Month after hysteroscopy: when to start and why crashes

reaction of the organism occurs when any, even a minor surgery in the female reproductive system. Often, after these manipulations indicated failure of the menstrual cycle, there are quantitative changes in emissions. This happens because of the hysteroscopy.

If the procedure is carried out properly, then monthly after hysteroscopy start on time or restored within a month, but in some cases take longer to normalize cycle time.

Woman in hospital


  • What is a hysteroscopy
  • Effect of treatments on the menstrual cycle
  • Possible types of menstrual failure
    • Delay
    • Longer
    • Early onset of menstruation
    • Changing the discharge volume
  • When coming month after hysteroscopy

What is a hysteroscopy

Uterine hysteroscopic procedure - a method of minimally invasive examination of the uterus, which is widely used in gynecological practice. With its help it is possible to examine the state of internal genital organs.

In the process of manipulation uses a device called "hysteroscope", equipped with a tiny camera, as well as ports for introducing fluid into the uterus and surgical instruments.

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Depending on the purpose of the procedure should be done hysteroscopy in a certain day of the cycle. Diagnosis inflammations performed during the second phase, and to detect tumors in the first examination is recommended. In case of emergency (for medicinal purposes) can hysteroscopy during menstruation.

Surgical method allows remove polyps in the uterus and small fibroids, minimizing damage to a woman's body.

Effect of treatments on the menstrual cycle

Hysteroscopy does not always affect the timing of the start of menstruation. This largely depends on the purpose of its implementation and impact on a woman's body. If the procedure is carried out to confirm or diagnosis, the mucous cervix and uterus are not damaged. Accordingly, the start of menses should be exactly on time.

doctor performs hysteroscopy

Due to the fact that the study itself is stressful for the body, not excluded cycle crash. Delay menstrual period to two weeks is the norm. If the change is not only time, but also the nature of menstruation, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

If the purpose of the procedure was surgery, then the integrity of the tissue is damaged, but this does not mean that menstruation after hysteroscopy begin earlier or later date. Failures observed not always. Significant violations of the female reproductive system observed using the procedure for termination of pregnancy. Deviations are possible in the case of curettage polyps.

It is noted that the monthly and after hysteroresectoscopy come a few days ahead of time, but the cycle is quickly restored. Despite the fact that in this case not using a hysteroscope, and hysteroresectoscopy minor delays or premature menstruation is considered normal.

Possible types of menstrual failure

The first month after hysteroscopy may start slightly ahead of schedule or delayed. This deflection is normal and should not cause concern. Menstrual disorders caused by the invasion of a foreign body in the uterine cavity, performing surgical procedures and stress for the body.

In some cases, there is an increase or decrease in the number of selections, change their color and duration of menstruation.


Doctors warn in advance that as a result of the hysteroscopy can cycle delay. So that the body recovered is often enough just one month, but there are exceptions.

The survey - it's stress, in which periods may begin a few weeks later than expected. The nature and duration of the discharge are normal.

calendar and laying

As a result of the surgery can be insignificant delay, which is equal to the length of time from the last menstrual period before the date of the procedure. Expect to see monthly follows through 28-30 days after the hysteroscopy.

In those cases, when menses do not appear in seven weeks after the manipulation, need medical consultation. The reason for the long delay may be monthly cervical spasm prevents the exit of blood out. Pathology requires urgent treatment and can cause serious complications.


The reason cycle disorders and prolonging a monthly reaction to external interference. These changes are not considered to be a sign of pathology, but only if you do not change the character of discharge, there is no pain and the general condition remains normal.

In the presence of concomitant symptoms need to consult a doctor.

Early onset of menstruation

Scraping endometrial polyps or just an inspection by hysteroscopy affect the menstrual cycle. In this regard, it does not exclude the beginning of the month ahead of schedule after the procedure.

The main thing is to keep the overall well-being, to quickly identify uterine bleeding resulting from inflammation of damaged tissues. Vaginal discharge in this case accompanied by pain in the abdomen and lower back.

woman holding her stomach

Changing the discharge volume

Sometimes women say the appearance of scarce discharge after the examination or treatment using a hysteroscope. This condition is considered to be normal, not serious. The reason for reducing the amount of blood in the fence lies endometrial tissues during surgical procedures. For the first month, he just did not have time to fully recover.

If the allocation of scarce have a dark color, overall health worsens, there are pyrexia and abdominal pain, it is not ruled out infection. A woman needs to consult a gynecologist.

A concern plentiful monthly. If it becomes necessary to replace the gasket every couple of hours, reduced blood pressure and hemoglobin level, there is a weakness, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. Reduce the amount of lost blood and lead to normal general state can only be a specialist.

When coming month after hysteroscopy

When will the monthly after the procedure, should tell the doctor. More often than not there is no change in the menstrual cycle, but in some cases may appear discharge a week earlier or later date. It is considered the norm.

After two maximum cycle is fully restored three months. The reason for the visit to a gynecologist should be the absence of menstruation for eight weeks after hysteroscopy.

For more information on period after gisterosokpii we recommend that you read in a separate article on our site.

Changes in the menstrual cycle and the nature of the discharge must not be ignored. Upon detection of any deviation from the norm is necessary to seek help from a doctor. Only a specialist can quickly identify and fix the problem. Due to this a number of complications can be avoided.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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