When the starting month after birth through breastfeeding, and whether menstruation during lactation is possible

Births are inevitably reflected in the body of any woman's condition, and his recovery will take time. The changes affect the reproductive system. To name only right timing when starting month after birth through breastfeeding, it is simply impossible. The normalization of the cycle depends on several factors.

Equally important is the question of whether the onset of menstruation, if the baby is fed with breast milk. Often periods appear before the end of the period of lactation. Often, the cycle begins to recover at a time when the first lure administered.

Woman and Child


  • When after delivery at GW come monthly
    • If the baby receives only breast milk
    • If feeding mixed
  • What should be the month after birth
  • Can I breastfeed during menstruation
  • How many will come monthly, if not breastfeeding
  • Lochia - is menstruating or not
  • What happens in a woman's body after childbirth
    • The nervous system and the hormonal status
    • Genitals and breasts

When after delivery at GW come monthly

Time of normalization of reproductive function depends primarily on the level of hormones in the body. Many women breastfeeding note that monthly come only after a year. Affect the reproductive function and other factors. In non-breastfeeding mothers in the recovery cycle takes about 50 days. Breastfeeding periods may go in just 100 days. In the same case, when the kid gets mixed feeding, the cycle returns to normal after 3-4 months.

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If the baby receives only breast milk

Monthly during lactation can not start a long period. Due to frequent initiation of breastfeeding is an intensive production of prolactin, facilitating the emergence of milk. Its increasing concentration creates a barrier for normal functioning of the ovaries and the normalization cycle. Despite this, in some cases, the natural feeding critical days there are only a few months after birth. Such changes are due to certain peculiarities of the body.

When feeding with breast milk for a long period (1.5 years) in the night and daytime menses may not start up to two years. It is not necessary to perceive the absence of menstruation as the development problems in the body.

Once breast feeding will stop the menstrual cycle starts to recover, and soon will go monthly.

some use lactational amenorrhea as a contraceptive agentHowever, doctors say that it is not the most reliable method of contraception.

If feeding mixed

Mixed feeding and monthly - this is one of the variants of the norm. If you do not feed your baby only breast milk, but also special mixtures, the prolactin hormone is no longer produced so active, and thus begins the restoration of reproductive function, with the result that there menses.

Often, due to introduction of weaning shortage of breast milk. The problem is caused by the deficiency of prolactin. If this hormone in the body is not enough, the ovaries begin to function - and appear monthly during lactation. Breastfeeding and the introduction of additional food in the diet of baby vaginal bleeding will go after 2-3 months.

Even when a woman is not the baby feeds, but only gives a newborn after feeding vodichku often appear monthly during breastfeeding. Restoration of reproductive function occurs in the absence of nighttime feedings.

Naturally, after termination of lactation prolactin concentration abruptly decreases and the reproductive system gradually function. Although in the first months may change the nature of these emissions and the duration of critical days.

What should be the month after birth

The first menstruation after birth are different from those that were before pregnancy. This is due to the expansion of the cervical canal and the change in status of the mother, associated with the birth of the baby. During this period, the delay is often observed monthly.

Hormonal imbalance leads to disruption of the periodicity. Regular monthly restored only after 90-120 days. That is why women often complain that the menses were gone again. Menstrual cycle to that point had not yet normalized, and such failures are the norm.

Observed irregular periods while breastfeeding. Only after the end of the lactation period will complete recovery cycle, and menstruation will come in due time.

If you come during the month of breastfeeding, it is not necessary to stop GW. Regeneration cycle will be carried out regardless of whether or not the lactation proceeds.

woman breastfeeds

It is often stated that the previously painful menstruation become asymptomatic. These changes are due to the fact that the pain was caused by the bending of the uterus, due to which blood flow is problematic. After the birth of the child is no longer bend.

Menses on HS often have scant or excessive abundant in nature. After the cessation of breastfeeding lost blood volume returns to normal.

Can I breastfeed during menstruation

Women often think about the fact, whether the taste of the milk changes with the arrival of menstruation, and believe that the critical days are a significant reason for the termination of breastfeeding. Physicians thus argue that the restoration of the reproductive system does not affect the milk. This product contains a huge amount of nutrients that are needed for normal development of the baby, so breast-feeding is recommended to continue with the monthly.

It is sometimes said that during the critical days of lactation decreases. To avoid the loss of milk volume, you just need to reduce the intervals between feedings.

When sweating monthly increases significantly. Most of the iron at the same time is located in the area of ​​the nipple. Milk acquires a specific flavor that may not like the kid. Avoid such problems when breastfeeding is simple enough. We just need to frequently wash your breasts and maintain personal hygiene.

How many will come monthly, if not breastfeeding

Month after childbirth at artificial feeding appear after only 50 days after the baby's birth. And allowed minor deviation in larger and smaller side. The dates on which menses recover after childbirth, depending on the state of health, hormonal and external factors. Stress, unfavorable climate, lifestyle and diet - all this affects the way when the woman begins to menstruate.

tired woman with babies

Lochia - is menstruating or not

Many pregnant women find that their periods are immediately after birth. Postnatal discharge did not have anything to do with menstrual periods. The cycle is simply not restored in such a short period of time.

The blood which is in the period, due to the healing process of the uterus after placenta rejection occurred. In medicine, such allocation is called lochia. The duration of an average of five to seven weeks. At the same time it noted that the uterus is quickly restored at GW. It was not until after the end of lochia come monthly.

What happens in a woman's body after childbirth

After previous normal delivery or caesarean section mothers body is undergoing major changes. During this period, the regression of all systems and organs that have been changed in connection with pregnancy and the birth of the child. The duration of the restructuring of the body is six to eight weeks.

The nervous system and the hormonal status

After the appearance of a baby born in a woman's serious hormonal changes occur. the levels of progesterone and estrogen significantly reduced. For this reason, a marked decrease of the intensity of metabolism and fat oxidation process, whereby the amount of adipose tissue is increased.

It is also noted active development of prolactin - a hormone that triggers the formation in the breast milk. Due to its high concentration of lost monthly during breastfeeding. This is one of the amazing features of the female body.

The strong emotional load leads to weak reactions to various stimuli. Often there is a depression.

sad woman with a child

Genitals and breasts

Significant changes occur in the mammary glands. Since the first days after the birth of their allocated colostrum (thick yellow substance).

After 3-4 days in the breast milk to come, is a response to the baby sucking movements. In the future, there is change in the volume of breast milk, which depends on the child's needs.

In this period it is recommended to feed the baby are not on the clock, and on-demand. In this way possible to increase the amount of milk to the volume in which the baby needs. The absence of menstruation during breastfeeding observed at frequent nursing baby to her breast. Long-term interruptions lead to the fact that menstruation appears at GW.

Sometimes there are some problems with feeding. Weaning at the same time it is not always considered to be the right decision. Micro-cracks on the nipples after a time to heal, and feeding does not cause discomfort.

As a result, placenta uterine changes shape. There is a reduction of the body, there is a nagging pain in the abdomen, which is felt most strongly when feeding a newborn.

Gradually resets the cervix. This process is completed only towards the 13th week. Form the external os at the same time recovering only if you do a cesarean section. It decreases with time and the size of the vagina. In the prenatal state body will again six weeks later.

Childbirth and during lactation influence the menstrual cycle. After the appearance of a baby born reproductive system for a long time recovering. Timing of menstruation when this depends on many factors and individual characteristics of the female organism.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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