Norma monthly cycle: how many days should be between periods

Female body is fairly complex system. For reproductive health is important to understand its structure and how it functions. Let's see, what should be the normal monthly cycle. This knowledge will help to determine the existence of problems in the genital area to a gynecological examination.

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  • The normal menstrual cycle
    • The first phase
    • Ovulation
    • The second phase
    • Menstruation
  • How to calculate the menstrual cycle
  • From which the duration of the menstrual cycle is dependent

The normal menstrual cycle

If the physiological processes occur in the body regularly and systematically, it means that the woman has an excellent reproductive health.

Each of the fairer sex should know what kind of interval between critical days is considered normal. Menstrual cycle is a period between periods. In healthy women it is stable. The cycle time is individual. It is determined by a number of factors, chief among which is the duration of desquamation (separation process uterine endometrium).

To prevent the possible development of a pathology, it is necessary to know how many days a normal cycle lasts. So, its duration depends on the number of days desquamation. In normal menstruation it lasts 21 to 35 days, on average - 27-28 days.

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In the absence of hormone failures, the cycle will be regular. If the organism is present in pathogenic infection or tumor, possible deviations from the norm. Therefore, to say for sure how many days lasts the normal physiological range, it is impossible.

In women, after 40 years of break between periods may increase. This is due to slow production of sex hormones by the body.

Abnormal menstrual cycle - is a serious pathology. If the girl ran to her, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination.

Girl at the doctor

The first phase

We found that normal cycle is characterized by the duration of 21-35 days. The first phase of this cycle is called the follicular.

After menstruation ovarian follicle grows and develops - a small bubble. Subsequently, he will make mature egg.

This process takes approximately half a period between periods. Under the influence of sex hormone production occurs ovarian oocytes that are located on ovulation in the fallopian tube to meet with the sperm. The duration of the follicular phase - 12-16 days.


If the length of the average menstrual cycle, that is 27-28 days, ovulation occurs on the 13-14 th day. At this stage, the egg is released from the follicle in order to find the sperm that will fertilize it.

In the case of violations of the cycle between periods due to hormonal imbalance ovulation can occur twice. The duration of ovulation - from 1 to 3 days. If the release of an egg occurs regularly once every month and at regular intervals, so women's reproductive health is normal.

During ovulation, the follicle bursts, so at this stage can escape from the vagina pink specks.

The second phase

Before the onset of menstruation in the ovary at the site published the women's cells grow the corpus luteum. This phase is called the luteal, it occurs after ovulation. The normal duration - 11-13 days.

When the corpus luteum in the ovary development occurs, the body actively produces hormones that prepare the body for a possible pregnancy.

The luteal phase is the body temperature should not be very high, although it may slightly increase.

menstrual cycle


Regardless of the duration of the menstrual cycle, reproductive health in terms of a woman is regularly confronted with the menstruation process. In pregnant and immature girls, she does not appear.

Month must pass on the 5-7th day. If not, perhaps there was a hormonal failure. Also continuous desquamation provoke gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis.

If the cycle time is less than 35 days, the volume of blood during menstruationIt is no more than 50-60 ml.

How to calculate the menstrual cycle

Stable interval between desquamation - an indicator of excellent reproductive performance. To control their women's health, it is important to know how to calculate the monthly cycle.

It begins with the first day of the desquamation and ends with the beginning of another. No matter how much last menstrual cycle, women should monitor their health for each of its phases.

It is believed that the number of days. For convenience, it is recommended to use the calendar. Every month it is necessary to mark the beginning of the month. Healthy woman interval between critical days should not exceed 33-35 days.

Knowing your cycle length, you can determine the date of the next menstruation. To do this, the calendar date marked the beginning of the month, the number of days of the current desquamation deducted the days passed. To the result 1 is added. This will be the length of the menstrual cycle.

Calendar reproductive health control method is very convenient. Its implementation is to determine not only the presence of pathologies provoked the crash, but the pregnancy. If delay monthly for more than 7 days while a woman is faced with toxemia, probably it will soon become a mother. In this case, it is not recommended to delay the campaign to the gynecologist.

girl looks at the calendar

From which the duration of the menstrual cycle is dependent

Talking about how many runs during the normal menstrual cycle, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the female body. In some of the fair sex the normal interval between desquamation may be 21 days, while others - 35.

Cyclicity can be irregular. Most often this is due to changes in hormonal levels. medication assigned to his stabilization gynecologists.

If the hormonal changes of the menstrual except failure leading to symptoms such as nausea, menorrhagia (Heavy menstruation), severe pain in the uterus, it is possible that the body develops a pathological process.

In addition to hormonal imbalance, stand and other factors affecting the length of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Diseases of the endocrine system (e.g., adrenal disease).
  2. Inflammation of the pelvic organs.
  3. Fast weight loss or weight gain.
  4. Gynecological pathology (e.g., uterine fibroids or polyposis).
  5. Abrupt change in weather or climate.
  6. Psycho-emotional stress.

If ovulatory or luteal phase comes late, delay the campaign to the gynecologist is not necessary. Lack of timely treatment of disease is fraught with the emergence of dangerous complications - up to infertility.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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