Month after cesarean: when to start and how many are breastfeeding

Regardless of whether a baby born by natural delivery or operational, it is a difficult test for a woman connected with the restructuring of the body. The postpartum period is always difficult and takes a long time, especially in cases of forced surgery. Special attention deserve the month after cesarean section.

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  • When the starting month after cesarean
  • How much are the monthly after cesarean
  • The long-term consequences

When the starting month after cesarean

The dates on which menses after cesarean directly whistle on a woman will breastfeed or not. This is due to the fact that in the process of lactation hormone is released, the blocking activity of the ovaries. Respectively, monthly breastfeeding do not appear. All prolactin is spent on the production of milk.

Only when a woman during breastfeeding begins to give the baby solid foods, the effect of prolactin on the ovaries is reduced and there is a restoration of their functions. In this case the first period begins about three, a maximum of four months.

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When artificial feeding recovery menstrual cycle will begin immediately after the discharge lochia. First month to wait through one or at most three months.

If the mother is not breastfeeding her baby, menstruation has not begun within six months, it is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist.

a woman is breastfeeding

How much are the monthly after cesarean

Month after cesarean different intensity. Such isolation characteristic of the first two months. After delivery, heavy menstruation are the norm. This is due to the active hormone production and the individual characteristics of the female organism.

If the amount of bleeding after a specified period of time is not reduced, it is necessary to seek the help of a gynecologist. It is possible that the intensity of menstruation due to hyperplasia or other pathology.

For the cycle after cesarean characteristic inconstancy in the first three months. After that menstruation will come to normal and return to such parameters as before the pregnancy. The interval between them should be in the range of from 21 to 35 days. If after 35 days of selection will not start, you need to consult a doctor.

The duration of menses should not exceed seven days and be shorter than three days. Later discounts on surgeries are not done. If there is outside these limits indications need medical consultation.

woman at the doctor

The long-term consequences

Violation of a woman's body can be caused by many factors. It is worth noting those possible deviations, when they appear, should visit a gynecologist:

  • lochia stopped prematurely. In most cases, this phenomenon signals the uterus Bend. For this reason, isolation can not go outside, and developed endometritis;
  • meager selection. This may indicate that the uterus contracts enough, blood accumulates in it. As a result, it begins the inflammatory process;
  • unstable loop six months after surgery - Caesarean. Under normal circumstances, the women come monthly in due time. Celebrated their regularity and painless. Cycle disorders indicate the presence of problems in the body;
  • very copious, which last longer than in the first two cycles. At the same time there is a suspicion of uterine bleeding, Requiring immediate treatment. The organ during surgery incision, which is then sutured, but further prevents the uterus to contract properly. If an hour a woman spends more than one sanitary napkin, it is in urgent need of medical care;
  • long periods (more than a week) may also indicate uterine bleeding;
  • unpleasant smell monthly blood. Changes are characterized by purulent process and infections in the genitals. This is a typical symptom of endometritis, which is more common after cesarean section than with vaginal delivery. Additional signs of disease appear hyperthermia and pain in the abdomen;
  • daub before menstruation and after their completion. When the reproductive system is normal, these changes are not observed;
  • itching and cheesy discharge. Receiving antibiotic agents can entail the development of candidiasis, which is particularly dangerous in the postpartum period;
  • frequent menstruation, repeated at least three cycles. When the first monthly cycle time in 14-20 days is not serious, but in the future it may indicate a uterine capacity problems.

Women who have given birth to the baby by Caesarean section should be inspected and a half, maximum two months after the operation.

After a short period of time it is already becoming evident how well the recovery process is going and how well the tissue heal. You need to independently monitor the nature of menstruation and if it detects any changes to seek help from a doctor. Only with the timely holding of the diagnosis will be able to quickly resolve the current problems and to avoid unintended consequences.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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