from the completion of some of the critical days before the other. In fact it is not. The first day of menstruation - is the beginning of the menstrual cycle. This day should be considered first.

To determine the time of arrival of the next menstruation, it is necessary for six months in a calendar date to mark the beginning of the critical days. The data obtained allow us to understand how to read monthly. For example, if the cycle time is 28 days, menstruation began the 1st number, the arrival of the next critical days is to be expected on the 28th of the same month.

mark your calendar

There are several other nuances that need to be taken into account when calculating. Women are often worried about how to count the cycle during menstruation, when they appeared in the late evening. According to doctors, in which case their arrival date should be moved to the next day.

Another important point - profuse discharge. If blood starts to smear only, then this date can be considered the beginning of the critical days. The only thing you need to consider - in endometriosis symptoms are observed long before the arrival of the regulation. Therefore it is better to consult a gynecologist, who not only take into account all the nuances, but also help to make the schedule of menstruation.

the day of ovulation

Talking about how to properly count cycle between periods and to determine the date of ovulation, it should be noted that important to consider the duration of the regulation. Thus be able to know when the egg is released from the follicle and is ready for fertilization.

This date is calculated as follows: first cycle is determined by the middle - this will be the date of ovulation (The most favorable day for conception), then counted in the one and the other side for another five days.

Thus, for the duration of 28 days fertilized ovum can occur with 9th to 19th.

In addition, there are certain symptoms that are also signaling that began the process of ovulation. Among the main ones are the following:

  • vaginal become abundant and alter its consistency (viscous, resembling an egg protein);
  • sexual attraction is largely increased;
  • basal temperature rises.

These features help ensure that all calculations have been made correctly, and accurately determine the period of the beginning of the ovulatory process.

couple in bed

safe days

Determination of safe days - a calendar method of contraception. Despite the fact that its effectiveness is questionable, and many women still rely on this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. According to statistics, the error is about twenty percent.

This method may be used only if the critical days there strictly in a certain period and the schedule for a long time did not go astray.

To calculate the safe days in which the probability of pregnancy is reduced to a minimum, you need to consider data collected by at least half. First of all it is necessary to calculate the average length of the period and highlight it in the middle of 10 days - the most dangerous days. The remaining numbers are small chances of fertilization.

Thus, with a cycle time of 28 days from the first day after menstruation up to the ninth - safe period, starting from the 19th and 28th special worry about the possible conception and not worth.

According to this principle to create an individual table for a certain period, however, short-lived. In the body, at any time may fail, and the calculations already prove unreliable.

How to determine cycle regularity

To determine the duration of the menstrual cycle and its regularity, it is necessary to conduct a calendar month, which marks the first day of menstruation. With these estimates will be possible to determine favorable and dangerous to the date of conception, and to identify serious violations in the body. Regular menstruation - is one of the main features of women's health.

female reproductive system

To properly calculate and build a regular schedule, it is necessary to observe the changes in the character of discharge, their duration and the date of arrival for six months.

If heavy menstruation abruptly replaced by anointing, come at different times and noted the length of the change, it is possible to suspect a serious pathology. In this case, we need medical consultation.

Know your cycle using a calculator in days can be, adhering to a set of rules. The main thing you need to do - over a long period of time to celebrate, with the start of menstruation what day.

  1. The first example is taken for the correct calculation of data for each month in order to detect the presence of vibrations. Thus, if the first menses began on May 7, and the next came on June 4, it is necessary from 31 (the number of days in May) and subtract 7 add 4. The result is 28. This is the length of the period.
  2. Second example: the calculations are made with fluctuations from 1 to 3 days. In those cases where in the determination of the duration of different results were obtained (26, 27, 28 days), the average of the numbers and duration period will be considered. In this example, such would be 27.
  3. Third example: the calculations are performed at regular failures. If the same number, but there were fluctuations in the same month, it was noted during the year, its value is not taken into account. Perhaps these disorders are caused by stress or overwork.

An entirely different situation if there are fluctuations from month to month and account for more than two days. In this case we are talking about irregular menstruation, the duration of which can not be calculated.

The arrival of critical days for women is often a surprise. To avoid unpleasant situations, you need to keep track of the date of their arrival and to conduct a special calendar. Thus able to identify disturbances in the body and eliminate them quickly.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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