Go there monthly after the removal of the uterus, whether menstruation, if left ovary, the consequences of the operation

Reproductive system occupies a very important place in the female body. The normal functioning of its effect on the sexual activity and overall health. A special role in this is played by the arrival of a steady monthly. If a woman's body there are any problems, the doctors are trying to avoid surgery by prescribing medication. But it happens that the removal of the uterus - is the only way to save not only the health and lives.

Then go there monthly after the removal of the uterus, depending on the degree of interference. And it should be known.

It tells the story of the removal of the uterus


  • Indications for removal
    • Hysterectomy
  • Uterus removal
    • abdominal surgery
    • through the vagina
  • Month after surgery
    • The lack of critical days
  • Treatment and consequences

Indications for removal

The main reason for the removal of female genitals are considered fibroids. for excision of a basis are:

  • big sizes;
  • great amount;
  • the likelihood of the transformation of benign tumors in oncology;
  • rapid growth.

Surgery is prescribed in the event that there is no way to cure fibroids with medication or cut them individually.

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In addition, there are other reasons for removing the main reproductive organ of a woman:

  • cancer;
  • serious mechanical damage;
  • endometriosis;
  • prolapse or uterine prolapse.

In each situation the doctor selects the type of intervention and the necessary volume of excision genitals. It depends on many factors:

  • extent of the disease;
  • related diseases;
  • general condition of the woman.


It happens that as a result of such an operation, a female reproductive organ is not removed entirely. Depending on the characteristics of the disease may leave the cervix.

types of hysterectomy

If a woman in this case were also the ovaries, under the influence of the data produced by the glands of internal secretion of hormones on the remaining portion of the uterine endometrium will be formed. Respectively, will go and monthly, but in a much smaller volume.

If reproductive organ has been removed completely, then the mucosa have nowhere else to grow, and therefore cease and menstruation.

When stored appendages, or at least one ovary releases hormones. If you stayed at least a part of the uterus, then it grows and rejected the endometrium, respectively, occur monthly.

After a hysterectomy, the entire genitals regulation does not happen. If after a few months there is bleeding, it is a signal about the pathology.

Uterus removal

Amputation of the uterus - is a complex process. After the operation the woman spends mental and physical energy to bounce back. Depending on the state of health and the lesion during surgery cut:

  • ovaries and fallopian tubes;
  • one tube and ovary;
  • the cervix.

At the same time, or abdominal surgery is performed, or a doctor gets to the pathology through the vagina. The chosen method will also depend on the effects of manipulation and rehabilitation period.

abdominal surgery

To perform this procedure, the doctor makes an incision in the abdomen. The operation takes from 40 minutes to 2 hours. The disadvantages of this type of intervention include:

  • large scar that will remain on the woman's body;
  • a high level of trauma and severe postoperative period.

By abdominal incision is performed ablation or hysterectomy.


Amputation - the removal of the female reproductive organ in which are stored and cervix and fallopian tubes, and ovaries also leave. A hysterectomy involves the removal of the whole of the reproductive system. Thus, the month after the amputation of the uterus will continue to go, and after extirpation - no.

After any type of abdominal surgery can leave small pieces of tissue and minor blood separation. To sound the alarm and immediately go to the doctor is necessary if:

  • blood goes, still a month or two;
  • separated by large clots;
  • bleeding accompanied by pain;
  • allocation have a bright red color.

through the vagina

When this operation is excised mucosa in the upper part of the vagina. In this type of hysterectomy has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • less risk of trauma and complications;
  • beautiful cosmetic effect;
  • a short period of rehabilitation and more rapid recovery after the procedure.
removal of the uterus through the vagina

By cons rank:

  • difficulty by visual inspection of the abdominal cavity;
  • increased risk to hurt the bladder or rectum;
  • It is difficult to stop the bleeding.

In our country this kind of manipulation is carried out at prolapse, uterine prolapse or a sex-change operation. Therefore, more and more often to remove the bodies of the female reproductive system using laparoscopy.

Women who are in the course of the operation have been preserved ovaries, it is easier going through rehabilitation. This is due to the fact that these endocrine glands continue to produce hormones in the body is not disturbed balance biologically active substances.

Month after surgery

Regular monthly after the removal of the uterus is only possible on the condition that it does not completely excised, and left some part, such as the neck. Then on her and will increase the endometrium, which is rejected by every month, causing cyclic selection. But for this it is necessary to leave the ovaries as menstruation occurs under the influence of hormones that they synthesize. Also, due to being in the body of the endocrine glands it slower aging and better resists environmental factors.

After excision of the ovaries begin hormonal changes and surgical menopause all of its manifestations. Thus, to continue monthly, the body must be present ovaries and at least part of the uterus. If all of this was removed and after 2 months after the procedure is still observed prolonged bleeding, it is a sign of pathology. In this case, it is necessary to see a doctor.

To understand when to guard, be sure to read more information about the color menstrual blood fine.

Before and after surgery a woman needs to take antibiotics to prevent infection. They are not appointed only in case of individual intolerance of this type of medication.

The lack of critical days

After a hysterectomy, women are often very difficult to deal with it emotionally. The knowledge of the lack of child-bearing body of the fairer sex feels the futility in terms of implementation of the main female purpose. To a large extent this remind amenorrhea and the scars left behind after surgery.

To postoperative stress is not transferred to the prolonged depression, a man close to the city, you need to be as caring, patient and loving. Women in such a mental state is very fragile and vulnerable, even if they will not admit it. After all, other representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are going through menopause and menopause for several years.

Even extremely stressoustojchivosti woman may experience panic when suddenly she lost monthly.

Therefore, all the family and friends is important to show a keen interest and participation in the life of a loved one. The main thing - to give positive emotions and distract from the sad thoughts. Well, if a woman has children and perhaps even grandchildren, then survive the postoperative pain is much easier than a girl who only planned to become a mother.

Treatment and consequences

The first 2 months for women who have had surgery to remove the uterus, it is undesirable to have sexual intercourse. This is necessary so as not to injure or infect joints, remaining after surgery.

Also, up to 6 months, it is necessary to eliminate heavy lifting, active exercise, taking hot baths, and in any case not be nervous.

If left neck and appendages, the normal monthly cycle will be restored in about 4-6 months after the manipulation. Those who had their ovaries removed, prescribe hormonal treatments for smoothing the symptoms of early menopause.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 58
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